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Name: Dae JungAge: 23Rank: AlphaHates: Felix with anyone elseLikes: Hurting Felix

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Name: Dae Jung
Age: 23
Rank: Alpha
Hates: Felix with anyone else
Likes: Hurting Felix

Felix was trying to get out of Dae grip."Let me go you fucker" Felix said as he was kicking. Dae smacked Felix. Felix held his cheek and looked at Dae."I don't want you back. You hurt me multiple times. I want Chan" Felix pleaded. Dae balled his fits up and punched Felix. Felix eyes started bleeding."I want Chan" Felix said louder."And I want you to shut the hell UP" Dae snapped."I hate you and I want Channie" Felix said. Dae was sick of Felix whining. He threw Felix on the bed in his room and took off all his clothes."Wait no please no" Felix pleaded. Dae didn't listen and he started sucking on Felix neck.

After 6 rounds

"That was fun baby. Just like old times" Dae said as he left the room and locked it. Felix sat on the bed naked crying with his hands on his head repeatedly saying the same thing over and over again ."I want Channie, I want Channie, I want Channie, I want Channie" Felix kept repeating.

Chan, Hyunjin, Minho, Changbin, Mark, Doyoung, Jisung and Jeno was walking in the forest when Changbin stopped."I smell something" Changbin said. He sniffed the air."I smell sadness. Felix sadness" Changbin said. His eyes was flicking multiple colors."Changbin put your blindfold on. Changbin nodding and closed his eyes. He put the blindfold on and opened his eyes."What was that" Jisung asked."Nothing, let's continue and found my pup" Changbin said. Minho walked over to Jisung."It's his emotions. When he's fell his mates sad, happy, scared, worried, hurt or anything else. His eyes starts flashing colors" Minho explained."Was he born with it or was it just an ability that he earned when he presented" Jisung asked."Born with it" Minho said. Jisung nodded."The blindfold helps him from not turning us all to stone. So pretty much like Medusa" Minho said. They made it to a spot where Hyunjin looked down."Is that blood" Jeon asked. Hyunjin kneel down and touched the blood then lick it."Eww Hyunjin that's nasty" Doyoung said."It's how he could tell who's blood is it" Minho said. Hyunjin eyes turned purple."It's Felix" Hyunjin said."His eyes are purple. He's angry" Jeno said. Hyunjin looked at Chan."Found him" Chan said. Hyunjin nodded and turned into his wolf and ran off."His wolf is beautiful" Jisung said.

"Yeah, we know" Changbin said as they ran after Hyunjin

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"Yeah, we know" Changbin said as they ran after Hyunjin.

Felix fell asleep from all the crying. He was curled up in the bed when Dae came in."Guess what. I'm horny so I need you to wake the fuck up so I can fuck you."FUCK YOU" Felix yelled. Dae punched him he pushed him into the wall. Felix hissed as he hit the wall. Dae grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him into the glass lamp. Felix stood up even though his legs were hurting. Felix held onto his amulet tightly as he stood up."I don't want to fuck you" Felix said. Dae threw the glass lamp at Felix. It hurt Felix eye. Dae walked over to the pup and threw him on the bed"I was going to go easy on you but since you disobeyed me I'm not" Dae said.

After 10 rounds

Dae left with a smirk on his face. All he have to do is break Felix which will make him his once again. Felix was curled up hugging his knees tightly. He held onto his amulet.'Please find me' Felix whispered.

Hyunjin eyes became darker than before."Hyunjin eyes are becoming darker" Mark said."Felix is in danger" Chan said. They ran even faster than before just to catch up with the fast Omega."He's faster than me" Jisung said.. Hyunjin stopped at a house with lights around it. He turned back into his human form and looked at Chan. Chan sniffed the air an froze."He's here. And he's hurt" Chan said. Changbin scanned the dooor before walking in."Search everywhere" Chan said. They nodded and spilt up. Chan and Hyunjin went upstairs. Hyunjin kept smelling the air. When they got to the second room on the right. A small smell hit their noses. It was Felix strawberry vanilla scent."He's in here" Hyunjin said. They walked and froze at the sight they saw in front of them."Felix" Chan said. Felix looked at him and cried."Channie, Jinnie" Felix said as he slightly sat up. They ran over to him and looked at all the bruises on his body."He did this didn't he" Chan said as his eyes flashed red. Felix nodded. He held his amulet as he fell into Hyunjin lavender scent."I-I-I'm s-s-sorry A-A-Alpha a-a-and H-Head Omega" Felix said as he passed out."Felix. FELIX" Hyunjin yelled. Hyunjin checked for his pulse."It's weak we have to get him out of here" Hyunjin said as he picked Felix up bridal style. Dae ran into the room and slammed the door open."Hands off my Omega" Dae said as his eyes turned red. Chan got in front of Hyunjin and Felix and his eyes turned dark red."Get him out of here NOW" Chan said. Hyunjin nodded and jumped out the window. He turned into his wolf and ran as fast as he could. He saw Minho right behind him.

Changbin came from outside and he jumped on the window ledge to get in the room. He smelt Felix blood here. He looked at Dae."If your going to fight him. You might as well fight me" Changbin said as his claws came out. His eyes was red and black because of his ability. Dae ran towards the two.

Hyunjin and Minho made it to NCT house and ran inside and he house."HELP SOMEONE HELP. HE'S DYING" Hyunjin yelled. Jeongin, Seungmin, Jisung, Yuta and Haechan came downstairs."DOCTORS QUICK" Yuta yelled. Haechan took Felix from Hyunjin and followed the doctors. Hyunjin fell to his knees crying."Whag happened" Jisung asked."He was hurt. H-H-He had b-b-b-bruises e-everywhere. H-H-H-He was raped a-a-and Dae made him d-do 16 r-r-rounds with him" Hyunjin stuttered. Everything in the living room froze. Seungmin started crying again. Jisung hugged him also crying. Jeongin balled his fits up. He felt tears coming down his cheeks.


Minho was sitting in the guest room with Felix in the bed with machines attached to him. Hyunjin was sleeping on the couch in the room cuddling up with Seungmin. Jisung was downstairs with Jeongin waiting for their two Alphas to return. Chan and Changbin walked in ti be face with their mates."He's upstairs on the second floor the door to the left" Jeongin said as he laid down on the couch immediately falling asleep. Jisung just stared at them."Are y'all okay at least" Jisung finally managed to say. They nodded and looked at the Beta."What's wrong Sung" Changbin asked softly."Nothing. Good night" Jisung said as he walked upstairs. The two followed him upstairs into the room on the left. Minho was asleep with his his head on the bed and holding Felix hand. Chan and Changbin walked over to the two. Chan put Minho on the bed with Felix. Minho immediately pulled Felix into a strong cuddle but where he could hurt him. Felix snuggled his nose in Minho neck."So what now Chan" Changbin asked as he looked at his Head-Alpha."Mark him" Chan said. Changbin looked at the sleeping Omega."He's the only one I didn't mark. So I will mark him" Chan said. He looked at Felix amulet."He held it as he was calling us. His wolf is inside of there. His abilities and everything. Make sure he keeps that on at all time" Chan said as he looked at Changbin. Changbin nodded.

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