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Yang POV

"Yang get up. You have to get to work" Jeongin said. I groaned as I got up. Jeongin was already running my shower. I got up and walked in the bathroom and stripped. I hopped in the shower and started washing up. When I got out, I dried off and started brushing my teeth. After I was done I started tao dry my hair and put it in a small ponytail.

I walked in the room and put on my black modeling suit. I put my white dress shoes on and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. I saw Felix and Jisung eating breakfast."I'm off to work. See y'all later" I said as I walked out the house after I grabbed my car keys.

I hopped in the car and drove to SM company where my modeling job is at. I walked in and greeted the lady at the front desk."Good Morning Mr.Yang" the lady said."Good morning" I said. I got in the elevator and pressed the 5th floor. I got off and walked in. A bunch of people greeted me. I bowed as I walked to my dress room for hair and makeup.

"Yang, hello. How is your morning going? " a lady asked."Going good. Thanks for asking" I said as she started doing my hair."Mr. Yang, perfect. I have someone new for you to do the photos with today" Mr. Kim said."And who may that be?" I asked. He pointed to a girl who looked familiar."This is Jennie" Mr. Kim introduced."We already know each other. Don't we Yang" Jennie said as she smiled. I smiled back at her as she sat down across from me. A lady started to do Jennie hair."Y'all have 10 minutes to get ready. I'll be back in 5 minutes. Make sure their hair and makeup is done so they can put on the outfit for the photos" Mr. Kim said as he started to walk away.

Jennie looked at me and smiled

"So how have you been? How have Felix been? Actually, how have everyone been" Jennie asked. I turned my attention to her as I sat my phone down."I been good. Felix is pregnant with twins" I started."Omg, really. Do you know the genders?" Jennie asked. I nodded and started to talk again."Girl and boy. And everyone else is well" I said."Let me guess, they're yours and Lee Know babies" Jennie said as she smirked."How the hell you know that" I asked her."News travel fast. Heard you two are the ones who doesn't uses condoms" Jennie said as she started chuckling. I was a blushing mess as I turned away.

"Close your eyes for me" the lady asked me, who is doing my makeup. I closed my eyes."Well, I hope they don't take after y'all two. Then Felix will be having some trouble with those two" Jennie said she chuckled and shook her head.

"Stop talking for a moment" the lady told me. I stopped talking as she put lip cream on

Mr. Kim came back as he look at me and Jennie and saw that we weren't ready for our outfits yet."Hurry up ladies. Chop chop chop" Mr. Kim said as he walked out. Jennie and I chuckled as we both know this is how he is when he's impatient. My makeup and hair was finished so I go to the dressing room and grab my outfit off of the hanger and get dress. As I'm getting dressed, my phone rings. I grab it and answer it.

Me: Hello
Felix: Yangie
Me: Lixie, what's wrong? Why you calling off of Minho phone?
Felix: Oh, I just wanted to here your voice. I wasn't up when you left
Me: Oh, aww I love you too my baby. How's my babies?
Felix: I'm good, they are good too. They're moving and it's hurting me
Me: It's okay, on my way home I will bring you ice cream
Felix: Really
Me: *chuckles* Really
Felix: Thank you Yangie, see you when you get home
Me: Your welcome, see you baby boy

I hung up the phone and continued to get dressed. I come out of the dressing room as Jennie enter."I heard my Angel voice. Was it Felix you were talking too?" Jennie asked as she grabs her outfit off the hanger. I smiled and nodded."The twins are moving" I said. Her eyes sparkled with awe."Awww, make sure to keep me and Lisa updated so when it's time for him to be due, I will help him deliver them" Jennie said as she walked in the dressing room.

I smiled as I walked back to where Mr. Kim was at. Jennie, is a nurse or doctor. I forgot what she is. They basically are the same thing if you ask me. Mr. Kim looked at me and walked over to me."Where's Jennie?" He asked."She's getting dressed. She'll be done in a few" I said."Well, better hurry. We have 4 minutes left" Mr. Kim said as he walked away. I shook my head as Jennie came out of the dressing room."I'm ready. Where's Mr. Kim?" Jennie asked."Being an impatient asshole" I said. Jennie chuckled as Mr. Kim came back."Okay, get in position" Mr. Kim said.


Me and Jennie left and hopped in my car to get ice cream. We both got mint chocolate chip and sat down in the park on an bench to eat the ice cream."Today has been a long day. I'm so exhausted. I can't even rest. Right after this I have to get ready to go to the hospital to work my 8 hour shift" Jennie said."8 hour shift. Damn. You must be exhausted" I said. She nodded as she finished her ice cream."I'll drop you off before I go pick up Felix ice cream" I said as I finished my ice cream. She nodded as we started walking back to my car. We climbed in and I drove to her house.

When we got to her house, Jisoo was outside getting out of her car."Jisoo, hey" I said. She turned and looked at me and smiled."Hello Yang" she said as she walked over to my car and helped Jennie out of the car."Thanks for the ride Yang. Tell Yongbok I said hi" Jennie said as she waved goodbye.

On my way back home, I stopped at the store for Fekix ice cream. I got back in my car and started driving. It was this one car that was Zigzaggy on the freeway. The car hit my car and I nearly lost control. It hit me again and again until it finally hit, made my car flip and I crashed into other cars. My car lit up in flames.

Last thing I remember was hearing my ring before I black out.

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