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No one POV

"FELIX" Darren called for the chick boy

"Omfg" Sebastian said as he shook his head. Felix and Ryan chuckled as they looked at Sebastian.

"FELIX" Darren called again

Felix left the room and took the elevator downstairs. When he got downstairs he saw Darren looking around for him. Yeonjun was sitting in the dining room watching Darren call for Felix. Yeonjun ears moved and he threw a paper ball at Darren to get his attention. Darren looked at him and Yeonjun pointed to Felix who was standing in the door frame where the dining room is at."FELIX" Darren said as he ran towards Felix. Darren picked Felix up and spin him around."Omg Darren, I'm getting dizzy. I feel like I'm going to puke" Felix said as he chuckled.

Darren sat Felix in the chair so he won't fall over."I'm so happy you're here. Justin, Oliver, Regie and Kane will be here soon."Kane still single?" Felix asked. Darren nodded chuckling."He can't figure out his sexuality. He had a girlfriend but she was just using him and we told him but since he was so in love, he didn't believe us and we got into a fight. We don't know where he lives now because he left the house and he hasn't been back in about 8 months" Darren explained.

After Darren explained the situation, the other NSB walked in the palace."LIXIE" Oliver and Justin said as they ran towards him."Oh not again" Felix said as he chuckled as he got picked up."You're so short Lixie" Regie said as he ruffled Felix hair."Hey, I'm not short" Felix said as he pouted. Oliver sat Felix down on the ground as Kane was just standing there in his own world."Kane" Felix said. Kane looked at Felix and gave him a small smile then his eyes went emotionless."Kane" Felix called him again. Kane didn't replied as he was just staring. Felix walked over to him and dragged him out of the room.

"Talk to me. What's wrong?" Felix asked Kane. Kane looked at Felix as he gave Felix a piece a paper.

There's a bomb on me. I can't talk because they can hear everything. They want 80 million but the afternoon or they're activating the bomb and I'm going to blow up. I'm so sorry NSB. I miss y'all so much but I can't come back. They won't let me come back. They're hurt y'all if I come back and leave them. It's a gang called the Hunters. After I left the house after the fight I ran into them and they took me in. They have a shock collar on me. I'm sorry I snapped at y'all. I actually figured my sexuality while I was being held hostage. I'm so sorry everyone. But I can't let them have 80 million dollars. I love all of y'all


Felix wiped the tears that was falling done his face. He turned the note over and wrote something on there.

Where is their hide out?

2 blocks from here

Okay, take me there

Kane was afraid as he looked at Felix. Felix smiled at him and walked away for a sec before he came back with Yeosang and Yeonjun.

These two will be able to escape faster than me if something happens to me. They can get to my mates faster. Trust me Kane, everything is going to be okay

Kane sighed and nodded

The four of us left and walked to the hide out. Kane knocked on the door and it opened. They walked in and they walked to the main room.

"Kane, you're back. Oh and looks like you brought some friends" a man said as he smirked."Aren't you the Fox Prince?" a girl asked as she pointed to Felix. Felix nodded as he smiled."And who are those two?" the girl asked."None of your damn business slut" Yeonjun said as he sticked his tongue out. Yeosang hit Yeonjun in his head."We are Omegas. And so is Felix" Yeosang said as he smiled. Yeonjun gave him all look as he rolled his eyes."So do y'all have the money" a man said from a room that had a curtain over it. He was sitting in a chair behind the curtain.

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