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Today was a quiet day in the Chan Pack. Everyone was doing there own things. Felix on the other hand was still asleep. He been asleep for 6 hours now. It was 2 in the afternoon and Seungmin was starting to get worried about the Omega."Is it normal for him to sleep this long" the Omega asked the Head-Alpha. Chan looked at the Omega."I don't know. I don't know much about Omegas sleeping habits. Ask Hyunjin" the Head-Alpha said as he pointed to the garden. Seungmin nodded and walked into the garden."Hyun-" Seungmin started."You want to know is it healthy for Felix to be sleeping this long" Hyunjin said as he continued collecting flowers. Seungmin nodded."I have never seen an Omega sleep this long but he's fine. And if you don't believe me then you can check his heart rate. But if he is sleeping this long then that means his preheat is about to start" Hyunjin explained as he stood up and looked at the Omega."So it's normal" Seungmin asked. Hyunjin smiled and nodded. Seungmin sighed in relief. Him and Hyunjin walked back into the house and Seungmin got a pot of water ready. Hyunjin started cutting up flowers and threw them in the pot."Now let's let them boil and cook. Jeogin can you get me some more irises" Hyunjin asked the young Beta. Jeongin nodded and went into the garden. Seungmin started up another pot of water and sat it on the stove."Why are y'all killing flowers" Changbin asked. Hyunjin chuckled."We're not killing them. Some of these flowers are herbs and the others are for something only Omegas can know" Hyunjin said."Where's Jeongin" Minho asked as he came from the living room."He went to go get me some more irises" Hyunjin said. Minho nodded."Chan, it's our daily hunting time" Minho said to the Head-Alpha. Chan nodded."Cone on Changbin" Chan said to the Alpha. Changbin nodded and the three changed into their wolf forms and ran into the forest. Jeongin came back in with the irises and handed them to Hyunjin."Thank you pup" Hyunjin said as he patted Jeongin head. Jeongin purred and nodded.

Minho POV

Me, Changbin and Chan was out on our daily hunt when we heard noises from from the other side of the river. He slowly walked over to a nearby tree and hid. We two figures walking across the river. Then that's when we heard Chan growl.

'Chan, what is it' Changbin mind linked to Chan

'That's him. That's Doyoung" Chan said back

We looked at the other figure and saw it was Daehyun. After they crossed the river that's when we knew that we had to act fast. They didn't know that they just crossed over in our territory. We ran back and we minded linked the others.

'Doyoung is here. Protect Felix and put a barrier up. Don't let it down unless it's us or Alexander and Wookjin' Chan said in the mind link.

We ran as fast as we could to get back home and to get to Felix. We made and saw that the barrier has been put up. Changbin knocked on the tree nearby six times. The barrier went down and as soon as we enter it went right back up. We went in the house and saw Alexander and Wookjin there."Y'all made it faster here than us" Changbin said."We were outside the house when you mind linked them" Wookjin said."Where's Felix" Chan asked."Still asleep" Hyunjin said."Okay, is it even normal anymore" I said."It's normal for a Omega who in preheat" Alexander said. We all looked at him."The Omega sleeps for 10 hours straight then they would start feeling needy. He would want the Head-Alpha friends then he would decide which one of y'all would go next. His heat would last for 2 weeks. Y'all marks are not permanent yet. So y'all have to make it permanent. Wants it permanent then his wolf decides if he wants pups or no" Alexander explained."Don't worry, I read a lot" Alexander said as he handed Seungmin a book."It's everything you need to know about a Omega and other things about werewolves" Alexander said as he smiled. Hyunjin stopped what he was doing and his eyes turned ember green. Next thing we knew, his brother was there." You called" Hajoon said."Yeah, can you keep an eyes on Felix for us" Hyunjin asked. Hajoon nodded."As long as that cutie is with me" Hajoon flirted. Alexander was a blushing mess."Eww, keep it PG" Changbin said. Everyone laughed at him. Then there was a strong smell that hit our noses."He's here" Chan growled.

No one POV

Hajoon and Alexander ran upstairs to the Pups room. Felix was still sleeping soundly in the bed. Alexander put a barrier up around Felix bed. It took some time because Felix bed was big. His ears started bleeding."Your ears, their bleeding" Hajoon said."I know. I used too much power" Alexander said. He took some napkins and wiped his ears. Felix started twitching in his sleep."Don't worry, he's okay. It's normal" Alexander said as he smiled.

Doyoung and Daehyun was stopped by the barrier."We can't cross. If we touch it our hands would burn" Daehyun said. Doyoung balled his fisted up."Fucking hell. How the hell did they know we were coming" Doyoung said."Because you crossed over on our territory" Chan said as him and Minho and Changbin came outside."This isn't your territory. People live here" Daehyun said. Chan chuckled."They live under our rules. This whole forest is our territory. When you cross the river you enter our territory" Chan said. Doyoung wanted to attack him but he couldn't. Chan was in the barrier. He couldn't touch him."He's mine and you know that" Doyoung said."He's not yours. He's not even ours. He's his own person. He's not a puppet. He's has his own mind and you can't just claim someone" Changbin said."HE BELONGS TO ME" Doyoung shouted. He punched the barrier only to have half of his hand burn."AHHH" Doyoung screamed. Daehyun backed away from his brother."DAEHYUN, HELP ME" Doyoung screamed as he tried to put the fire out. Daehyun just stayed there. Doyoung the fire stop and his hand was almost burned to a crisp. Doyoung looked at the three Alpha and ran away. Daehyun followed behind in his wolf form. The trees started moving in different directions."Chan" Changbin started."I know. This a dedication of-" Chan started but was cut off by Minho."War...." Minho said. Chan nodded.

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