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Sebastian POV

"OH WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP" a voice said from the next room. It was Regie and Oliver room."What the hell?" I said as I got out of bed and walked out of the room quietly because Ryan was sound asleep.

I walked to their room and saw that they were fighting. Darren and Kane were in there trying to calm them down."Okay what the hell is going on here?" I asked."Regie is cheating" Kane said."Kane shut the FUCK UP AND MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS" Regie shouted. Kane ears went down as he nodded."Regie, one, you have no right to yell at Kane for answering my question. And two, why the hell are you cheating on my brother?" I asked him."Omfg, I'm not cheating on him. He just being fucking paranoid" Regie said."Paranoid? I'm being fucking paranoid. You were just kissing a girl last night at the party you went to. Your friend sent me the photo and video for proof" Oliver said."That's fake. You know how Marco is. He always wanted me to date his sister even after I explained I was gay" Regie said."But you're kissing her Regie. You're fucking kissing her" Oliver said as he started crying. Ryan, Felix and Yeonjun walked in the room."What's going on?" Felix asked."Regie cheated" Kane said.

"SHUT THE HELL UP KANE" Regie yelled at Kane. Kane whimpered as he walked back into Yeonjun who grabbed his waist."Calm down, Soobin is in his and Huening Kai room. Go and be with him" Yeonjun whispered. Kane nodded his head as he walked out the room.

"Regie, go in the hallway" Felix said."Why would I stand in the hallway?" Regie asked."Cause I said so. Now get your ass in the hallway before I drag your ass in the hallway being pregnant and all" Felix said. Felix is now 4 months pregnant. He has 5 more months.

Regie groaned as he walked in the hallway

Oliver sat on his bed tearing up

Felix, Ryan and Yeonjun walked over to him and sat next to him."Oliver, did you ever think that his friend was lying to you?" Yeonjun asked. Oliver looked at Yeonjun as he shrugged.

"So in reality, he didn't cheat. He's just being frame so y'all can break up. Everyone knows that y'all not married. So Regie can fuck whoever he wants in reality" I said as I looked at my brother."That's because he doesn't want to get married. He said it's too much and he knows that this relationship won't even last long. And maybe he's right. He's all wrong for me. He's just a fuck boy and I'm just his toy to play with until he gets bored" Oliver said as he hugged Ryan. Ryan hugged him back as he kissed Oliver forehead.

Felix got up and dragged me into the hallway with him and Regie."Talk before I bashed your motherfucking head the fuck in" Felix said as he snarled at Regie. His eyes turned light blue as he was angry but he was also ready to kill at any given moment."I'm not cheating nor am I'm using him. I would never" Regie said."Then why won't you propose to him. He wants to get married but he's respecting your decision" I said as he lend on the wall."Ugh, I want to but what if I miss it up. Or I hurt him" Regie said."You already hurt him Regie" I said as I looked at him."I know......I want to marry your brother Sebby. And I'm not a fuck boy. Well I was but I stopped when I started dating him. I love him. I would die for him. I want kids by him but I'm stopping myself from even doing anything with him. I don't want to force him" Regie said as he wiped tears that was coming down."But he wants you Reg" Felix said as he smiled."But.....what if I hurt him Lixie" Regie said as his eyes softened.

Felix and I smiled at him

"You're not dear" Felix said as he smiled."Lixie is right Reg, you're hurting him now but making him think that you are cheating. But you're not going to hurt him with having sex unless you do something he doesn't want you to do" I said. Regie smiled as he hugged us."Thanks y'all" Regie said as he walked back in the room. Yeonjun and Ryan walked out of the room as Regie walked in."And when you're done, fucking apologies to my boyfriend" Yeonjun said as he walked away."I will" Regie said as he shut the door.

Oliver POV

Regie walked in the room as Yeonjun and Ryan walked out."Oliver" Regie called. I wiped my tears away as I smiled at him."Yes Regie" I said as I tried not to cry."Baby, don't force yourself to smile for me. If you want to cry then cry" Regie said. I looked at him and wiped the tears that were falling down from my face."Why don't you want to have sex with me?" I asked. Regie sat next to me as he looked at me."I do, I really do. But......I was scared of hurting you or forcing you into something you don't want" Regie said."Bur I want to have sex with you" I said."And I what to marry you but you don want to marry me" I said as J started crying again. Regie wiped my tears away and kissed my nose."What if we have sex now? And soon I'm going to propose to you" Regie said as he started kissing my neck. I moaned as I threw my head back

The Next Day

Sebastian POV

I can't fucking believe that they were so fucking loud. I banged my head on the wall as Ryan woke up and looked at me."Why are you banging your head on the wall?" Ryan asked."I know you heard my brother and Regie last night" I said."Not really, I had these in" Ryan said as he showed me ear plugs."Omfg" I said as I fake cry."Shut up, I'm trying to sleep" Ryan said as he laid back down.

Soobin POV

I couldn't move as I had Kane on one side and Yeonjun on the other."Kai, help please" I said as I looked at him. Huening Kai looked at me and chuckled."That seems like a you problem" Huening Kai said. I groaned as I knew why he wasn't going to help me."I'll let you top me for a whole month" I said. He looked at me and smirked."Make it two months and we have a deal" Huening Kai said. I groaned as I got hard just thinking about him toppings me."Fine, deal" I said. He smiled and picked Kane up and took him to Taehyun, Beomgyu and Yeonjun room. He came back for Yeonjun then he came back in and locked the door.

"Come on, strip" Huening Kai said as he took his shirt off. I groaned as I took off all my clothes."Go gentle asshole, Yeonjun said you go hard just because of his moans" I said."No promises" Huening Kai said.

Sebastian POV

"Omfg, does the world just fucking hates me" I said as I covered my ears."Shut the fuck up Sebastian" Ryan said as he went back to sleep."Ryan I need ear plugs" I said."Not my problem. Enjoy their sex moans. It's a turn on" Ryan said as he went back to sleep again.

I blushed as I groaned trying to get to sleep

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