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I'm back

I'm feeling so much better. I hope Mimi didn't get on y'all nerves too much. She's really sweet but she can be a little annoying at times. I thanked her for doing my SMUT chapters for me while I was sick for those couple of days.

Anyway, let's start today's chapter

Felix woke up in pain

His whole body was hurting from the past week

He groaned as he turned to his side

He opened his eyes and saw that he needed a bath and he needed to eat something.

He tried to get up but he failed miserably. He groaned as he landed on the floor. He couldn't feel his body.

'Minho' Felix pushed through the mating bond


Minho was downstairs with the others as they talked to Wookjin and Alexander.

That's when they heard it

'Minho' Felix called through their mating bond

"Looks like your needed Lee Know" Seungmin said. Minho nodded and walked upstairs to the Pup room. He saw a blue eyes Onega struggling to stand up from the floor."Aww, you need help baby" Minho said as he smiled. Felix only nodded. Minho helped the poor Omega up."Do you want me to help you with washing up" Minho asked softly. Felix shook his head."I-Innie" Felix said, struggling to talk properly. Minho nodded.

'Jeongin' Minho called through the mating bond.

As the two got to the bathroom, Jeongin was there waiting for them."He wants you to wash him up" Minho said as he gently and slowly handed the Omega to the Beta. Jeongin nodded and took the Omega into the bathroom shutting the door. The bath was already ready thanks to Seungmin. Jeongin gently sat Felix in the tub and started washing him up slowly. When he got to his neck, Felix whimpered."Do it hurt baby" Jeongin asked as he looked at the new mating bond on his Omega neck. Felix nodded."It's okay, the pain will go away soon. Now, let's finish washing you up so you can eat. You haven't eaten in a week" Jeongin softly said. Felix nodded and continued letting Jeongin wash him up.


Downstairs, Seungmin was preparing a beautiful breakfast for his Omega. He made all Felix's favorite things. He prepared the table for his mates and for Alexander, Wookjin and Hyunjin older brother, Hajoon. He heard Jeongin and Felix leave the bathroom. He walked upstairs and cleaned the tub out and went into the Pup room to grab the sheets so he can throw them in the washing machine so they can wash. He went back downstairs and into the basement. He threw the clothes in the washing machine and turned it on. He went back upstairs and continued cooking breakfast.

Jeongin was in Hyunjin and Seungmin room helping Felix get dressed. He put a white shirt on him and some blue shorts. He helped Felix stand up and they fixed his messy hair. Jeongin patted Felix ears and Felix purred softly. They left the room and walked downstairs."Morning Sunshine" Jisung said as he was the first to see them come downstairs. Felix chirped in response."Come sit, breakfast is almost ready" Seungmin said. Jeongin help Felix sit in the chair and sat next to him."I'm washing your sheets and blankets now so they should be done in an hour or two" Seungmin told the blue eye Omega. Felix nodded and watch as Seungmin plated the food nicely on the plates."Everyone, come sit down. Breakfast is ready" Seungmin told everyone. Everyone went to the table and sat down and thanked Seungmin for the breakfast."Y'all welcome. Chan, Changbin, and Minho, don't forget that y'all have a meeting with the other Alphas after breakfast" Seungmin reminded the three Alphas. They nodded and continued eating their breakfast.

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