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"Woo" Hongjoon called for the Omega. Wooyoung walked in the room."Yes" Wooyoung answered."Can you bring Felix to us for a sec" Mingi asked. Wooyoung nodded and left. After a minute he came back with Felix."Hey Lix, Wooyoung can you step out for a sec" Seonghwa asked. Wooyoung nodded and left the room."What do you need Alphas" Felix said."Lixie, we need you to do us a favor. Can you do that" Mingi asked.

Felix nodded

"Can you help us plan a date for the Omegas since your the closest to them" San said as he looked at the Omega. Felix smiled and his tail started wagging."We'll take that as a yes" Seonghwa said as he patted Felix head which made Felix purr."So how do y'all want me to do it" Felix asked. He was on the bed with them on Seonghwa lap."Take them shopping. Most likely Woozi going let use his black card. Just keep them there for an hour then come back and help them get ready and bring them in the backyard. The others already know so we'll leave the rest to you" Hongjoon said as he smiled at Felix. Felix nodded and got up and walked out the room.


"Look at all those clothes. So pretty" Yunho said as smiled.

(I don't know if I made Yunho an Alpha, Beta or a Omega. So pretend he been an Omega this whole time)

"Felix, can you come with me in here" Jongho said as he pointed to the store right next to him. Felix nodded and the two went in."Wooyoung, they have the pants you always wanted" Yeosang said. Wooyoung ears perked up at what his Head-Omega said. They ran into the store that Yeosang just ran out of.


"Oh lord Jesus" Jimin said as he saw how many bags that the five had."They made me buy stuff for myself" Felix said as he smiled."That's what's took y'all so long" Taehyung said."Anyway, Felix and Jungkook will help y'all get ready" Taehyung said as he looked at them."Ready for what?" Jongho said as his eyes brow raised."You'll see" Jimin said as he smiled. Taehyung took Felix bags and Felix, Jungkook and the other Omegas went upstairs.

Felix and Wooyoung
Jungkook and Yunho
Felix and Jongho
Jungkook and Yeosang

Felix and Wooyoung first and Jungkook and Yunho first

Felix went through Wooyoung bags and found a perfect outfit for Wooyoung."Put this on" Felix said. Wooyoung nodded and headed towards the bathroom to change. Felix got the hair products and makeup. Wooyoung came out of the bathroom.

 Wooyoung came out of the bathroom

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