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Changbin POV

It's 2 in the morning and Felix wasn't in mine, Chan, Minho and Yang bed like he was before we stopped texting in the group chat. I got up and looked around for Felix."Felix, are you in here?" I called out for him.

No response

I lightly shook Minho who rolled over and groaned."What the fuck do you want?" Minho snapped."Felix is missing" I whispered.

Minho shot straight up and looked at me

"What do you mean he's missing?" Minho whispered yelled.

"I mean he's not in the room" I whispered back

Minho started to sniff the air for Felix scent."He's here but not in the room. Follow me" Minho whispered as he left out of the room. I followed him and watched him stop at Seungmin door. Minho knocked on the door and there were no answer. Minho knocked again. But there were still no answer. Minho opened the door and smiled. He took out his phone and took a picture of something then he shut the door back. Minho looked at me and showed the picture he took.

It was Seungmin and Felix cuddling together

I smiled as Minho sent the picture in the group chat.


Know Kitty
Sent a picture


Sassy Queen
That's so adorable

Mama Jin
So cute but why are y'all up at this time in the morning?

Awww, this is so cute

Mama Hwa
Adorable but answer Jin question. Why are y'all up at this time in the morning when half of y'all have work

Adorable but take y'all ass to sleep. I might be on Spring Break but that doesn't mean I want to hear my notifications going off 24 seven of the the damn day

Mama Jin
Yes I agree. My poor baby needs her sleep

Why the fuck are y'all blowing my damn phone the fuck up

Coups of Soup
I still don't like this username but please go to sleep. I'm tired and all I hear is my phone going off

Know Kitty
All I did was sent a picture and everyone just joined in. I thought y'all wouldn't see it until the morning


Know Kitty
See what I mean

What the hell is that supposed to mean

Know Kitty
Shut up

Make me Kitty Cat😼😹

Know Kitty
Go to hell chicken🐥🍗

Fuck you Kitty😼

Mama Jin
Shut the fuck up

Mama Hwa
Shut the hell up

Mama Jin
Y'all made y'all point

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