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Foxes and Werewolves are sworn enemies. Just like Vampires and Werewolves are supposed to be enemies. Wolves are larger and more dominant predators, so they may pose a threat to foxes, especially if they perceive them as competition. Their diets don't have much overlap, so they don't compete for a lot of the same resources, but wolves have been known to kill and even eat foxes on occasion. This is relatively rare. No one would have ever figured out that two Omega were half Fox and half Werewolf. Their Eomma is a Werewolf along with their so called dad. But what if their Eomma was keeping a secret from the world. Maybe not from them or their siblings but some every one else. What would be one Omegas mates reaction to him being half Fox? What would be his friend's reaction to him being half Fox?

Junji POV

I was just as afraid as my sons were to tell my mates that I'm a Fox in Werewolves clothing. My whole body was shaking and I couldn't breathe. My mates walked in the living with Hwan and Minji. Felix and Hayato wasn't looking at me nor them. They were looking at the ground."So what's the family meeting for" Nine asked. I gulped and looked at them."I'm not a werewolf. I never was. I'm a Fox. Hayato and Felix are half Fox and half Werewolf. I'm just a Fox. Their father was a Werewolf when we were together but he never knew I was a Fox. I sorry I should have told you but when I heard Felix unlocked one of his Fox ability I knew the time has come to tell the truth. I'm the King of the world called " Enchanted" and Felix, Hayato and my other sons are Princes. I should have told y'all. That's why I come home late at night because I be checking on my Kingdom to make sure everything is okay and is going smoothly. I'm so sorry I should've have told y'all but I thought y'all would hate me and get rid of me or kill me. I'm sorry" I said in one breath. My mates started chucking as if I said something wrong."You think we're didn't know about that. Junji the moment we met you we knew you're weren't a werewolf. We did some research on you and about your childhood and we found out that you're were the Fox King. We just wanted to wait until you told us yourself" Mill said as he continued to chuckle.

"So that means y'all still love me?" I asked."Love" Nine said as he got up and walked over to me."Whether you're a Fox or Werewolf or even a Human we will still love you" Nine said as he kissed my forehead."And we will still love your children as well" Rie said as he ruffled Felix and Hayato hair.

Hayato POV

I can't believe I'm about to tell my boyfriend who was forced to bully me that I'm half Fox. I'm so freaking afraid that he would dump me that I didn't feel a hand in my shoulder."Babe" Ryan said as I flinched."Hey, you wanted to see me" He said as he smiled at me. I took a deep breath."I'm half Fox and half Werewolf. I'm a Prince and wanted to tell you but I was scared out of my fucking mind that you would break up with me for being half Fox" I said as I took a deep breath. Ryan started chuckling as he smiled at me."You cursed for the first time. And no I'm not going to break up with you for being half Fox babe. I love you too much to do that" Ryan said as he kissed my forehead.

Felix POV

"So I'm half Fox and half Werewolf. I'm the Prince of the Enchanted Kingdom and so are my other siblings. I should've told y'all but I didn't know how. I was afraid that I would lose y'all. I wanted to tell y'all but I couldn't. I didn't know how all of y'all would have reacted. Even y'all too as my friends I wanted to tell y'all. Yugyeom knows since he's my cousin but he's just a Werewolf and nothing more. I'm sorry. Please someone say something" I said.

"So that means you would have Fox ears?" Jungkook asked."Yeah sometimes" I answered."Cool so now we get to groom a Were-Fox" Yoongi said as he smiled."Wait y'all don't care that I'm half Fox?" I asked. Everyone chuckled and shook their heads."I just want to see some Were-Fox pups and then I'll die happily" Yeosang said as he smiled. I blushed and hid my face. I heard my mates chuckling as I started to pout."We love you either way love" Seungmin said as he ruffled my hair as I smiled at them.

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