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"Their still here" Felix asked. Chan told Felix that they didn't get rid of his father and ex."We just want you to know it your decision of what we do to them" Chan said.

They were standing by the basement

Minho came up and nodded

The Omega and Head-Alpha went down to the basement. Felix saw his father and ex tied up to chairs. His father had a black eye with a bloody nose.

"Felix" Doyoung said as he looked at his ex

Felix stood behind Chan. He didn't have the courage to face his father or ex. He took a breath and moved in front of them.

"Just tell why, why did y'all hurt me so much. What did I do to deserve this. I did both but be good to y'all. I did nothing but loved y'all. I DID NOTHING BUT CARE FOR AND PROTECT Y'ALL WHEN I COULDN'T EVEN PROTECT Y'ALL WHEN I COULDN'T EVEN PROTECT MY DAMN SELF. WHY DID Y'ALL HURT ME SO FUCKING BAD THAT I HAD TO RUN AWAY FPR Y'ALL TO LEAVE ME ALONE. ALL I WANTED WAS TO HAVE A LOVING FATHER AND A LOVING BOYFRIEND. BUT WHAT DO I GET, I GET ABUSIVE PEOPLE. I HATE Y'ALL, I HATE Y'ALL WITH EVER BONE IN MY BODY. I hope they kill y'all. Cause y'all don't deserve no fucking mercy. Y'all deserve pain" Felix said as tears were pouring down his face.

He ran upstairs slamming the door shut. Chan looked at the two in front of him."Minho, Changbin, their all yours" Chan said as he walked up the steps. Minho and Changbin would have been smirking if they didn't have blood coming from their hands."Fuck them, we'll deal with them later" Minho said. He ran upstairs with Changbin right behind him. Jisung and Jeongin ran after them. Hyunjin and Seungmin have the two one more last glare then followed the Betas.


Felix ran out of the house and into the forest. He couldn't stay in that house anymore with his father and ex still in there. AND ALIVE AT THAT. Felix ran until he ran into someone. He fell on his ass.

"I'm so sorry" Felix said. He looked at the person he bumped into.

He froze

"E-Eomma" Felix said

The person smiled at him and gave him a hand. Felix grabbed it and immediately hugged his Eomma."I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run away. I couldn't take it anymore. Eomma I'm sorry I left you with him. I should have stayed and protected you. I'm sorry. Please don't leave me again. I'm sorry" If Felix wasn't crying hard before, now he.

His mother gave him a smile

"Look at me" his mother said. Felix looked up at him."You did the right thing. Your safe, that's all that matters" his mother said as he Felix a kiss on the forehead.

Just then they heard someone calling for Felix mother.

"Junji" Someone called

They turned around and saw six werewolves ran towards them. Felix panicked and hid behind Junji, his mother.

The six werewolves stopped. They looked behind their mate then looked up at him."Who the hell is that" one of the werewolves snapped.

Felix gripped on Junji shirt

"Everyone, this is my son, Lee Yongbok Felix" Junji told his mates. His mates looked at him then back at Felix. That's when it hit them. They saw the resemblance."Holy shit, he looks like you" the third werewolf said.

"Who are they" Felix asked quietly. Junji looked at him and smiled."Their my new mates. Let me introduce y'all. This is KB, he's our Head-Alpha. The next one is Nine, he's our youngest, but toughest Omega I know. Next is Mill, he's the second youngest, he's our Beta, his eyes are violet blue instead of purple. Next is Rie, he's also a Beta. Lastly, there's YooJung, he's the second Alpha. Everyone this is Felix, my son" Junji introduced everyone.

"N-Nice to m-meet y'all" Felix stuttered."Nice to meet you Felix" Nine said as he smiled."How old are you" YooJung asked as he looked at the Omega."16" Felix said."Only 16" KB asked. He was shocked that Felix was only sixteen. Felix nodded."I have seven mates who are somewhat in their 20s and one who is also 16 but is younger than me by a day" Felix said."Names" Rie asked."Chan, Head-Alpha, 25, Minho, Alpha, 24, Changbin, Alpha, 24, Hyunjin, Head-Omega, 23, Jisung, Beta, 22, Seungmin, Beta, 20 and Jeongin, Beta, 16" Felix said."Hm" KB hummed.

"But, I'm lost. Doyoung and Appa attacked me and my fellow Omegas. Their still alive. I think. Minho and Changbin probably killed them already" Felix said."Your father attacked you and your friends. That's a new low even for him" Junji said as he shook his head. Just then Minho, Changbin and Chan came running up behind them.

"Guys" Felix said as he turned around. The three Alphas stopped."Guys, this is my Eomma and his mates" Felix said as he smiled."Nice to meet y'all, I'm Junji" Junji said as he smiled."Know, Binnie, why are y'all hands bleeding" Felix asked."Because as you were crying and screaming at your father and ex, we wanted to kill them right there and then, but we also wanted to comfort you first" Changbin explained. Felix nodded."Well, y'all should get going" Mill said."But, I won't see Eomma again" Felix said."Yes you would, we live on the other side of y'all territory. So you'll find me by my scent. Here" Junji gave Felix his amulet."This will show you the way whenever you want to see me. You also get to know my mates" Junji said as he smiled at his son.

Felix smiled and hugged his Eomma one time."See y'all soon" Felix said as he waved."Bye bye little one. Can't wait to see you again" Nine said as he gave Felix a smile. They left and Felix turned to his three Alphas."I love y'all" Felix said as he smiled. The three smiled."We love you too little one" they said together.

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