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Felix never went to sleep. He was bleeding everywhere. Minho called him in for practice but he never answered. He looked at his phone and saw it was 12:00 in the afternoon. He got up and put his oversized hoodie on and put his mask on. He put the hood on and went to the dance studio. But as he was about to go in he heard something that made his heart crack."Ugh Felix can't seem to get one dance right and he's not here. What a waste of place" Minho said as he shook his head. Everyone else nodded in agreement."I don't why he's still in the group if he can't dance right" Seungmin said as he was playing a game one his phone."I asked myself that everyday" Chan said. Felix heart broke. He chuckled."So how about y'all add Ha-ri to y'all group. Remember she's much better than me" Felix said as he opens the door."I mean if that's allowed. And even if it wasn't y'all still do it anywhere. I'm too useless or I'm not good another because I aren't Ha-ri. So I guess I leave since no one wants me here" Felix said as he chuckled. He left the dance studio and slammed the door which startled everyone in the room. Felix ran to his room and slammed the door. He went in the bathroom and and room everything out his drawer. He trashed his whole bathroom. Then he trashed his room. He broke a lot of stuff. He broke stuff that the members gave to him, he even broke his phone with every single memories in it. He screamed and pulled at his hair. He took the razor and cut himself violently and roughly. He made should he was bleeding. He the painkillers that was in the drawer and took the whole thing. He wanted to die so his members would be happy. He fell to the ground and stared at the photo on the floor. He smiled and closed his eyes. This is where his life end. He will miss his members. They were his family. He started crying. Last thing he had was a ringing sound.

After the incident in the dance studio. Everyone went to the living room to talk. Just then their phones went off. They all checked and froze at the message.

Dear Members,

This is Felix, not like y'all remember me or anything. I just want to say that I loved y'all like I loved my own family. But that changed when Ha-ri came. Y'all changed. Chan, you are the most mature leader I have every met. Your caring and you always care about the team's feelings first before yours. That's what I like about you. Lee Know, your grumpy cat, but to me you was always a beautiful cat that I loved so much. Changbin, you are the best rapper ever. So is Chan and Jisung but you are to the key to their rapping. Hyunjin, your hair has always been beautiful. Sometimes I wished I had beautiful hair liked that. I remember when you didn't like skin-ship but it changed when you met me. I'm happy you like it now. Jisung, your my twin. My sunshine twin. Our birthday is literally a day apart. Even though Ha-ri had the same birthday as you and you considered her as your twin. Your still my twin even if you don't care about me. Seungmin, your a puppy, a cute one as that. You are a great visual. Don't let anyone tell your not. And Jeongin, you are the other half of my heart. I'm going miss you baby bread. Remember you are talented. No matter what anyone tell you. I love you all and I hope y'all make to the end.

Love Felix

They just looked at the text."F-F-Felix" Jeongin said as tears streamed down his face. Changbin looked upstairs. He threw his phone and ran upstairs. They others followed. They opened Felix door and saw it was a mess."Did he do this" Hyunjin said. Jeongin saw blood on the floor by Felix bathroom. He walked over there and saw Felix laying on the ground lifeless."HYUNG" Jeongin screamed. The others ran into the bathroom and saw Felix."Fuck, MINHO CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW" Chan said as he checked for a pulse. There were no pulse. He started doing CPR. He did so many times but the sunshine boy was dead."FUCK" Chan said as he started crying. The others was already tearing up.

Felix jolted up and looked around. He saw he was in the hospital. How did I get here Felix thought. He saw his members scattered around the room. Jeongin and Jisung on each side of him. Chan and Minho on the couch. Hyunjin, Changbin and Seungmin was curled up on the other couch by the window. He heard the door open and saw Ha-ri come in."Felix your awake" she whispered. Felix nodded."What happened" Felix asked."You overdosed on painkillers. Did you do that on accident or did you do that because you wanted to end your life" Ha-ri said. Felix put up two fingers which means the second question she asked."Is it because of me" Ha-ri asked softly. Felix hesitated but nodded."Felix, your members loves you. Your all they talk about. They never meant to snap at you or say those things they said. They stayed here for 2 months with you. They thought they lost you" Ha-ri explained to Felix. He nodded. Ha-ri smiled and walked out.

Felix tapped Jeongin. Jeongin rubbed his eyes and saw Felix staring at him. FELIX" Jeongin said. That one word woke everyone up."Felix, are you really up" Changbin asked. Felix looked at him."My bad, wrong answer. Sorry" Changbin said as he sat down. Felix pointed to Changbin. Chan grabbed Changbin and dragged him over to Felix."Why, just tell me why?" Minho asked. Felix looked down."Fuck y'all" Felix said as he laid back down and threw the blanket over his head."Y'all hate me. Y'all don't love me anymore" Felix said as tears came down. Jeongin took the the blanket off of Felix head.

He got in the bed and made Felix sit on his lap. Felix obeyed and cried some more."We'll make it up to you our little Pixie. We promise. Just please and I beg you not to try and kill yourself again. You gave Chan a heart attack" Felix looked at Chan as his eye's began watery."I'M SORRY, I REALLY AM" Felix cried. The others looked at him."Baby why are apologizing. It wasn't your fault" Hyunjin said." It was ours. Now rest, you need to get more then enough sleep " Seungmin said. Jeongin got out of the bed."It wasn't my fault. Right" Felix asked. They smiled at him and nodded.

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