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Felix had to stay in bed for a couple more days since he had more injuries. The other Omegas kept him occupied throughout those days.

"Hey Woo, why don't San likes you" Felix asked. Wooyoung stopped talking and looked at the young Omega.

"I don't know. And I don't care. He's an asshole and I hate people who act like him" Wooyoung answered sternly.

Jay looked at him."Wooyoung, don't be like that" Jay said as he looked at his friend.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes

"Whatever" Wooyoung said as he started pouting.

"Woo, San don't hate you. He's love you. He just had a different way of showing it" Yeosang said as he came in.

"Well he sure has a funny way of showing he loves me" Wooyoung said.

Yeosang sat next to Wooyoung."Come here and sit on my lap and let me tell you something" Yeosang said to the Omega. Wooyoung crawled over to Yeosang and sat on his lap.

"Before we found you, San was my protector. As I'm the Head-Omega, he would protect me more than the others. I was his main priority. He was my main priority. I trusted him more than the others. But, when we found you. My mind set changed. You became my main priority. And I started protecting you and San thought that I forgot him so he started hating you. But wants he started understanding you better and getting to know you, he started showing his love for you. He's just not ready to admit it" Yeosang explained.

Wooyoung looked at him

Wooyoung crawled off Yeosang lap and walked out the room. He went into San, Hongjoon and Mingi room. He knocked on the door softly, making sure he doesn't rip his stitches.

The door opened and Wooyoung walked in and the three Alphas looked at him."You need something hun" Mingi asked. Wooyoung pointed at San. The other two Alphas looked at the other Alpha."What" San asked.

Wooyoung wanted to say something but he couldn't open his mouth."What the hell do you want Wooyoung" San asked sternly.

"San, be polite. Give him time" Mingi said as he looked at the oldest."Well I don't have damn time for a useless Omega just to stand here and not say anything" San snapped.

Wooyoung bit his almost healed lip. He was causing a spit in his lip. As he was biting his lip, his lips were also quivering. San saw the Omega chewing on his almost healed lip. He saw his lips quivering like he was about to cry any second.

San sighed but got up and went over to the Omega. He kneeled down to Wooyoung level and stopped Wooyoung from chewing on his lip."Don't, you'll cause another spit. It's healing" San said as he took tissue and wiped the blood off of Wooyoung lip."There, now what did you need" San asked."Do you hate me" Wooyoung finally asked.

All the Alphas looked at the Omega."Why would you think he hates you Woo?" Hongjoon asked."Because he do, he's always mean to me and never spends time with me but always spends time with y'all" Wooyoung said as he pouted. San just looked at the Omega. He studied the Omega before he slightly chuckled.

"What's so funny asshole" Wooyoung snapped. Hongjoon was about to scolded Wooyoung for cussing at an Alpha but San stopped him."Aren't you adorable when you cuss" San said as he continued to chuckle. Wooyoung was about to slap him. San lightly grabbed his hand and picked him up."Put me down" Wooyoung said."I think I'm cool" San said as he sat on the bed.

The three Alphas started scenting the Omega."Let me go. I'm telling Yeosang on y'all" Wooyoung said as he kept squirming to get out of the three Alphas grips. They was scenting him too much that they got him scent drunk him."I'm 'ell 'n y'all" Wooyoung said. He couldn't talk properly because he was scent drunk. The door opened to reveal Yeosang."Is he scent drunk" Yeosang asked. Mingi nodded. Yeosang chuckled."I told him that you have a different way of showing your love towards him. By scent drunken him" Yeosang said as he smiled.

San just stared at the squirming Omega. May I was hating you at one point. But if Yeosang wasn't the Head-Omega, then I would be hating you for a life time. My way of showing you is hard. I never knew how to show my love towards an Omega who was taking away my Yeosang from me. But now I understand, you never intended on taking him away. You just wanted to be loved. You never had that San thought. Wooyoung finally stopped squirming and looked at San with doe eyes."What" San said softly."Sleep" Wooyoung said. San looked at him for a minute then he slowly laid down with the small Omega in his arms.

Hongjoon, Mingi and Yeosang watched them in awe. Wooyoung was fast asleep and in dream land. And San was soon joining him as he drifted off to sleep. The two Alphas and Omega got up and left, leaving the two alone to themselves.

"Was that so hard" Mingi said as he shook his head. San was finally showing affection to Wooyoung. Took him years to show him affection. San always showed affection to the others, but never Wooyoung. Always left him out of their scenting bond or dates or anything really. San haven't even marked him yet.

"So, is he going to mark him so we can finally be complete, or he's just not going do it" Mingi said as he sat on the floor by the door."I will, I'll just wait until he wakes. The walls are soundproof, right" San asked. Hongjoon nodded. San smirked."Good" San said as he walked back into the room, locking the door.

"Oh god, maybe we should have warned Wooyoung about San and how he does sex" Mingi said."He'll found out when he wakes up" Hongjoon said as him and Yeosang chuckled.

"Poor Wooyoung everything. I guess he will have to stay in bed until he'll be able to walk again" Mingi said as he slightly chuckled.

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