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Nova POV

I was excited to go to school again and meet new people. But I was also a little nervous too. Everyone already know I'm dead. They might start asking questions about how I'm alive.

"Nova" Hayato called me

I looked at him

"What's wrong? I can hear your thoughts" Hayato said. I looked out the window and stared at everything passing by."I'm excited for school but nervous at the same time. Everyone knows about me being dead. I just don't want them asking questions or crowding me" I said.

Hayato looked at me from the front."Nova, they are not going be worried about any of that. And if they are, you can just tell me and Ryan. Right Ryan?" Hayato said.

Ryan smiled and nodded as he continued driving. I smiled and nodded."Thanks" I said. Hayato smiled at me and nodded.


We got to the school, and as soon as I stepped out of the car. All eyes were on me. I gulped as I looked at everyone. Hayato grabbed my hand and we started walking inside.

Ryan was behind us

I heard a lot of whispering

"Isn't she that girl that got killed by her own father" one girl said

"I heard she lives with the Royals now" another girl said

"I heard she's a Fox" one boy said

"Isn't she supposed be in the fucking sky or something" another boy said

"She's such a attention seeker" another boy said

I gripped Hayato hand and tears started pouring down my face. Hayato stopped and looked at me. He kneeled down and wiped my tears away."Forget about them. They are just stupid people who had nothing better to do with their lives" Hayato said. Ryan kneeled down too and fixed my ponytail."How you know how to fix a ponytail?" I said."I have a older sister" Ryan said.

I nodded

Ryan and Hayato took me to the principal office and I got my schedule. Ryan waved goodbye to me and Hayato and went to his first class. Hayato took me to my first class."Good morning everyone. We have a new student today. This is Nova Leaf" the teacher said."Actually, it's Lee Nova. She's my brother's daughter now" Hayato said as he smiled.

"Isn't she that dead girl" one girl said
"Shut the fuck up Bitch" another girl said. Hayato started laughing as he turned his head. The girl came up to me and smiled."Don't mind her. She's a rich spoil little bitch that spends all of daddy's money" the girl said."Shut up" the girl in the back said."Hi, I'm Iris" the girl said."Nice to meet you" I said. Hayato left the room as he smiled at me before shutting the door behind him. Iris dragged me to the back and I sat next to her.

We started talking and we immediately became friends. It was lunch time and I was looking for Iris. I accidentally bumped into someone."I'm so sorry" I said as I bowed. The person chuckled and tapped my shoulder. I looked at them and saw it was a boy."It's cool. My names Zach. What's yours?" Zach asked as he helped me up."Lee Nova" I said."Prince Felix daughter right?" Zach asked. I nodded and he smiled."Nova, over here" I heard Iris say. I walked over to the table with Zach and sat down."Hey Zach, looks like you met our new student" Iris said."Hm" Zach hummed."Nova, let me introduce some of our friends. This is Levi, Gabriel, Kitty, China, Alexander or Alex for short, Minnie and Dean" Iris said."Nice to meet y'all" I said."Same here dead girl" Dean said.

Kitty smacked Dean head

"Why the helk would you say that?" Kitty said."I'm sorry for him. He has no fucking manners" Kitty said. I chuckled as I nodded.

School might not be so bad after all

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