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"Get out of the bed" Seungmin said to the Alpha.

Changbin groaned but got up."Is there food ready" Changbin asked.

"First, take a damn shower. Second, Hyunjin is making breakfast" Seungmin said to the Alpha.

Changbin nodded and kissed Felix forehead one time before leaving the room.

Felix stared at Seungmin until he decided to say something.

"Seungminnie," Felix whispered under his breath, his body tensing up as he felt the tension grow in his abdomen, "I'm tired..." he whimpered, clinging to Seungmin's front.

"I know, baby, but it shouldn't be long now." He reassured the boy in his arms. He wished he could make it stop for the poor boy, but he knew they needed to let it run its course. "I'm right here, sweetheart, I'll take care of you." He said into Felix's hair as he slowly turned to lay him in his nest. He made quick work of his clothes, knowing that skin contact would take some of the edge off. He pet his hand down Felix's chest, massaging his aching stomach as he hooked his other arm under Felix's neck. "The other's of done such a good job taking care of you, huh, baby?" He asked with a smile, staring down at the Omega fondly as he nodded up at him.

"Made me feel good." He muttered and Seungmin was certain that if his skin wasn't flushed from the heat, he would be blushing from such an admission.

"I bet they did." He smiled, continuing to rub Felix's lower belly, pressing firmly every so often. "I bet Chan loved to play with these." He smirked as he leaned down to suck one of Felix's nipples into his mouth, rolling his tongue around it and drawing a light moan out of Felix. "And I bet Jisung loved licking the slick from your pretty hole." He was absolutely shameless with his words as he continued to press and massage Felix's stomach. He could feel his belly twitching under his hand. "And we could all hear you when Minho came to have his way with you. Did you like it when he spanked you, baby?" He asked and Felix let out a light sob as he nodded, his brow was pinched together as he was trying to figure out the sensations that were rolling through him under Seungmin's palm. "I also bet you liked it when Hyunjin tied your hands up. He likes to play with Sungie like that sometimes, and he's so excited he gets to play with you like that too." Felix's eyes were completely glossed over at this point. He looked completely blissed-out, if not a little confused how Seungmin was doing this to him without even touching his neglected cock or leaking hole. "Did Changbinnie make you feel good too, baby?" He asked with a purr, nuzzling into the hickies on the side of his neck, "I bet you liked how strong he is. He was so excited to hold you up in his big strong arms." He nipped at the hickies gently and gave one final press into Felix's belly, and just like that, Felix was shaking and moaning against him as a flood of slick came pouring out of him. Felix whimpered and writhed at the sensation, it felt like it wouldn't stop. He had never done that before.

Seungmin leaned back from Felix's neck to smile down at him with warm eyes. He'd heard that Omega's could be coaxed into releasing copious amounts of slick if stimulated properly, and he was happy to see that the rumors were true. He cooed at the whimpering Omega beneath him, leaning in to place a soft kiss at the corner of his watering eyes. "Did you like that, sweetheart?" He asked, hoping that Felix was feeling as good as he sounded.

"Wh-what was that?" Felix stared up at him with wide, unblinking eyes as the tears slowly slipped down the sides of his face.

"It's this fun little thing Omega's can do. If done properly, it's like making you come without actually coming. It does make quite the mess though." He chuckled as he reached a hand between Felix's legs to the large pool of slick that had just gushed out of the Omega. "Did you like it, baby?" He asked, bringing his slicked-up fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean.

"Seungminnie!" Felix whined, lifting his hands to hide behind.

"What is it, baby, did you not like it?"

"N-no, I.... I did, but..." Felix whimpered, burying his face into Seungmin's chest.

"Am I making you shy, sweetheart?" Seungmin chuckled, pulling the sweet-smelling Omega from his chest, "There's no need to be shy, precious." He smiled at the boy, forcing him to look him in the eye. "If you want me to stop, I-"

"No!" Felix clutched at him. Seungmin was positive that he could see him blushing through his heat-flushed cheeks. "Seungminnie..." He paused, overwhelmed by the request he was about to make. "Can you... Can you do it again?" He asked, fighting himself to keep eye contact with the Beta above him. "And... Can you..." He really shouldn't be this embarrassed after the last 2 days he'd had with them, but he never thought he would find a mate he trusts, let alone seven, so this was all very new for him. "...Inside?" He couldn't keep eye contact anymore, he was too embarrassed, so he buried himself in Seungmin's chest again, making him chuckle fondly as he held Felix tight in his arms.

"I would love to, baby." He kissed the top of his head, slowly sitting up next to the sweetest Omega he'd ever laid eyes on. "I would do anything for you." He said as spread Felix's legs, positioning himself between them so they were hooked over his own thighs. Slowly, he coated his member with Felix's slick, watching the Omega's face, wanting to watch every reaction as he went. He inched forward, sliding the head of his cock against Felix's abused rim. He was going to have to whip up a cooling salve for him when this was all over. Pressing forward gently, he slid into Felix with ease. He kept a slow pace as he inched forward until he was completely engulfed in Felix's sinfully smooth walls. He had to take a moment to breathe and adjust or he was going to unload into the boy from this alone.

"Seungminnie?" Felix purred, eyes wide, eager until the fluttered and drooped as Seungmin gave him what he asked for. He pressed gently against his belly again, rubbing soothing circles as he slowly rocked into him. He never pulled out very far, just giving slow shallow thrusts while remaining almost completely inside his Omega. With every thrust, he would press into Felix's abdomen, rubbing gentle circles into the soft flesh, applying a little more pressure with each thrust. Felix would twitch, gasp and moan every so often, eyes never leaving Seungmin's even as he fought to keep them open.

"You smell so good, Felix." Seungmin purred as he increased the speed of his thrusts slightly. He didn't need to move much, with Felix's inner walls contracting around him, he's positive he could come just from this. He could feel Felix getting hotter, could feel him tightening around him and he knew it wouldn't be long now. "Are you going to come for me, baby?" He asked, and Felix nodded, "Going to make you feel so good, precious. Going to bite you and make you mine, baby." He purred as he leaned down into Felix's open arms. He continued rocking into Felix, applying a quick firm pressure to Felix's belly and right as he did, Felix and Seungmin latched onto each others' necks, coming together. Seungmin had to brace himself with his free hand against the pelts as the sensation of Felix clenching around him as he came, and flooded another wave of slick was almost too much. It was unreal how good Felix felt around him as he continued to press on his stomach.

As they came down from their highs, Seungmin propped himself up and smiled down at Felix. He was fighting to keep his eyes open, and Seungmin didn't think he could be any more beautiful than he was in that moment. He carefully pulled out of the Omega and slid back beside him again, wrapping him up in his arms.

"Sleep, precious, it'll all be over soon." He kissed Felix's sleep slack lips, surprised when his eyes fluttered open again.

"You'll do that again right?" Felix asked softly.

"Just try and stop me." Seungmin smiled, kissing his eyes as they slipped shut and he fell asleep.

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