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Felix woke up to breakfast. Chan gave him an okay to see his Eomma and his mates. Felix got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After a 40 minute shower, Felix got out and got dressed. He went downstairs and saw San picking with Wooyoung. Wooyoung was on the verge to fucking San up."Morning everyone" Felix said as he came downstairs."Morning" everyone said. Felix sat next to Yoongi and Keeho. Felix looked at Yoongi.

"Yoonkitty" Felix said as he looked at the oldest. Yoongi looked at the small Omega next to him."How do you feel, are you okay, your not hurting are you" Felix asked worriedly. Yoongi had stitches around his body. Felix, being the concern Omega he is, ask Yoongi everyday is he okay. Yoongi smiled at the Omega and ruffled his hair."I'm fine bud, how are you" Yoongi asked."Alright" Felix said. Yoongi nodded and continued petting Felix ears making Felix purr.

Jungkook came downstairs with a sleepy Namjoon behind him."He's up" Jungkook said as he sat next to Soul and Sunoo. Namjoon groaned as he sat next to Jake."You okay" Jake asked."No, Jimin and Taehyung kept me up all night with their nagging. It was annoying. Their we're arguing over a game" Namjoon said as put his head on the table. Jake chuckled.


After breakfast, Felix left straight away. He walked through the forest and over the river. He saw the amulet light up as soon as he crossed over the river. The light showed him the way and he followed all the way to a city.

Felix looked around and saw hundreds of people. Maybe even thousands. Felix followed the light to a mansion. He opened the gate and knocked on the door. The door opened to a man in a black suit."You must be Lee Felix, your Eomma was expecting you. I'm Minjoon, but you can call me Minji" the man said. Felix nodded and walked in.

Name: Minjoon or Minji for shortAge: 27Rank: BetaSiblings: TwoRelationship: SingleSexuality: Pansexual

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Name: Minjoon or Minji for short
Age: 27
Rank: Beta
Siblings: Two
Relationship: Single
Sexuality: Pansexual

Minji showed Felix to the living room and that's where Felix saw his Eomma and his Eomma mates."Eomma" Felix said. Felix grabbed his Eomma attention."Felix, baby your here. Come sit" Junji said as he smiled. Felix came into the living room and sat next to his Eomma."Felix, it's so good to see you again" KB said as he smiled."Nice to see you too.....um I'm sorry, I forgot your name" Felix said as he slightly chuckled. KB smiled at Felix cuteness. It's similar to Junji cuteness."I'm KB, the Head-Alpha" KB said."Okay, is that short for something" Felix asked. KB nodded."Shin Kyu-Bin" KB said. Felix nodded."I remember Nine's name, Rie name and Mill name, but I forgot yours" Felix said as he pointed to YooJung. YooJung looked at him."I'm YooJung, the second Alpha. Nice to meet you again I guess" YooJung said as he looked at the Omega.

Felix smiled at his Eomma mates."So, how did y'all meet" Felix asked. He of course was curious of how his Eomma met these people. He haven't seen him since he was 9."We met 2 weeks after you ran away. I was at the bar drinking myself silly when I bumped into Nine. Nine was 19 at the time why I was 21. He was with KB and YooJung at the time. I was drunk but I was crying. I was crying because you ran away and I thought I would never see you again. KB asked was I with someone or did I need a ride home. YooJung just stared. Didn't say nothing nor did he blink. Nine was very helpful. He asked the waiter to give me a glass of water. I drunk 10 glass of water until I was sober. KB and Nine helped me in the car and YooJung decided he wanted to speak to me after 4 hours of complete silence from him. He asked why was I crying and why was I drinking so much. I drunk 37 glass of vodka, 6 glasses of whiskey and 4 glasses of their strongest wine. So in total, I drunk 47 glasses altogether. Yeah, your grandfather was a hardcore alcoholic. This is why you never met him. Anyway, they brought me here, I met Minji, then I met the others. Rie was the first person to say something about my scent. I smell like cherry blossom and irises. After that day, I divorced your father and started fresh. They helped me get back on my feet. Then we mated, we'll one by one that is. KB was the first since he was the Head-Alpha. YooJung on the other hand, he didn't want to share. He was very stingy. But now he likes to share, at least when he feels like it" Junji explained as he laughed.

Everyone looked at YooJung as they saw he was pouting."Why you pouting Jung" Nine said as he chuckled."None of your business" YooJung said as he continued pouting."Your so adorable Appa Jung" Felix said as he smiled.

Everyone looked at Felix

"What did you just call me" asked YooJung."I called you Appa Jung, what, you don't like it" Felix said as he looked like he was about to cry."What, no, I was just shocked that you called me Appa that's all" YooJung said to the Omega."Your all my Appa now. Your Appa Nine(points to Nine), your Appa Rie(points to Rie), your Appa Kyu(points to KB) and your Appa Mill(points to Mill)" Felix smiled as he named all his new Appa."Sir KB, someone is at the door for you" Mingi said. KB got up and went to the door. He saw a lady standing at the door with a boy behind her."What do you want Kiki" KB said.

Name: Jung KikiAge: 27Rank: OmegaRelationship: Singe motherSon: Hwan

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Name: Jung Kiki
Age: 27
Rank: Omega
Relationship: Singe mother
Son: Hwan

Name: Shin HwanAge: 5Rank: Don't know yetParents: Shin Kyu-Bin and Jung Kiki

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Name: Shin Hwan
Age: 5
Rank: Don't know yet
Parents: Shin Kyu-Bin and Jung Kiki

"I'm here to drop off your son" Kiki said. She looked like she was going to a party."I won't be back until next week because I'm going on a trip with my girlfriends so bye" Kiki said as she left. KB sighed. Felix walked over to him. He looked at the little boy in front of him."Your som" Felix asked. KB nodded."This is Shin Hwan, Hwan this is Eomma Junji son, Felix" KB introduced them. Hwan looked at Felix and smiled."Can we play in my toy room upstairs Appa" Hwan asked KB. KB looked at Felix to see if he wanted to. Felix smiled at him and nodded."Sure baby, go play with your new brother" KB said. Hwan took Felix hand and ran upstairs. The others came around the cor and smiled at him."Their going get along just fine" Mill said as he smiled.

The others nodded agreeing to what Mill said

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