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Felix slept over at Junji house because Hwan didn't want him to leave. Felix woke up to his phone ranging.

"Ugh" Felix groaned. Hwan wanted him to sleep with him in his room. His bed is really big too.

F: Hello
C: Felix, thank god. Where are you?
F: My Eomma house. KB son didn't want me to leave so I stayed
C: Why didn't you call us to let us know you were staying
F: I fell asleep while me and Hwan was playing pirates. We also was coloring and my phone died
C: Who's Hwan?
F: KB son
C: Okay, well call me, Changbin and Minho when you get here
F: Alright

Felix ended the call and saw Hwan was still sound asleep. Felix smiled and got up. He left the room and creaked it. He went downstairs and saw KB and YooJung downstairs."Morning Appa Kyu and Appa Jung" Felix said as he smiled.

"Morning sunshine" KB said."Thanks for watching Hwan. It's the first time he played with someone who actually cares about him" KB said as he sat on YooJung lap. YooJung held KB waist tightly."Your welcome, I never had siblings so it was fun spending time with a little kid" Felix said as he sat next to the two.

"Junji is cooking breakfast, Minji is outside with Nine doing whatever they do. Rie and Mill is still asleep" KB said. Felix nodded and went outside. He saw Minji and Nine playing soccer."Minji, you play soccer" Felix asked."Yes Young Felix. Nine taught me years ago" Minji said. Felix nodded."You want to play" Nine asked. Felix looked at the volleyball court."How about you and me play volleyball" Felix said to Nine. Nine nodded. He walked over to the volleyball court and they started.

Felix won

"Omg your so good at this Lixie" Nine said as he smiled. Felix played Minji and won as well."Thanks, Eomma was a naturally at volleyball. He taught me and I learned quick" Felix said."Really, I didn't know Junji played volleyball" Nine said shockingly."He still play, he's pro" Felix said as he smiled. Nine dropped his water and his eyes widened. So did Mingi."He's pro" Minji asked."Mhm" Felix hummed as he grabbed a water.

"Who's pro?" Rie asked as he came outside."Junji is a pro volleyball player" Nine said. Rie looked at them shockingly."Are you serious" Rie asked. Minji and Nine nodded."Felix is pretty good himself. He just beat me and Minji" Nine said."Young Felix had some talent" Minji said as he smiled.

A car pulled up and a lady step out of it."Kiki, I thought you were supposed to be gone all week" Rie asked."I was but my parents wants me to bring Hwan over to their house so they can watch him while I'm gone" Kiki said. She looked at Felix and gave him a look."Who the hell are you" Kiki asked."I'm Lee Felix, Junji son" Felix said."Junji have a kid. Shocking" Kiki said as she started laughing."I'm surprised you even still have your parents" Felix said."Why are you surprised?" Kiki asked. KB and the others walked outside."Oh just because parents usually disown their slutty ass children and let them be dumb and stupid. Something you are" Felix said as he smiled.

They others that came out looked at him shocked. Nine, Rie and Minji was chuckling."Who the hell do you think you are" Kiki said as she walked closer to Felix."Someone who actually care about a woman child" Felix said as he want back inside."Junji, control your child" Kiki snapped."I'm cool, he said something I wanted to say for a long time now" Junji said as he went back inside."Hwan is staying here, your parents can just come here to see him. And if you or them have a problem with this, take it up with my lawyers" KB said he, Mill and YooJung walked in the house."Now if you can excuse us, we're playing volleyball" Nine said. Kiki screamed and left.


Felix stayed at his Eomma house for a week. He wanted to keep Hwan busy and get to know him better. YooJung walked him back to his house."Bye Appa Jung" Felix said as he hugged YooJung. YooJung smiled a little and patted Felix head."See you sun" YooJung said. Seungmin opened the door."Felix, your back" Seungmin said. Felix nodded. He waved to YooJung as he walked in.

"You haven't called us all week" Seungmin said."I know, but I was spending time with my little brother" Felix said. Seungmin looked at him."I thought you were the only child" Seungmin said."I'm am, but Hwan is my Eomma mate son. So he's my little brother" Felix explained. Seungmin just nodded."You eat breakfast" Seungmin asked as he walked in kitchen."Mhm, Appa Nine made me eat before leaving" Felix said as he smiled. He walked upstairs and went to his room. (A;N They are still in ATEEZ house. Everyone is still there also) When he opened the door he saw his Alphas."Guys, why are y'all in my room" Felix asked softly."Felix, I told you call us when you were on your way" Chan said."I know but I was busy getting to know Appa Jung the whole way here I forgot. And anyway my phone was dead. I let Hwan use it to play his learning game and I forgot to charge it. Appa Jung don't bring his phone out unless he has too" Felix explained."So your phone was dead all week" Minho asked."No, I just wasn't upstairs most of the time. I was outside playing volleyball with Nine and Mingi" Felix replied.

"Who's Minji" Changbin asked."Minjoon or Minji for short. He's my parents butler" Felix said. He took his phone out of his pocket and put it on the charger. It was in 0%. Felix looked at his Alphas."Oh, y'all didn't believe that my phone was dead" Felix said. They were silent."Of course y'all didn't. Y'all thought U was lying because y'all thought I didn't want to call y'all. Is that right?" Felix asked. They were still silent."So no answer. That's okay because I have they rights to leave and do whatever I want because I'm old enough to make that decision" Felix said."Felix, your 16, your not old enough" Changbin said."And you were 13 when you lost your virginity. And you definitely was old enough yet to even have sex. But you did it anyway" Felix said. Changbin gave him a look."Felix watch your mouth" Changbin said."I don't have to. I have the rights to go and stay wherever I want" Felix said."No the hell you don't. You can't just stay over strangers houses" Chan said."Their not strangers, their my parents, my family" Felix started shouting."Felix, you have one more fucking time to raise your goddamn voice again and you'll see what happens" Chan threatened."So you can raise your voice but I can't. What sense do that makes. It makes ZERO SENSE CHAN, ZERO. Just because y'all Alphas doesn't mean y'all control y'all mates lives. They have to live their lives too. They can do whatever they want. But I guess it's not the case here. Y'all think y'all can control my life because I'm Omega. What about Hyunjin, I don't see y'all controlling his life" Felix shouted."Okay, now don't bring Hyunjin into this. He's the Head-Omega he has the rights to do as he please" Minho snapped.

"But I don't. Y'all don't control Jisung life, Jeongin life or Seungmin life but y'all have to control mines. That's bullshit" Felix snapped."Felix, I'm warning you, watch your damn mouth. They have the rights to do whatever they want" Changbin snapped back."BUT I DON'T. I DON'T HAVE NO RIGHTS BECAUSE I'M 16. JEONGIN US ALSO 16 AND HE'S YOUNGER THAN ME" Felix yelled.

That was it. That was the last straw for him. Changbin picked Felix up and walked downstairs with Chan and Minho behind him. He opened the other basement door and walked down there. He sat Felix down in there. It was cold and dark. Felix hates the dark."You'll be down here until you can get your damn act together" Chan said as him and the other two went up the stairs and locked the basement door.

That's when Felix started acting crazy

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