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"Felix wake up now" Seungmin said. It was the middle of the night and they were under attack. Felix rubbed his eyes and looked at Seungmin."What's going on" Felix said in a tired voice."We're under attack. Grab whatever you need and bring with you" Seungmin said as he was already packing Felix bag. Felix got up slowly and grabbed his six stuffed animals and gave them to Seungmin. Seungmin looked at the others on Felix bed and put them in a separate bag that Felix can hold. Seungmin put Felix bag on his back and picked Felix up."He's ready" Seungmin said as he came downstairs. Changbin took Felix and ran outside. He opened the door and Jisung, Hyunjin and Jeongin got in the car and Changbin laid Felix in the back with Seungmin and Minho. Changbin got in the driver seat as Chan got in the passenger seat. Changbin drove fast so the attackers wouldn't catch them."They pick the night to do all of this. THE GODDAMN NIGHT" Minho yelled as he put his hands on his head."Lucky we have always have an plan ready. This time Felix is in this plan" Chan said."Felix is still a pup Chan. If he's apart of this then we're risking his life. I will not allow my pup to get hurt" Hyunjin said."Hyunjin right. Felix is still just a pup and he could get seriously hurt, or worse...." Minho said as he looked at the pup in his lap."Agree" Jisung said. Chan sighed. He looked at the pup in Seungmin and Minho lap."Fine, Hyunjin he's your pup. What should we do" Chan asked the Omega."Nothing that involves him" Hyunjin said. They nodded their heads in agreement. Chan nodded. They headed to NCT house. They got out of the car and Jeongin picked Felix up and took him to the door. Minho knocked on the door. Lucas opened the door."Mark their here" Lucas said. He took Felix and went upstairs."Your not getting him back tonight" Mark said."Do come in" Mark said as he walked into the kitchen. They followed him in the house and into the kitchen."So let me guess, y'all got attacked tonight" Mark said as he poured him some coffee. They nodded. Mark hummed."Chan let me talk to you for a second" Mark said as he put his empty cup down. Chan followed him. Changbin went to the living room where he saw his friend Jaemin."Hey nerd" Changbin said. Jaemin stuck his middle finger at him. As everyone was  talking they heard a scream come from upstairs."Who's upstairs" Minho asked."Just Lucas and Felix" Jisung said as he watched Lucas take Felix upstairs. They ran upstairs and tried to open the Pups room but it wouldn't open."Mark do you have a key to this room" Changbin asked. Mark nodded and sent Jaehyun downstairs for the keys. Jaehyun came back in a second with the keys. Mark opened the door and saw Lucas on the floor naked with bruises everywhere. Jisung and Doyoung ran to their pup."Lucas what happened? Where is Felix?" Jisung asked his pup. Lucas struggled to talk but he managed to get these words out."T-T-T-T-They t-t-t-t-t-t-took him a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-and left" Lucas stuttered before he passed out from blood loss. Doyoung picked the pup up and took him to their doctors. Mark looked at Chan."What's wrong with him" Mark asked."Their scent is still here. I can smell it. And one of them is familiar" Chan said. He thought for a second before he growled."What's wrong" Seungmin asked."This scent it's Dae" Chan said as he continued to growl."Okay who the hell is Dae" Jeongin said."Felix abusive ex fiancé" Hyunjin said."FIANCÉ" the others yelled."Yeah. He was in an abusive relationship and his parents forced him to marry this guy. He raped Felix everyday and almost impregnated him. But he escaped and we found him the day me and Chan went on our date. He was badly hurt and y'all know the rest" Hyunjin explained."We have to found him Hyung" Seungmin said."We will, I promise" Chan said. Doyoung came back with a note. Hyunjin read it out loud.

Dear Chan,

I have found my pup at last. Your never going see him again. He may have escaped once but he won't escape again. And don't worry, I'll take good care of him for you. Hahaha, enjoy the rest of your life without him.

From: Dae

"Felix" Seungmin said as he started crying. Minho started to comfort him. Minho was trying his best to not cry but it was hard when your comforting an crying Omega. Minho started to cry as well but he tried to hide it."Know are you crying" Changbin asked. Minho shook his head but they saw him."Even Minho is crying. We have to find Felix Chan" Jeongin said."Jeongin why aren't you crying" Hyunjin asked."Because there's no use to cry if he's still here" Jeongin said as he sniffed the air."I smell him. He's still here. He's still nearby" Jeongin said. They looked. Jeongin is the closest to Felix so that would make since if Jeongin could pick up Felix scent faster than the others."Well I guess we got a pup to save" Changbin said."Can y'all help" Chan asked. Mark and Doyoung smiled and nodded.

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