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No one POV

The pack got up bright and early to go Chan house. Felix and the girls were still asleep. No one wanted to bother them while they were asleep.

Lucas was still half asleep as he walked downstairs fully dressed.

"Why we wake up so early?" Lucas asked as he yawned."So we can visit your brother. Just calm him or something and let him know you're coming" Keith said as he fixed his hair. Titan grabbed his car keys and they all got in the car

When they got there, Lucas knocked on the door. 3 minutes later the door opened."Lu" a voice said from the door. Lucas smiled as he looked at his older brother."Hey Chan, long time no see" Lucas said. Chan couldn't believe that the person he talked to on the phone was his younger brother."I can't believe it. You're so big now. How old are you again?" Chan asked."19" Lucas said."Omg, it been so long" Chan said as him and Lucas hugged."So are you going to introduce us or do we have to watch this brother moment all damn day" Keith said.

Chan and Lucas stopped hugging and turned around."Oh right, I'm Chan these are my mates. That's Titan, the Head-Alpha, Shadow, an Alpha, Kyle, also an Alpha, Kou, a Beta, Keith, Beta, and Dylan, also a Beta" Lucas introduced."Nice to meet y'all. I'm Bang Chan" Chan said.

"Okay, let's get down to business" Shadow said as he looked at Chan.


"Wait, he's okay" Minho asked

Shadow nodded as he looked at the Alpha

"We have no intention of hurting him. We were assigned to keep him at our house for a couple weeks until y'all went crazy. Even if we didn't want to do it, have literally have no choice. We're forced to do all these missions. If we don't do it then they would kill our twin girls or even kill us" Titan explained."Wait, Lucas, you have children?" Chan asked."Yeah, twins girls. They're my everything. That's why I do these missions. To protect them. I couldn't care less about my life. I just want my baby girls to get a chance to grow up" Lucas said.

"They're probably watching us now. They're probably know where Chan lives at and everything" Dylan said."They've looking at a copy of the house" The8 said as he drunk his coffee."What do you mean a copy of the house?" Kyle asked.

"They house we're in is real but Felix created a illusion so people would think they're looking at a real house but it's actually a fake house" Jeongin said as he was on his phone. Yang walked downstairs tired."I don't care who these people as long as don't be loud. I have a fucking headache. Oh and Changbin the paperwork you wanted is done" Yang said as he closed his eyes then opened it back."There's two Jeongin?" Lucas asked."Three, split personalities" Jeongin said.

"Oh and they tracking devices in y'all necks that they can hear from, been deactivated the moment y'all took Felix" Woozi said.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked

"Felix is the Prince of another realm. He's know when there things that's not supposed to be there. He deactivated in his sleep, or when he met Titan when woke up in the room. How I know this, well, why do you think some of us are not half as tired or crazy yet. That's because we Omegas knew he was okay and not hurt. So we had nothing to be worried about" Woozi said as he put a blanket on Yang who was asleep on Seungmin shoulder.

"So that means we're free?" Kyle asked. Woozi smiled and nodded."Omg, but they know where we live. What if they come for us and try to kill us" Lucas said. Chan walked over to his brother and ruffled his eyes."Trust me Lu, they are not coming after y'all. Knowing that you have a Blooded Alpha brother, they wouldn't dare come anywhere near y'all. Y'all ca bring Felix back tomorrow" Chan said as he smiled.

Titan nodded and shook Chan hand."He being a good Omega. He's also is wonderful with children" Shadow said.

"He's the kindest with strangers even though he doesn't know them" Minho said as he sighed. Everyone chuckled as they looked Minho face."We know he is" everyone said as they were chuckling.

Minho rolled his eyes playfully and also chuckled a little.

I'm sorry this is short. I lost ideas for this part of the chapter. I just got home from school and I have a bunch of work to do that is distracting me from writing the story.

Chapter 67 is going be out in 2 days. Well that's if I'm done with it. For the next couple of chapters it would only be about Stray Kids x Felix. The others will be mentioned but they're only have like four to six lines then they're out of the story.

Bye now

So much homework to do😭😭😭

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