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Chan POV

I didn't sleep a wink last night at all. I was too busy working on songs for Mv's and for concerts. I was in my studio when someone knocked on the door."Come in" I said as I was writing something down. The person came in and closed the door behind them. They tapped on my shoulder and I looked at who it was.

It was Hyunjin

"May I ask what your doing here" he said as he crossed his arms around his chest. I sighed. Hyunjin hates me overworking myself. Of course he's going worry. He's the Head-Omega."I just happened some stuff to finish up" I said as I looked back at my work. I heard him sigh."What did I say about overworking yourself. You don't sleep nor eat when you do that. It's 9 in the morning Chan" Hyunjin said. I groaned as he put my pen down."Hyunjin, you don't have to worry about me that much. Just let me finish this and I'll come back" I said as I looked at him. He sighed and left. I went immediately back to my work and continued what I was doing before I was interrupted.

I finished six of my paperwork. Now I have sixteen more to go then I can rest. I heard a knock on the door."Come in" I said. The person, who I know is Hyunjin, came in and shut the door."Hyunjin said come back and rest. It's already 4 in the evening" the voice said. I turned and saw it wasn't Hyunjin

It was Minho

Of course it had to be him. I thought Hyunjin was bad when I overwork myself but Minho. They second oldest and the other Alpha in here."Lee Know please leave and tell Hyunjin I'll be back soon" I said."Chan, put that pen down and come rest. You can finish it tomorrow" he said."Lee Know, please leave. I have to finish this" I said."Bang Christopher Chan, if you don't get up and say fuck that paperwork. I will rip that shit in pieces and say fuck it. Don't fucking play with me. I don't care if your the Head-Alpha. You overwork yourself too much to the point where you will snap at us for disturbing you. Now get up" Minho shouted. I can see he was trying to control his anger. He was a little worse than Hyunjin."Lee Know, come sit" I said. He looked really tired."I have stuff I have to do" he said."Come now and that's an order" I command him. He sighed and sat on my lap."What's wrong baby" I said as I looked at him."Yoongi" he said."What about Yoongi" I asked."Yoongi is in the hospital. Him and our father got into a fight and our father nearly killed him. If Namjoon wasn't there at the time then......I would have lose a brother" he said. He tried to hold his tears back but he couldn't anymore. He started crying. You see, Minho isn't the person to be crying, but him and Yoongi are super close that he will cry over him. They're brothers after all. I held him tight to me."Yoongi a fighter and he's definitely not going leave you nor his mates. He'll be okay. I promise" I said. He was sobbing quietly. He was gripping onto my hoodie I had on. The sobbing got too quiet to where I knew he was sleep. I stood up and walked over to the couch and laid him down on it. I put Felix blanket on him and kissed his forehead. I sat back down and went back to my work.

"Hey Changbin, Hyunjin sent you" I asked the Alpha who was now sitting on the couch with Minho head on his lap playing with his hair."No, Felix did. Hyunjin know that Lee Know is asleep. Felix wanted you to get some rest. Hyunjin gave up already" Changbin said as he was playing with the sleeping Minho hair. I sighed. I put my paperwork away and stood up."There's more to that isn't there" I said. Changbin stopped playing with Minho hair and looked at me."He had a panic attack. Chan he was stuck in a nightmare where he couldn't get out of. It was horrible. He was screaming and crying and he was hurting himself. He couldn't leave. Seungmin had to snap him out of it and as he was in there he was begging for you" Changbin explained. I saw how much he was trying to hold his tears back. I walked over to Minho and picked him up."Come on" I said to the Alpha. He followed me into the house and up the stairs. I opened my door and saw all of our mates sitting on my bed."So he was asleep. That's why he didn't come back" Hyunjin said as he looked at the sleeping Minho. His eyes was puffy and red. And so we're everyone else eyes."Where's Felix" I asked as I laid Minho down in my bed. Jisung pointed to the bathroom."He locked himself in there" Jeongin said. I sighed and walked over to the bathroom. I knocked on the door."Hey, Felix, can I come in" I asked. There was dead silent for 2 minutes. I knocked again."Felix, open the door" I said. Dead silence again. I banged on the door which woke Minho up."What the hell is all that noise" Minho said. Jisung explained everything to him as I tried to open the door."Your not trying hard enough" Minho said as he got up."Then you fucking try" I snapped. He looked at me then at everyone else. He put his hand on the door."What are you doing" I asked him. His eyes turned green. I backed up. The door started to burn. It melted and Minho eyes when back to normal. Minho nose was bleeding but he just wiped it away. He ran into the bathroom and saw Felix rocking back and forth in the corner of the bathroom. I walked in with Changbin."Baby, hey can you look at me" Minho said as he sat on his knees a little away from Felix. Felix looked at him.

We gasped

His eyes was different than his normal eye color.

His eyes was different than his normal eye color

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"Felix, come here" Minho said. Felix hesitated then he crawled over to Minho. Minho held the small Omega close to him. He then looked at me and Changbin."I know what these eyes are" he whispered."There wolf eyes. His wolf is in control until Felix calm down. So this is not Felix right now. It's his wolf. That's why he didn't respond to you Chan. His wolf can't talk at this moment because it doesn't know us that well" Minho whispered as he picked Felix up."How long is his eyes going be like this" Changbin asked in a whisperer."Until Felix is calm. Right now he's not" Minho said. We walked into the room and Hyunjin and Jeongin got up from where they were sitting so Minho can lay Felix down. He laid Felix down but Felix started sobbing. Minho got in the bed with him and cuddled with him."Shh, I'm right here. No one going to hurt you as long as we're here. Shhh" Minho said in Felix ear. Felix sobbing got quiet and he was asleep."Minho, how did you open the door" Seungmin asked. Minho looked at him."Remember how I'm only part wolf and Yoongi is both wolf and vampire" Minho said. We nodded."Well I'm not a vampire, but I just access the abilities that vampires have" Minho said. We gave him a look of confusion. He sighed."Yoongi vampire ability is Telekinesis. Which means he can move things with his mind basically. My father ability is Telepathy. Which means he can teleport basically anywhere he wants. Mines is Clairvoyance. Which means I can see or senses events taking places else where that's not in my view. It has a side effect though. What I did to the door was use Clairvoyance side effect heat wave. Which made the door melt and burn to the floor" Minho explained."So, do Yoongi knows" Jisung said. Minho was silent."Yoongi is in the hospital" I said."Their father and Yoongi was in a fight and their father nearly killed Yoongi. Lucky Namjoon was there and got Yoongi to a hospital. He's currently in a coma at this moment" I explained. Everything looked at Minho who was staring at the floor."Lee Know, are you okay" Jeongin asked. Minho looked at him. His eyes were watery. Tears fell from his face. He wiped them away and forced a smile out."I'm fine. I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in a few" Minho said as he walked out of the room."I'll walk with his to make sure he doesn't do anything" Changbin said as he followed Minho. Hyunjin walked over to me. He smacked me in the head."Oww, what the hell was that for" I said as I held the back of my head."Nothing, I just wanted to smack you" Hyunjin said as he chuckled. The others were chuckling too."It's not funny" I said."Yes it is" Seungmin said.

I smiled a little. This is my home. They are my family. The family I'll will protect and never let anyone do anything to.

This is my pack

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