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It been 2 weeks since Felix been down in the basement. Hyunjin and the other Omegas be trying to let him out but the Alphas be stopping them. All Felix do is scream while he's down there. Chan is sick of it so he won't let him out yet.

Felix screaming is really him laughing like a maniac. He pulls his hair and make himself blood. He cut half of his flesh off of his hand. He don't sleep anymore, and all he do is repeat these same words over and over again."I want to die,""I hate myself,""I'm a bad boy,""I don't deserve to live" is all he repeats. Chan, Changbin and Minho left him down there and now it's their fault he's not their Pixie anymore.


"Come on Chan, just let him out. Wooyoung won't even talk to us anymore" San said. He finally showed Wooyoung how much he love him and now it might change because of Chan, Minho and Changbin."Woozi hates our guts" Coups said. Minho rolled his eyes."He need to be taught a lesson" Mingi said."Really, over him sticking up for himself. He's 16 and he haven't seen his Eomma since he was 9, 7 years you three. You really expect him to not spend time with his new family. And his phone was dead big whoops, who gives a fuck. He wants to be free but y'all treating him like a prisoner. Y'all treating him like Doyoung did" Joshua said.

"What you just say" Changbin said as he stood up."I said, y'all are treating him like Doyoung did" Joshua repeated. He wasn't scared if Changbin."Changbin sit down. Joshua is right. Felix is our boyfriend and y'all treat him like he's a prisoner. I don't accept that. So either y'all let him out now or I'm done. We're over, y'all can found a new Head-Omega" Hyunjin threatened. Minho looked at Changbin who looked at Chan. Chan sighed but threw Hyunjin the key. Hyunjin opened the door and went downstairs. What he saw broke his heart.

"CHAN" Hyunjin called. Chan and the others ran downstairs to the basement and saw Felix rocking back and forth and repeatedly screaming words."Look what the fuck y'all assholes did" Jeongin yelled. Hyunjin went over to Felix. When he tried to touch him Felix jumped on him."HYUNJIN" Changbin yelled. Felix was crying. His eyes was red and puffy and he had black circles under his eyes. He didn't seem to recognize Hyunjin."Baby, hey it's okay. I'm here now, you can take back control of your crazy side. I know it comes out alone when your in the dark alone and cold. Your freezing" Hyunjin said. Hyunjin and Jeongin are the only ones who knows about Felix crazy side."Crazy side, what crazy side?" Seungmin asked."Felix crazy side is developed and activated when he's alone and in the dark. Me and Hyunjin Hyung are the only ones who knows" Jeongin explained. Hyunjin saw Felix was still on top of him growling."Baby, it's okay. I'm here" Hyunjin said softly as he held Felix cold cheek. Felix growling stopped. He hugged Hyunjin crying."I-I-I-I-I d-d-d-d-don't w-w-w-w-w-want to s-s-s-s-see them" Felix stuttered. Hyunjin sat up with Felix in his arms."He don't want to see y'all" Hyunjin said directly to his three Alphas. They looked disappointed but nodded knowing Felix was not going to talk nor be around them anymore. They also know that he's going afraid of them.


After a couple days, Felix was unfrozen and warming up. The other Omegas kept him company. Felix met Woozi and they became close."H-H-Hyunjin" Felix said looking at Hyunjin who was on the couch in Felix room reading a book."Mhm" Hyunjin hummed in replied."I want to see them now" Felix said. Hyunjin smiled from him book and called them.

They came in a flash."I'll leave y'all alone" Hyunjin said as he got up. He stopped by Changbin ear."Good luck" Hyunjin whispered. He left, shutting the door behind him.

Felix tapped his bed for them to sit down. Minho and Changbin sat on the left and Chan sat on the right."Cuddles" Felix said as he smiled. They just nodded. They laid down and Felix snuggled up with his three Alphad."We're sorry Lix" Minho said. Felix smiled."I know, now sleep. They nodded and closed their eyes. Next thing you knew, they were sleeping.

On the other side of the door, they were getting watched by Woozi, Jay and Hyunjin was watching in awe. Jisung, Coups and Wooyoung came upstairs."What's y'all looking at" Coups asked.

Pretend Jeongin is Chan and Changbin is in there

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Pretend Jeongin is Chan and Changbin is in there

"Aww so cute" Wooyoung said in awe

Sorry this part is short
It's 2:19 and I'm sleepy. If there's anything spelling errors then I'm sorry, I was falling asleep typing. Anyway have a good night/day

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