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"FUCK YOU ASSHOLE" Minho shouted

Felix is under the table with Keeho and Yeonjun comforting him."I-I-I-I d-don't know w-what's happening. Everything w-w-was okay t-t-this morning" Felix said as he hiccuped.

Hyunjin, Minho, Changbin and Chan were arguing over who knows what. They been at it for 6 hours now.

"That's it I can't have them screaming m. Felix your ears are bleeding from the screaming. Your ears are too sensitive" Soul said as he ran upstairs. Jay and Sunoo ran after him. Soul kicked open the door."SHUT THE FUCK UP" Soul yelled. The three Alphas and the Omega looked at the young Omega."Felix ears are bleeding because of y'all screaming and his ears are sensitive. Shut the hell up" Soul yelled."What are y'all even arguing about anyways?" Sunoo asked."Hyunjin being a slut" Changbin said. Hyunjin felt tears in the corner of his eyes."Watch your damn mouth. I don't give a fuck if you're an Alpha. You have no right to talk shit about Hyunjin. Hyunjin is not a slut. He is the most caring person I know. If really y'all mate y'all wouldn't be calling him names" Jay snarled at Changbin.

"Oh so Jake can call Sunghoon names but we can't" Changbin said as he stood up."Sunghoon has nothing to do with this. Jake is getting help for his problem. Maybe y'all should join him because y'all need help just as much as he needs help" Jay snapped. Changbin wanted to slap the shit out of the Omega but he was interrupted."JAY FELIX IS HAVING A SEIZURE" Ni-Ki shouted as he was at the door. Jay, Soul and Sunoo ran downstairs. Hyunjin and the Alphas were right behind them. Keeho had Felix head on his lap as Felix was having his seizure. He was forming from the mouth.

Yeonjun was on the phone with the ambulance and they said they be there in 4 minutes. Yoongi grabbed a cloth and wiped Felix mouth. He then looked at his brother and slapped him. Minho held his cheek as he looked at his older brother."What the fuck is wrong with you? How could y'all fight when y'all have an Omega who is FUCKING SENSITIVE TO FUCKING LOUD NOISES" Yoongi snapped at Minho, Changbin and Chan. Yoongi eyes turned dark blue. He was really angry."I'm not even blaming Hyunjin. I saw what that guy did to Hyunjin. He tried to rape him but luckily Jeongwoo was there and he was able to stop the Alpha from raping y'all Omega. HYUNJIN IS NOT A SLUT" Yoongi eyes became darker. His eyes alerted his mates.

Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung and Seokjin were there in a flash. "What the fuck is go-" Seokjin stopped when he saw Felix. Seokjin ran to him and checked his pulse."Where is the ambulance?" Seokjin said as he looked at everyone."They were supposed to be here 4 minutes ago" Yeonjun said as he continued to shake. Taehyung walked over to him and hugged him releasing calming pheromones.

Seokjin picked Felix up and walked out of the house. Taehyung, Namjoon and Yeonjun followed them out of the house. Keeho followed as well.

After a couple of hours Taehyung walked in with a sleeping Felix in his arms. He saw Jimin and Vernon on the couch."Where his Alphas?" Taehyung asked the two."Upstairs" Vernon answered. Taehyung nodded and walked upstairs going to the Alpha Quarter. He lightly kicked the door open and saw Hyunjin in the middle of Chan, Changbin and Minho awake on his phone. Chan ears perked and he looked at Taehyung standing by the door with Felix sleeping in his arms. Hyunjin sat up and quickly got out of the bed and walked to Taehyung taking Felix from him. Hyunjin laid Felix in the middle and cuddled him tightly crying. Taehyung smiled and was about to walk out when he looked at the Alphas."Yoongi is giving y'all one chance with Felix. Minho, Yoongi is your brother and Felix is like a baby to him and he is losing his patience with y'all. Y'all are hurting all y'all mates by being the way y'all are. Jake therapy session is tomorrow. If y'all want to keep Felix then get some damn help. This is Yoongi AND Namjoon last warning. Next time Felix will no longer be y'all mate" Taehyung said as he walked out of the room.

"I hate therapists but for Felix I'll do it" Minho said as he played with Hyunjin hair. Hyunjin cried himself to sleep hugging Felix."I'll do it too if that means we get to keep Felix. He's OURS" Changbin said as he rubbed his nose in Felix neck."Whatever we have to do to keep Felix" Chan said as he played with Changbin necklace on his neck.

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