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"So let me get this straight. We all are going to live in a palace. A FUCKING PALACE" Yeonjun said as he looked at Felix. Felix chuckled and nodded."In a few weeks. Me and Akio have to visit there today and check on our other brother and his mate and their friends to see if everything is okay. Because I feel like something isn't right" Felix explained. There was a knock at the door and Seokjin opened the door."Hello Akio" Seokjin said as he smiled at the tall figure.

Akio gave Seokjin a smile and Felix walked over to them."Akio is the portal ready" Felix asked. Akio pointed to the portal that was about to close in 3 minutes."I'll be back soon" Felix said as him and Akio walked through the portal.

When they made it to the other side they were transformed in their Fox form. Felix had a white/black ears and a red/black tail. Akio had all red ears and a black tail."Come on, I can feel him" Felix said as he walked ahead of his brother.

They made to the palace and the guards at front bowed and opened the door. When the door opened they were hit with strong pheromones hitting their noses.

It was their brother

They ran to where the source of the scent was coming and found their brother on the bathroom floor bloody.

"RYAN" Felix screamed as he ran towards his older brother. Ryan was still moving but not as much as they hoped he would."HEALER" Felix screamed. The healer and his team rushed to Ryan."He's needs blood. Get him to the donation center" the healer said as one man picked Ryan up."Is he going be okay Ian" Felix asked. Ian, the healer smiled at the young Fox and ruffled his ears."He'll be fine. This is the third time he tried to hurt himself. His mate had been distant and Ryan feels like he's cheating on him so he hurts himself. I actually saw Sebastian in his and Ryan shared room. He might still be there" Ian told Felix as he walked to where they took Ryan at.

Felix and Akio took the elevator to the fourth floor to where Ryan and Sebastian room is at and knocked on the door. The door opened and they saw Sebastian sitting on the bed in his phone."Hey little one, hey Kiki" Sebastian said as he smiled turning his phone off. Sebastian had a habit of calling Akio Kiki even though the young one hates it."Are you cheating on my brother?" Felix asked as he sat next to Sebastian."We're back to this again. Felix read my emotions. Tell me if you think I'm cheating on your brother" Sebastian said as he put Felix tiny hand on his check. Felix eyes turned green as you read Sebastian emotions. Felix removed his hand and his eyes turned back to normal."No you're not" Felix said."I know but Ryan is so paranoid that he thinks that's I'm cheating on him" Sebastian said as he shook his head."You know he hurts himself right" Felix said to the oldest."I know, I caught him once. He said he's continue to do it until I'm just his" Sebastian said as he sighed.

Felix groaned as Sebastian explained

The healer walked in and bowed to Felix, Akio and Sebastian."Prince Ryan is stable. He's asleep right now if y'all wish to see him" the healer explained as he walked out. Sebastian got up and the two brothers followed him. They walked towards the room where Ryan is at and walked in. Ryan was sitting up playing with a little fox on his lap."Foxy" Felix said as he looked at the fox. The fox jumped out of Ryan lap and jumped in Felix arms."Babe, you need to stop doing what you're doing. It's hurting you" Sebastian said as he carefree Ryan hair."You're cheating on me" Ryan said as his eyes were emotionless."He's not Ry, he's telling the truth. I swear" Felix said. Ryan eyes softened and he smiled."Okay, I trust you Lixie" Ryan said as he smiled at his little brother. Sebastian smiled and sighed in relief.

"YOU HAVE MATES" Sebastian and Ryan said it together. Felix chuckled and nodded."How many" Sebastian asked."Well 7 but one of my mates spilt personality so actually I have 9 mates" Felix explained."Holy shit. I'm surprised you're not pregnant yet" Ryan said."Let's not talk about that. They don't want pups so I hope I never get pregnant" Felix said as he frowned a little."But ever since we're were young you always said you wanted pups of your own" Ryan said."I do but they don't want none so I can't force them" Felix replied."Felix it's your choice not theirs if you want pups or not. Yeah you can't force them but if they don't use condoms then you're going end up pregnant" Ryan said."Well....." Felix hesitated as he looked at his two brothers and his brother in-law."They don't use condoms" Felix answered."Well you're be the first one pregnant" Sebastian said as he chuckled. Ryan hit his husband on the head."Asshole you're don't even use condoms so shut up" Ryan said as he hissed at his husband."Neither does Regie nor Darren" Sebastian said as he smiled."Why every time Ryan cursing you out my name is also brought the fuck up" a voice said from behind Felix. Felix turned around and saw Regie, Oliver, Justin and Darren."Hey little pup" Oliver said as he smiled and ruffled Felix ears.

Felix purred

"Well Felix mates don't use condoms and Ryan said I don't either so I said Felix might end up pregnant before Oliver, Justin and Ryan and Ryan hissed at me and I said that you and Darren never use condoms either" Sebastian explained."Well you're wrong because Justin is pregnant" Darren said as he pulled the Beta close to him."Omg congratulations JP" Felix said as he hugged Justin."Thanks little pup" Justin said as he hugged Felix back."Finally" Ryan said as he joined the hug. Oliver joined the hug.

"Wait Felix have mates?" Oliver asked."Yup he had 9" Sebastian said. Regie started chocking."He has what now?" Darren said."I originally have 7 but one of my mates spilt his personality  so now I have 9" Felix explained."You shouldn't have none" Regie said."Aww is Regie being a caring older brother in-law" Felix said as he chuckled."I want to meet them" Regie asked."Okay in a few weeks because me and my mates plus our friends who lives with the us, well we all live together. We all are going move here and so is Eomma and his mates and our siblings" Felix said as he smiled."Holy hell" Darren said as he shook his head."Yay new friends" Ryan said as he gave a mischievous smile."Oh lord" Justin said as he and everyone else chuckled.

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