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Name: Hwang HajoonAge: 29Rank: AlphaRelationship: SingleSiblings: Hwang Hyunjin

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Name: Hwang Hajoon
Age: 29
Rank: Alpha
Relationship: Single
Siblings: Hwang Hyunjin

Hajoon POV

I haven't seen my brother in years. He grown."Hello Hyunjin" I said as my eyes when ember green."Who was that cute little Omega" I asked."My Omega" he said. I looked at Chan."He's our Omega. Altogether we have 6 mates" Chan said."Felix is the pup, Seungmin is the Omega, I.N is an Beta, Jisung is also a Beta, Changbin and Minho are Alphas" Chan said as he smiled."So Felix was the one who let me in the house" I said. Chan and Hyunjin nodded."Hm, Doyoung old Omega" I saidzm. They nodded. I knew Doyoung for a long time. And I can tell you, he's not a nice person."Y'all know he's out right" I said."Yeah" Hyunjin. He sat on the bench and signal me to sit next to him. I sat next to him and Chan left us alone."Are you dating anyone" Hyunjin asked. I shook my head. Before I could say something  a beautiful scent hit my nose. I looked around for the scent and I saw the most cutest boy ever."That's Alexander, Alex for short. He's the officer who is helping us with Doyoung" Hyunjin said. Alexander walked over to us and smiled."Hey Hyunjin. Who's is that next to you" Alexander asked."This is my brother, Hajoon. Hajoon, this is Alexander" I introduced them."Your scent is really sweet" Hajoon said."Your scent smells like peaches. My favorite" Alexander said as he smiled. His smile is so beautiful and calm."Anyway, Hyunjin, there some people who also know a little about Doyoung and have dated him. Y'all can come now" Alex said. Three people came from behind a car. There was two females and a male."That's Daehyun, Soojin and Minji" Alex said as introduced us to the three new people.

"That's Daehyun, Soojin and Minji" Alex said as introduced us to the three new people

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Name: Kim Daehyun
Age: 19
Rank: Beta
Relationship: Single

Name: Kim DaehyunAge: 19Rank: BetaRelationship: Single

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Name: Kim Soojin
Age: 17
Rank: Omega
Relationship: Single

Name: Choi MinjiAge: 21Rank: Omega Relationship: Single

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Name: Choi Minji
Age: 21
Rank: Omega
Relationship: Single

"Guys, this is Hyunjin and his brother Hajoon" Alex introduced."Nice to meet you" Daehyun said."Like wise" I said. Me and Hyunjin eyes went back to normal."Now tell us what y'all know about Doyoung" Hyunjin asked. The two girls looked at Daehyun. He gulped."He's my......older brother" Daehyun said as he looked at Hyunjin."That would explain your name" Hyunjin said."I'm not like my brother. I haven't seen him in 8 years. I'm 19 now. He disappeared when I was 11" Daehyun said. Hyunjin hummed. He tapped the bench."Come sit Beta" he said."How did you know I was a Beta" Daehyun asked as he walked over the bench. Hyunjin gave him a small smile."Because, I have Beta and I know how to tell which is which" Hyunjin said."Now, tell us about your brother" Hyunjin said.

After Daehyun explained the backstory of his and Doyoung past. Hyunjin didn't say anything. Really no one said anything."So your father is the reason why he's the way he is" Soojin asked. Daehyun nodded."The boy he use to date. Felix was his name. He never really wanted to hurt him. He loved him. It's just our father didn't want him dating a male Omega so he made Doyoung abuse him" Daehyun explained. Hyunjin nodded."Is that so" Hyunjin said. We looked at him."How long are you going to keep lying to us" Hyunjin said as he smiled. Daehyun froze."Now the other stuff you said was true. But that, that wasn't true. There's something your not telling us" Hyunjin said. Daehyun gulped."I told you the truth" Daehyun said."Are you sure. Because Felix is 17. Your 19, so y'all only two years apart. You said you haven't seen your brother in 8 years. So you were 11. Felix didn't start dating Doyoung until he was 13. So you couldn't have known what was going on if you haven't seen your brother in 8 years. So if you know all this stuff, then you must've been there to see it all happen. Or your covering something up and your not telling us what it is. So which one is it? One or Two" Hyunjin explained. Daehyun eyes went wide. Alex looked at him."Daehyun, have you been talking to your brother" Alex said. Daehyun looked at him."Did he even disappear or was that a lie" Minji said as she looked at Daehyun."Oh he was telling the truth on that one" Hyunjin said as he stood up."Now which one is it? One or Two" Hyunjin repeated. Daehyun looked at Hyunjin."Two" Daehyun said. Hyunjin chuckled."What's so funny" Soojin said as she gave Hyunjin a look of confusion. Along with me, Alex, Daehyun and Minji."Why did you just lie to me" Hyunjin said as his eyes turned dark blue. Daehyun stood up and back away over to Alex."Your brother disappeared but reappeared and found you. That's where you met Felix. You heard and watch him get abused everyday not telling anybody or doing something about it. You help him out out of jail didn't you" Hyunjin said. Daehyun backed away from Alex."I had to. He's my brother. The only family I have left. I'm sorry but thanks for giving me the location Alexander" Daehyun said as he ran off. I was about to go after him but Hyunjin stopped me."Don't worry. He was looking at a clone. Our house is over there" Hyunjin said as he pointed across the street."So he's giving him the wrong address" Soojin said. Hyunjin nodded.

Somewhere else

"I'm back" Daehyun said as he walked in the warehouse. He looked for his brother."Doyoung" Daehyun said."Did you get it" Doyoung said as he walked out of the shadows. Daehyun nodded and handed his brother the piece of paper with the location on it."Good thank you" Doyoung said as he chuckled."Felix you are all mines" Doyoung said as he started laughing like a maniac.

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