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Bambam POV

Today Felix and his friend Yeonjun came over for a sleepover I am having. Felix other friend, Jimin, would come later after work. Lisa, Taemin, Eunhyuk, Yugyeom and Nayeon are here for the sleepover also. Jackson helps me prepare the snacks for our movie we're having in the living room."Remember, me and Mark will be in the Alpha Quarter if y'all need anything" Jackson said as he handed me the bowl. I nodded and walked in the living room with Jackson right behind me. We sat the snacks done and Jackson left.

I saw that Yeonjun had the remote in his hand flicking through channels. There was a knock on the door, so Yugyeom got and opened the door. He bowed and smiled."Jimin-ssi is here" Yugyeom said as they both walked in the living room."Where is y'al bathroom" Jimin asked as he took out his pj. He just came from work. He works as a professor at Big Hit University. I pointed to the door next the kitchen and he went to go change. Yeonjun looked at me as saying do I want the remote. I nodded and he pasted me the remote. Jimin came out of the bathroom and put his work clothes in his bag and sat down next to Yeonjun."So, what do y'all want to watch for our movie" I asked."A horror movie" Yeonjun said as he smirked."We should watch Pet Sematary Bloodline" Eunhyuk said as he smirked also."All in favor of watching Pet Sematary Bloodline say I" I said as I raised my hand.

Raised Hands:

No raised hands:

"I guess we're watching Pet Sematary Bloodline" I said as I went to Paramount+ and searched Pet Sematary Bloodline. I pressed it and it started. We had drinks, popcorn and candy.

Jackson POV

Me and Mark were in me and JayB room. We were cuddling when Mark jumped up. I sat up and looked at him."What's wrong" I asked."Something is wrong" Mark said. I got up and looked towards the door.

He whimpered

I grabbed his hand and we ran downstairs."RUN BITCH" Yeonjun yelled at the tv. Felix was slightly chuckling as he held onto Eunhyuk arm. Eunhyuk was just shaking his head as he watched Yeonjun yell at the tv. Bambam was playing a board game with Lisa and Jimin. Nayeon was applying makeup to Yugyeom face."I'm guessing your senses was Yeonjun screaming like a maniac" I said as I chuckled. Mark senses work for anyone Bambam and Yugyeom care about. So they care about Yeonjun and he was screaming. Felix looked over at us and got up. He walked over to us and smiled."I think Jun is possessed by the demons from the movie" Felix said as he smiled like a baby chick he is. Mark ruffled Felix hair and Felix purred."Are y'all trying to steal my Baby Chick" Yugyeom said as he walked over. I chuckled and nodded."Yes, yes we are" I said as I passed Felix to Mark. Mark nuzzled his nose in Felix neck.

Yeonjun was still screaming at the tv."What are y'all watching if I may ask" I asked the youngest."They watching some killing movie. I don't know what the hell that is" Yugyeom said as he walked over to Mark.

Mark hissed at Yugyeom and hugged Felix more."Mine" Mark growled."Fine, be greedy. Just bring him back when your done with him" Yugyeom said as he walked in the living room. Mark followed him and sat on the couch grooming Felix. Felix somehow took my phone out of my pocket and put the password in and started playing games on my phone."How the hell did he know my password" I asked."Mark told me" Felix said happily. Mark turned around to me and smiled. I chuckled and I walked in the kitchen."So what do y'all have plan for y'all sleepover" I asked."Watch movies, eat snacks, play board games, try out some new makeup and play truth or dare" Jimin said as he knocked down one of Bambam chess man down. Bambam nodded and moved his chess man.

Skip to when they play truth or dare

"Bambam, truth or dare" Jimin asked."Dare" Bambam answered."I dare you to call JayB while he's working" Jimin said as he smirked.

Bambam grabbed his phone and called JayB

JB: Hello
BB: Hey, what your doing
JB: Um working, why the hell are you calling me during work. I have a lot of paperwork to do and your disturbing me. Don't you have anything else to do with your time instead of wasting mine.

Bambam hung up the phone and put the phone down."Anyway, Felix truth or dare" Bambam asked trying to stay happy."Dare" Felix said quietly. Mark was still grooming him and Felix was going into scent drunk stage."I dare you to sit on the floor and see what Mark would do" Bambam said. Felix slowly got out of Mark grip and sat on the floor. Mark started whimpering and he hissed at me and kicked me off the the couch. Felix chuckled and climbed back in the Omega lap letting Mark groom him.

With JayB


I sat the phone on the desk and sighed."That wasn't very nice JayB. He just probably wanted to talk to you and see if you were overworking yourself" Hayato said."Aren't you supposed to be with your friends or something" I said to the 14 little pup."I have to interview CEO's for a project and I heard your a CEO so I came to interview you" Hayato said as he smiled. I sighed but I gave him a small smile."Fine, let's start this interview" I said as I tapped the chair next to me. He nodded and walked and sat down.

Later at midnight(Still JayB POV)

I walked in the house at 2 in the morning. I took off my shoes and sat my case on the dining room table. I didn't expect no one to be up at this time but when I felt small soft hands on my leg. I looked down and saw Felix. He looks a little scent drunk. I smiled and picked him up."It was a dare. Jimin-ssi dare him to call you. Don't be mad at him" Felix said as he slowly fell back asleep. I smiled and walked upstairs. Jackson came out of the Alpha Quarter. I heard him sigh of relief."Mark was crying for him. Mark is being a little bit clingy to Felix today. Meaning he might have a fever" Jackson said as he slowly took Felix from me."Stay here" he told me as he disappeared into the room. After 3 minutes he came back out."Both asleep and calm and Mark does have a fever so Felix is going be staying here for about a week or 2 until Mark fever goes away" Jackson explained.

"Why he have to stay here for that long" I asked."Felix body heat is good to people who have fever. I don't know much about his body heat but Mark fever should go down in about a couple does but he might still be clingy so that why I said 2 weeks" Jackson said as we walked to the Beta Room."So how was work" Jackson asked as he sat on the bed."Good, I'm going wait until Bambam wake up so I can apologize to him" I said as I sat next to Jackson. Jackson gave a small smile and pulled me in his lap. I don't really like sitting on his or Jinyoung lap but I'm too tired to protect. I don't know how long we stay in that position but I do know it feels like forever.

Jinyoung POV

It's five in the morning and I'm exhausted. I hate having to work this late but it's my job so I have to do it. I take off my shoes and take off my jacket. I walk upstairs to my room and when I open the I see Mark and Felix cuddling on the bed. I walked over to the two and smiled. I then smelt a strong scent. I looked at Mark and touched his forehead. He was burning up. Where the hell is Jackson I thought. Felix shouldn't be cuddling with Mark if he got a fever. I went to take Felix for Mark but a pair of hands pulled me away."He's not going get sick. I talked to Chan and said that Felix body heat helps with fevers and don't ask me how because I don't know. Mark is being very clingy to Felix so me and you are going be sleeping with JayB and Youngjae" Jackson explained.

I just nodded and we headed to the Beta Room. When we got in there I saw JayB sleeping peacefully in the bed."What time he got home" I asked as I took my shirt off."2" Jackson said as he did the same thing with his shirt. We climbed and bed and laid down with JayB in the middle."I just want to sleep for days without anyone waking me up" I said as I slowly started drifting off to sleep. Jackson looked like he was already asleep. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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