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Hyunjin left the room and walked down to the living room."Minho, he's ready for you, and thank you Seungmin for running me a bath" Hyunjin said to the Alpha and Omega.

Minho left to go to the Omega as Seungmin nodded a "Your Welcome" to Hyunjin.

Minho walked in the room then closed it behind him.

Minho looked back to their sweet-smelling Omega. He hadn't eaten in almost a day and upon realizing this, Chan had almost lost his mind, going into a frenzy over feeding their newest mate. Seungmin had quickly pointed out that, while it wasn't ideal that Felix had gone so long without eating, Omega's bodies were adapted to go for long periods of time without food while in heat. Felix would be alright until he woke next. Hell, he would probably be alright for another several hours, if necessary, but they would make sure he ate soon. Minho had quickly pointed out that he was able to get Felix to eat while he had been in his Omega headspace when Chan and Seungmin had brought him to their Den, so he would probably be best suited to get him to eat now while he was in heat. Chan had reluctantly agreed as he had wanted to make sure he saw Felix eat with his own two eyes, but he did understand Minho's logic.

Minho smiled at Felix, petting his hair softly. Minho had brought several things with him to ensure that he would be able to get Felix to eat as much as possible. While Omega's could go long periods without eating, while in heat, they could also eat more than an Alpha, the thought impressed Minho. He didn't believe for a second that their sweet little Omega would be able to eat much more than he usually did, but he was willing to let Felix try if he chose to. He had brought a variety of different foods to hopefully entice the beautiful boy in the nest to eat before he had his way with him...

Felix had started to purr softly, slowly stirring from his deep sleep. He could smell such wonderful things. The traces of Hazelnut clinging to his skin, warm welcoming Leather, and... Ooh, he could smell Hyunjin's strew! His stomach growled and cramped angrily as a wave of heat rushed through him. It wasn't as bad as he knew it would get, but it still made him whimper as his eyes fluttered open. Looking above him, he found Minho staring back at him. The man smiled down at him, pinching his cheek softly with a gentle coo.

"How are you doing, baby?" Minho asked, running his fingers through his hair. He still couldn't believe that this beautiful Omega had found them and that he had chosen to mate with them. "Are you hungry, sweetheart?" he asked softly, hand running across his chest and stomach. When he earned a soft nod from Felix, he slipped his hand behind his neck, supporting his head as he lifted the heat weakened Omega into a seated position, slipping behind him so he could rest against Minho's chest as he fed him. As Felix looked up at Minho from under damp eye lashes, eyes glazed over, that he would set the whole world on fire for him if he asked him to. Minho was certain there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for the sweet Omega in his arms.

"Would you like some Stew, baby?" He asked, reaching out of the nest to grab the bowl in question. Seeing Felix nod softly, Minho leaned down to place a kiss on the tip of his nose. "You'll be good and eat for me, right, baby?" He asked with a chuckle when Felix nodded more firmly.

"I..." Felix paused, feeling like his throat was made of sandpaper, "I'm good." He whispered, making Minho chuckle softly.

"You're the best, baby, now open wide." He grinned, holding a spoonful of Stew up for the Omega. Felix stared at him questioningly for a moment before Minho started to laugh, jostling Felix with the motion. "I promise not to play with your food this time, sweetheart, I promise." Minho kissed a freckled cheek before holding the spoon up for Felix again.

It took some time and careful maneuvering, but eventually, Minho got Felix to eat the whole bowl of Stew, and even a few pieces of meat, some cut veggies and a few slices of bread. Felix looked ready to pass out he'd eaten so much. He was rather impressed with the Omega, but he wasn't certain how exactly he managed to eat so much. After taking several sips of water, Minho found himself sitting back in Felix's nest with Felix propped up against him, breathing softly as he got in a quick nap before his next heat wave truly began.

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