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Yang POV

I don't want die

I don't want to leave my mates

I'm about to be a dad. I can't die yet. I'm not ready.

I woke up and looked around. I was in a dark room. I stood up and started walking."Hello" I said. My voice echoed back to me. I continued walking into a came to a door. It was white with gold flowers. I opened the door and walked through. When I walked through the door, the room was bright. I saw kids running and having fun. I saw pets chasing after the kids. I saw adults watching their kids and laughing with each other.

What is this place I thought

"This is heaven" a voice said

I turned around and saw a floating person behind me."Who the he'll are you? I asked. The person stopped floating and walked over to me."My name is Nova, nice to meet Yang" the girl said."How did you know my name?" I asked her. She giggled as she looked at me with bright blue eyes."God told me. I'm your Guardian Angel" Nova said."Your my what now?" I asked her. She giggled again."I'm your Guardian Angel. I been watching you since you and Innie spilt from Jeongin.

"How do you know my mates names" I asked her."I know everything about everything" Nova said.

"Why am I'm here?" I asked

"Because your dead but something is keeping you from crossing over" Nova said." My mates" I said. Nova nodded as she showed me what was happening back on Earth.


Felix was crying

Jisung was about to have a panic attack because he's the reason why I'm dead

Hyunjin and Seungmin are hugging each other crying.

Changbin stays next to Jisung to make sure he's okay.

Innie is trying to not cry as he holds Jeongin hand

Chan is frozen in place


I don't see him


"Where's Lee Know?" I asked

Nova showed me something else


Lee Know was outside smoking a cigarette. He was crying as he held a knife in his hand.

Is he about to hurt himself?

His hand is bleeding

His wrist his bleeding



Nova looks at me

"No, I'm not dying. I can't. I have to save Lee Know before he does something stupid. Please Nova, there has to be a way back to Earth. Back to the land of the living" I said. Nova looked at me as she started thinking.
"You have to ask God. He's the only one who can help you with that" Nova said.

Nova started flying off to the castle."Um Nova" I called out to her. She stopped and looked at me."I don't have wings" I said. She pointed to my back. I saw white fluff wings. I started flying as I smiled."Thus is fun" I said. We started flying to the castle.

"So, how did you die" I asked Nova

Nova looked at me as she sighed

"My father. He raped me then he killed me when I was 10. Well I am 10. I died a year ago from now. We don't age in heaven" Nova said. I looker at her as I saw she was really young

Nova had blonde hair with bright blue eyes. She's like an exact copy of Felix. Just in a girl form."I'm also a Fox but I hide my Fox ears" Nova said."You know, you look exactly like one of my mates.

Nova looked me

"His name is Felix. He's my Omega who's going deliver my pups. You look exactly like him. He would definitely adore you" I said as I smiled."Really?" Nova asked."Yeah, why don't you come back to the land of the living with me. You might end up on the couch when we return to Earth since when we reborn we always end up the same place that we died at. But if you tell God that you want to follow me back to Earth then he might do it. I think you will fit into the pack perfectly. So what do you say" I said. She started crying as she hugged me."Thank you. Thank you so much" Nova said. I petted her head as she showed her Fox form. She really do look like a copy of Felix.

We continued flying to the castle. When we got there, there were Angel Guards blocking the entrance."State y'all business" one of the guards said."We are here to see God" Nova said as she bowed."Nova, why are here again?" the second guard asked."It's okay, let them in" a voice said from inside the castle. The guards nodded and bowed, letting us in. We walked in the castle and I saw it was exactly like Felix palace.

"Hello Yang, I see you noticed the castle looks like your boyfriend palace. Well that's because it is. Your boyfriend is the next heir of Heaven. He could've have brought you back to life if he tried" God said as he smiled."Anyway, y'all want to go back Earth" God said.

Me and Nova nodded

"Okay, see you around Nova. And be goof for Felix. But I know you will because y'all personality is the same. See y'all" God said as he snapped his fingers.


Nova fell on the couch and my soul went back into his body."Oh shit, that wasn't a dream. Oh hey Nova" I said as I smiled. Nova looked over to me and to him and hugged him."Thank you" Nova said. I hugged her back."Your welcome" I said."Can someone explain what the hell is going on?" Jeongin asked."That's Nova" Felix said."She's the child that died from her father. She was on the news" Felix said. Nova looked at me then at Felix."You look like my Eomma. She had bright blue eyes and blonde hair" Nova said as she smiled but started crying."What happened to her?" Fekix asked as he started walking over to her."My father....he....shot her. In the head. I watched her die at 4 years old" Nova said as she bursted out crying. Felix picked her up and hugged her tightly."Shhhh, it's okay. You're not alone anymore. You have me now" Felix said. Nova hugged Felix tightly as she looked at him."Thank you" Nova said. Fekix smiled and kissed Nova forehead.

"Wait, is this the Omega you told me about?" Nova asked me.

I nodded and smiled

"He really do look like me. Or I look like a copy of him" Nova said as she started chuckling."How many?" Nova asked.

"Twins. Girl and a boy" Felix said as he sat down on the couch with Nova."Cool, I never actually met twins. Wait...are you three triplets" Nova asked."Actually, me and Innie are different personalities of Jeongin. Innie is a sweetheart and a Beta. Jeongin is normal and also a Beta. While me, I'm Jeongin dark side or evil side. I'm am Alpha" I explained."So y'all kiss y'all selves" Nova asked as Felix started doing her hair."If you put it like that, then yes" Innie said as he started chuckling.

Nova nodded and smiled

"Where's Lee Know?" I asked

Nova eyes turned white

"Outside...smoking...knife...blood...hurt" Nova said as she looked at me. Chan and I ran out of the hospital room and outside.

"Lee Know" I called out

He turned and looked at me

His wrists were bleeding

His eyes were puffy

His cigarette was burning on his arm

Me and Chan ran towards him. Chan took the cigarette from him and hugged him."Let's get him inside" I said


All you could hear was a loud slap

Felix slapped Lee Know

"The hell were you thinking Minho. What he'll is wrong with you? You think I wanted to lose both of y'all tonight" Felix yelled as he was crying. Lee Know looked at him and pulled him into a hug."I'm sorry my love. I won't do it again" Lee Know said. Felix nodded as he hugged Lee Know back. I walked over to them and pulled them both into a hug."I love y'all. I love all of y'all" I said.

"We love you too Yang"

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