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"Felix wake up and take your medication" Jisung said as he looked at the pup cuddling with Jeongin and Changbin. Felix groaned and snuggled his nose in Changbin neck. Jisung sighed."Changbin, when he wake up make sure he takes his medication" Jisung said as he looked at the half sleep Alpha. Changbin hummed in response. Jisung went upstairs to take his shower. Chan woke up with a headache.'Shit my head is pounding' Chan whispered."Take a aspirin" Changbin said. Chan looked at the sleeping Alpha and saw he wasn't really asleep."I know it's not your heat because I would have smelt it" Changbin said as he opened one eye. Changbin can smell when Chan heat comes on. Chan went upstairs to the bathroom and opened the mirror cabinet."Chan" Jisung said. Chan turned around and saw a head peaking from behind the shower curtain."Sorry, didn't know someone was in here. Just came up here to grab an aspirin" Chan said as he closed the mirror cabinet. Jisung nodded and continued his shower.

Felix woke up with a headache as well as Chan."B-B-Binnie" Felix said as he sat up. Changbin wasn't no where around."I-Innie" Felix stuttered. His head was pounding bad. He tried to stand but he fell. He cut his knee on the hard floor. He crawled to the kitchen so he could get the first aid kit in the cabinet. As he was trying to stand up he slipped and busted his head on the floor.'Shit' he whispered. He just laid there for a minute then he got back on his knees and crawled to the steps. He crawled upstairs and into Changbin room. He saw Changbin clothes on the bed so he crawled on the bed and cuddled with them.

Changbin came back from the backyard and went he entered the living room he saw no Felix. Where the hell is he Changbin thought. He saw Minho come downstairs still in his night clothes."Lee Know have you seen Felix" Changbin asked. Minho pointed upstairs. As Felix crawled upstairs and in Changbin room, Minho saw and walked in and bangle his wound."He has a fever. He scratched his knee" Minho said as he started cleaning the living room. Changbin went upstairs to his room to see Felix sleeping on all of his clothes. Change walked over to the bed and picked Felix up."Felix wake up. You have to take a shower. Your sweaty" Changbin said. Felix groaned as Changbin put him down. Changbin ran the shower and took Felix clothes off.

After Felix shower, he was laying under the covers with Changbin over sized hoodie on. He was asleep with Jisung Skzoo in his arms. Changbin was standing by the window smoking a cigarette. He looked at Felix time to time to see if he was alive. Felix temperature wasn't going down but he was extremely sick. Chan walked in and saw Felix laying in Changbin bed."He has a fever. He took his shower and he came in here himself. No I didn't do anything to him. I just let him sleep" Changbin said as he exhaled the smoke from the cigarette. Chan just nodded. He walked in front of Felix and put his hand on his forehead. He sighed and walked into Changbin bathroom. He grabbed a wash cloth and wet it with cold water. He came out of the bathroom and put the wet wash cloth on Felix forehead. Felix shifted himself and snuggled closely to Quokka(Jisung Skzoo). Chan smiled a little and looked at Changbin."Put that shit out while he's in here" Chan said as he glared at Changbin. Changbin put the cigarette out and went to take his shower. Chan sighed and left.

"Alpha" a voice said as they enter the kitchen. Chan looked at the person."Yes Seungmin" Chan said."Jeongin is in his "mood" Seungmin said as he looked at the Alpha. Chan sighed and put his breakfast down. Chan walked upstairs and walked into Felix and Jeongin room."Jeongin" Chan said. Chan realize that he was talking to Jeongin dark personality. Yang. Jeongin has three personality. Innie, is Jeongin soft personality. When Felix is a little, Innie plays with him and keep him company. Jeongin, is his original personality. He is his "normal" personality. Now Yang, is his dark crazy side. Yang is the one that scares Felix the most but he doesn't hurt him. Yang is the crazy obsessed one that the most protective of Felix. He mostly let Jeongin or Innie spends time with Felix but he still take care of him."Yang, where's Jeongin" Chan asked."Talking to Innie. Where's Yongbok" Yang asked as he looked at Felix with no emotion."Changbin room" Chan said. The one thing they don't do is piss off Yang when he's angry. Yang nodded and walked to Changbin room. Yang saw Felix snuggling with Quokka. Yang walked over and climbed in the bed and pulled Felix closer to him. Changbin came out of the shower and saw Jeongin or Yang."Which one are you" Changbin asked."Yang" Yang said as he drifted off to sleep."Just leave him. I hate when he's angry" Chan said as he shook his head.

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