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Hyunjin POV

I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast as Yang and Innie walked in the house."Hey, where y'all go this morning?" I asked."Baby shopping. Ryan, Felix brother forced us to go so me and Innie volunteered" Yang said as he sat the bags on the kitchen table. Innie sat the bags that he had down on the table as well.

Jisung came downstairs carrying a smaller version of Felix."JINNIE" Felix said as he giggled."Is he a Little?" I asked. Jisung nodded as he walked in the living room."Hannie, princesses" Felix said as he giggled. Jisung smiled and grabbed the remote and turned on the tv."Rella" Felix said as he giggled and smiled. Jisung titled his head but understood what Felix wanted."Cinderella" Jisung asked. Felix nodded and giggled. Jisung smiled and nodded turning on Cinderella.

Minho came downstairs yawning as he stretched."Good morning" I said."Morning" Minho replied back. Kitty and Ralph came downstairs giggling and smiling."Good morning children" I said to them. They looked at me and smiled."Good Morning Mr.Hwang" Ralph said as he bowed. Kitty looked at her brother and bowed too. I chuckled as they looked at me."Y'all don't have to bow to me or to the others. Nor do y'all have to call me Mr.Hwang" I said as I smiled."Okay" Ralph said. Kitty looked at Felix who was acting like a kid."Why is cousin Felix acting like that?" Kitty asked.

"Because cousin Felix is a Little. He's acts more like a child than an adult teenager. So he slips into headspace" Ralph explained."How you know that a your only 14" Yang asked."My best friend is a Little" Ralph replied.

"Is they he or she" Innie asked

"It's a he" Ralph replied

There was a knock on the door as Felix turned big again. Felix got up and walked to open the door.

It was Manager Ty and Bae

"Hello pup" Bae said as he smiled and patted Felix head."Come in" Felix said as he moved aside so they can come in.

They walked in and took their shoes off."How have y'all been?" Felix asked."Wonderful, but tired. Work has been hell" Manager Ty said as he shook his head."How about you?" Bae asked."Well I'm pregnant with twins, going on a month" Felix said as he rubbed his stomach.

"Omg congratulations my child" Bae said as he smiled hugging Felix."Thanks Bae" Felix said as he hugged back."Congrats pup" Manager Ty said as he rubbed Felix wolf ears.

Both Manager Ty and Bae are Foxes

"So where are these bundle of joys at" Bae said as he smiled. Jisung pointed to Kitty and Ralph who was standing behind Felix."Hello" Kitty said quietly. Ralph waved as he cracked a smile.

"Hello children, I'm Bae nice to meet y'all" Bae said as he kneeled down to the kids level."I'm Ty, nice to meet y'all" Manager Ty said.

"Are y'all going to be our new parents" Kitty asked."If that's okay with y'all, we would love to be y'all parents" Bae said as he smiled.

"YAY" Kitty said as she jumped in Bae arms

"As long as y'all treat us right and don't hurt us like our real parents did" Ralph said."Never kiddo" Manager Ty said as he opened his arms for a hug. Ralph started crying as he ran to hug Manager Ty.

"Thanks for letting us take them Lixie" Bae said as he smiled."No problem. I remember how y'all said y'all always wanted to have kids but couldn't because of work. But now that y'all can work here instead of far away from home. Y'all can adopt and have kids of y'all own. As long as you don't change how y'all are with them if y'all ever have kids of y'all own" Felix said as he smiled."We will never do that. You know how I am with children" Bae said as he hugged Ralph who was still crying his eyes out. Kitty was also crying now as she hugged Manager Ty.

"Y'all are going cared for and loved" Manager Ty said as he kissed Kitty forehead.

"This is so adorable" Innie said as he smiled

"It really is" Yang said as he also smiled

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