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Jeongin POV

I woke up still laying on the couch in the hospital. Minho was in the bed with Felix because Felix had a nightmare. I looked over at Changbin and Hyunjin cuddling on the other couch and Seungmin and Jisung cuddling on the small couch. I saw Felix moving in sleep which caused Minho to wake up. Minho woke up and yawned. He looked at me and gave me a sleepy smile."Morning I.N, how you sleep?" Minho asked me."Pretty good, how about you Lee Know?" I asked him."Good, still tired though" Minho said as he looked at Felix."He didn't go down so easily though. I put earplugs in y'all ears so y'all wouldn't hear him scream. He didn't stop until like 5 in the morning" Minho said as he carefree Felix hair. I got up and walked over to them."Want me to watch him so you can get some sleep" I asked Minho. He looked at Felix then at me. He nodded and got up. I got in his spot and he got in mines and went straight to sleep. I chuckled and held Felix close. Felix turned around and he opened his eyes a little."Morning baby, you okay?" I asked. He stared at the wall and then he looked back at me. He hummed in response and shut his eyes."Talk to me baby, what's wrong?" I asked again. He looked at me and frowned."I don't feel well. I feel sick" Felix said as he looked at me. I touched his forehead and damn he was warm as shit."Shit I'll call the nurse just stay here okay" I said as I started to get up."I-I-Innie d-don't l-leave please" Felix stuttered as his eyes rolled back in the back of his head. He started having a seizure. I got up and ran to the front desk."HELP, MY BOYFRIEND IS HAVING A SEIZURE" I yelled. Nurses ran in there and I woke the others up. They were confused but when they saw Felix having a seizure we all stepped out."I.N what happened? He was just fine when I switched spots with you" Minho asked in a concerned voice."He told me he didn't feel well and then I said I will get a nurse and he told me not to leave then his eyes went in the back of his head and he started having a seizure" I said without catching my breath. Changbin put his hand on my shoulder."Breathe babe, breathe" Changbin said as he rubbed my back. The nurse walked out and looked at us."He's okay. He has a high fever and he needs to stay here for a couple more days. We have to run some more tests to see if everything is okay because we cannot send him home if he's not okay or stable" the nurse said."He's asleep" the nurse said as her and two others walks away. We go back in and see Felix sound asleep. Jisung carefree Felix hair."What's wrong with him Chan?" Jisung asked."I don't know Jisung. I don't know" Chan answered as he sat down and put his hands on his head.

2 weeks later

Felix was able to go home as long as that he is watched. When they got home all the Omegas hugged Felix."Lixie you scared us. Are you okay?" Woozi asked as he looked Felix in the eyes."I don't know. I just want to be alone but I can't" Felix said emotionless. Mia walked in and Felix looked at her."Mia" Felix said as he let go of Woozi."Hey baby chick, let me explain. The photo that Seungmin was looking at was a photo I sent of this(shows the outfit). This is what he was blushing at. Not at me. This. So when Jeongin or Yang told us you hurt yourself and it was because of me. I felt horrible that when I went home I cried. I thought you really hurt yourself because of me. I'm sorry that all of this was cost because of this outfit. But I missed you baby chick" Mia said as she hugged Felix. Felix hugged her back."Now let these adorable Omegas take you upstairs to rest. And congratulations Woozi" Mia said as she pointed to Woozi growing stomach."Thanks M" Woozi said as Ni-Ki picked Felix up bridal style."Wait put me down Ni-Ki" Felix shouted as he was smiling."No can do, let's go little chick" Ni-Ki said as he smiled. The other Omegas laughed and followed the two upstairs."Be careful with him Ni-Ki" Heeseung said as he looked up the steps. Yeonjun looked down at Heeseung and smiled."He'll be okay. Soul and Ni-Ki might scent drunk him but he'll be okay. And Jungwon can you bring him a glass of water please" Yeonjun asked. Jungwon nodded and walked in the kitchen. Yeonjun got upstairs and saw Soul, Ni-Ki and Woozi grooming Felix one by one. Yeonjun chuckled and shook his head.

Jungwon walked upstairs with a glass of water and walked in the Omegas Den. When he walked in there his heart pound in his chest as he looked at this cute and adorable scene in front of him. He sat the glass of water down and grabbed the blankets and put it on the Omegas"This is too cute" Jungwon said as he walked downstairs."Is everything okay?" Mingyu asked."Yeah, the Omegas are so adorable sleeping together" Jungwon said as he chuckled." Here I got a photo" Jungwon said as he handed Jeonghan, I.N and Hyunjin his phone."Enjoy it" Jungwon said as he smiled."Thank you, I'm making this my home screen wallpaper and my lock screen is going be with S-Coups, Chan, Minho and Vernon because why not. So basically I'm stealing photos out of your phone. Thank you Jungwon. We appreciate it" Hyunjin said as he smiled."No problem" Jungwon said as he sat down chuckling at the three.

This is about Stray Kids but I had to add some of them in here because they all live together. But everything was mostly about Felix in this.

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