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Mimi here

Last SMUT chapter

Jeongin was sitting in the chair in the Pup room.

Seungmin woke up and looked straight at Jeongin.

He smiled at the Beta before he got u

"Good luck" Seungmin told the Beta before he left the room.

Felix woke up and smiled at his Beta."Morning Innie" Felix said.

His heat was almost over and he wanted to mate with Jeongin again just like he did with everyone else.

"Hurry up, Beta" Felix said pouting as he looked at the Beta in the chair

Jeongin got up and walked over to Felix bed

"After this I want you to eat. You haven't ate in a week. Promise me you'll eat after this" Jeongin told Felix.

Felix nodded

"Please hurry up, I need you Beta. I need you really bad" Felix pleaded looking at the Beta.

Jeongin was loving seeing Felix being so forward with him, but he also wanted to prove himself, to show him that he was just as worthy as the others, just as Beta as the others. He was just about to flip them over again, when Felix planted his knees into his nest, refusing to move. Jeongin could have moved him easily, but the look on Felix's face told him this is what the Omega wanted and needed right now. Jeongin smiled, squeezing his hips firmly and he planted his feet on the pelt behind Felix. Felix's breathing quickened as he felt Jeongin lifting his hips beneath him, but not twisting them to the side, so Felix smiled down at him and continued to hold his hips up as the Alpha pulled out of him slowly so just his head was still nestled inside him.

"Ready, baby?" Jeongin asked softly, earning an eager nod from Felix.

"Yes, Beta."

And just like that, they were off, Jeongin thrusting up into Felix's tight heat as Felix dropped himself down meeting him halfway. They continued like this for quite a while, moving together in a smooth rhythm until Felix slammed himself down into Jeongin's hips, moaning loudly. Jeongin crossed his legs as Felix kept grinding down into him as he sat up, wrapping his arms around Felix's waist. Felix didn't want to stop, and neither did Jeongin, but both could feel themselves cresting towards their peaks. Jeongin nuzzled into Felix's chest as he kept bouncing on Jeongin's cock. He started gasping when he felt the Alpha's knot inflating. Jeongin would have been embarrassed by how quickly he was coming, but he'd never scented an Omega before Felix, let along been intimate with one while in heat and he wasn't going to let that ruin their moment. Besides, even he knew how close Felix was with how his walls were fluttering around his length.

"Omega," He purred as he dug his nose into his mating gland, head spinning as he thought about biting into it, "I'm so close, Lixie." He moaned, nails digging into Felix's back, making him moan loudly as he leaned into Jeongin's neck, scenting out his gland too.

"Beta, please!" And just like that, Jeongin locked his arms around Felix's waist and pulled him down so his knot was nestled deep inside him, teeth digging into Felix's neck. He let out a guttural moan as he felt Felix's teeth break his skin, snapping their mating bond into place. Felix was the first to release his bite, grinning softly as he licked the slightly bleeding wound. It only took a few seconds to stop bleeding and start healing nicely. That's when he noticed that Jeongin was still biting his neck, gnawing softly like a puppy trying to soothe itself. Felix chuckled, stroking the back of his neck. He was willing to let Jeongin have the time he needed, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't starting to ache a little.

"Jeongin, pup," He said softly, seeming to shock Jeongin out of whatever state of mind he was in, "You alright, love?" He smiled as he was finally able to look at his final Beta.

"I'm sorry." Jeongin muttered, a little embarrassed and a little nervous he'd hurt his Omega.

"Innie, why would you be sorry?" He chuckled, feeling his eyes grow heavy again.

Jeongin leaned up slightly more so he could pull Felix down as much as possible while his knot was still nestled in the Omega. "I just... I feel bad for biting you so long." He whispered as he felt Felix wrap around him.

"But I liked it." Felix chuckled, "It ached a little bit, but it felt nice." He sighed lightly smiling against Jeongin's shoulder.

"You did?" Jeongin asked, not believing him, reaching out to feel at his new bond with Felix. Felix giggled lightly, nipping at Jeongin's shoulder.

"That tickled." Felix purred.

"You really did, didn't you." Jeongin murmured, squeezing Felix tight in his arms as he laid back slowly, propping his feet up on the pelt so that he didn't tug at Felix's rim with his knot.

"I did." Felix sighed, eyes continuing to drift closed as he relished in the feeling on having all of his mates right there with him. It felt perfect. It felt like home.

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