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No one POV

Wooyoung, Woozi and Jimin was the only ones up out of the whole house."Don't our boyfriends got work today?" Jimin asked the two."Y'all boyfriends/my husbands. And yes they do have work today. They should be getting up right now or they're going be late" Wooyoung said as he got up and walked in the kitchen."Sunoo should be also getting up now. He works with Jake now and they have to get up bright and early" Woozi said as he flicked through the tv channels.

Felix and Ni-ki came running downstairs

"Woozi, your mates are fighting" Felix said as he was holding Ni-ki hand. Woozi stood straight up and followed the two upstairs. Jimin and Wooyoung was right behind them.

When they got upstairs they saw The8, Wonwoo and Mingyu fighting. Woozi got in the middle of the three."What the hell is going on?There are people in the house still sleeping. What happened?" Woozi asked as he stood in the middle. The8 gently but also roughly pushed Woozi out of the way."Stay out of it Woo" The8 said as he turned his attention back to his other two mates. Felix walked over to the three but stayed back a little."Wonwoo, what did you do?" Felix said as his eyes were ember green. Wonwoo looked at the pup then back at Woozi and his mates."What do you mean "what did I do" I did nothing" Wonwoo said as he looked at Felix."Your lying, I sense bad energy coming from you. So, what did you do" Felix asked again. Wonwoo stared at Felix for a good minute then he rolled his eyes."I might have....um...burned down the building" Wonwoo whispered the last part.

"What did you say?" Dino asked as he and everyone else didn't hear a word he just said."I burned down the building. It was an accident, but in all reality I just wanted to kill my boss" Wonwoo said as he sat down on the bed. The8 shook his head."That's one reason why we're arguing. The second one is that he assaulted his boss Omega" The8 said as he looked back at the Alpha."She was talking about Woozi and called him a "Omega Slut" because he's dating all of us. When in reality, she's the biggest slut of them all" Wonwoo explained as he started scrolling through his phone. Mingyu sighed and shook his head. He grabbed Felix and Ni-Ki arms and led them downstairs. Vernon and Dino followed the three downstairs."Wonwoo, you stay here. Me and you have to have a conversation about your boss wife" The8 said as he looked at the oldest. Wonwoo smirked as he continued to scroll through his phone.

Everyone was still asleep

It was 8 in morning and some of they're mates need to be up right now or they're late. The door bell rung and Mingyu went to go open the door. Hayato was standing there with his backpack and everything.

 Hayato was standing there with his backpack and everything

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This is what he is wearing

"Morning Hayato, give me 5 minutes. I have to go get ready" Felix said as he walked upstairs. Hayato walked in and sat his things down."Good Morning" Hayato said quietly."Morning Hayato, how are you today" Vernon asked as he  sat on the couch.

Hayato didn't respond

Vernon looked at the pup and felt something was wrong. His senses picked up and he stood straight up and growled. Mingyu looked at his mate. Felix came running back downstairs, fully dressed and everything."Who did it?" Vernon and Felix said at the same time. Mingyu and Dino was confused. Then Mingyu Alpha senses picked up. Dino then felt something was also wrong."Who the hell hurt you?" Mingyu growled. Hayato started to shed tears."I-I'm s-s-sorry. I tried to fight them off....b-b-but they just kept hitting me. I-I-I-I t-t-tried to call Eomma or Lixie, but they smashed my phone. I'm sorry but I don't want to go back" Hayato explained as he took off the makeup from his face and showed the bruises and black eye. Felix ran over to his crying brother and hugged him. Mingyu balled up his fits."I don't want go back. I'm not going back. I want Eomma" Hayato said as he cried into Felix chest. Chan, Changbin, Minho and Hyunjin came downstairs."Why is he crying? Felix what is wrong with Hayato?" Chan asked as he looked at the two on the floor. Hyunjin looked at Hayato face and his eyes turned ember green."Who the hell hurt him?" Hyunjin growled. Felix looked back at Hayato."His name is......R-Ryan. Ryan Glass, he's in my class he torture me everyday. H-H-He threatened h-h-he w-w-will k-kill everyone I-I-I love" Hayato said as his cry's turned into sobs.

Chan, Changbin and Minho looked at each other."Mingyu, put some shoes on. We're taking Hayato to school. Felix your coming too" Chan said as him, Changbin and Minho put their shoes on. Changbin grabbed the car keys. Felix grabbed Hayato hand and the first aid kit and walked to the car. Mingyu grabbed Hayato belongings and shut the door behind him.

At Hayato School

When they got there, the Alphas got out of the car and Hayato and Felix followed them. Everyone looked at them as they walked inside. They could hear whispering such as 'Are they're Hayato parents' 'Are they his brothers' 'Why are they here' 'Are they all Alphas' 'Both of the blondes look like Omegas'

Hayato grip tightened on Felix hoodie

They walked in the principal office and Chan looked at the principal dead in the eye. Chan lend into the principal ear.'Bring me Ryan Glass or this school will burn' Chan whispered as he backed up. Chan looked at Felix and Hyunjin."Room C-12" Chan said as he looked at the paper on the desk. Felix and Hyunjin nodded and walked to room C-12. They knocked on the door. They heard a soft come in from the other side of the room. They walked in and all eyes were on them."May I help y'all" the teacher asked. Felix smiled and bowed."We're here for Ryan Glass" Felix said nicely. Ryan looked at Felix then he looked at Hyunjin.

He chuckled

"I'm not going with useless Omegas. That one(points to Felix) looks like a slut and that one(points to Hyunjin) look like a big baby". Ryan said. Felix eyes soften even more."Come talk with me for a sec Ryan" Felix said as he walked over to Ryan. Ryan looked up at him and stood up. Felix smiled and told Hyunjin to stay in the class. Ryan and Felix stepped outside and immediately Ryan broke down. Felix held him in his arms and whispered seeet things in his ear."What does he do to you?" Felix asked as he played with the youngest hair."He hates Omegas. No matter if it's a female or male. He hates them with all his heart. My mom passed away after she had me. She was an Omega. He blamed her death on me and at first I also blamed her death on me. Then after talking to her doctor, I realized that she had cancer. He hates anyone who's an Omega. When he realized that I was friends with Hayato, he said if I don't bully Hayato or hurt him then he's going to kill him. I disagree without a second doubt. But......he showed me pictures of Hayato. He showed me Hayato at a cafe, Hayato at the hospital, Hayato at school and even on his way home. I was scared for his and his family life. So I agreed" Ryan explained.

Felix smiled at the young pup

Felix stood up and held his hand out for Ryan to take it. Ryan grabbed Felix hand and they walked to the principal office."Hayato, you and Ryan talk while me and this principal have a "nice conversation" with my dear Alphas" Felix said as he smiled. Hayato nodded and dragged Ryan out of the principal office. The others followed and waited. Hyunjin walked out of class he was in and saw his mates in the hallway."What's going on?" Hyunjin asked."Oh probably just some killing going on" Minho said as he was scrolling through his phone. Felix came out of the room and shut it. He saw Hayato and Ryan next to each other on the floor looking at Ryan's phone. He smiled then he looked at the others.

"Where's the Alphas?" Jisung asked as he looked at Felix. Felix pointed into the principal office. After a short while, the three Alphas came out of the principal office."Y'all getting a new principal. Minho, call Jackson, he can come clean this mess up. Hayato and Ryan, go to y'all next class" Chan said as he wiped his hands off. Hayato just looked at him while Ryan was just chuckling."Why are you laughing? They literally killed our principal and your laughing" Hayato scolded Ryan. Ryan continued chuckling.

Hayato pouted

"Oh look, another Felix" Jeongin said as he chuckled. Felix smacked him on his head and pouted."Oww, but y'all see what I mean" Jeongin said as he held his head and pointed to both Felix and Hayato.

Everyone chuckled while Hayato and Felix was pouting."It's not funny" the sunshine brothers said.

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