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Felix POV

Yesterday was really fun

Mark made a cake even though he was sick and Jinyoung almost lost a finger for trying to eat Mark's cake. JayB apologized to Bambam and the others stayed with me for the last 2 weeks at Bambam house because of Mark being so clingy.

The next day, Yeonjun was dropping me and Jimin off at house because he got work. When we got there, Minho and Jhope was outside waiting for us."See you later Yeonjun and tell Ryder I say hello" I said to Yeonjun. Yeonjun smiled and nodded and drove off. Before me and Jimin was able to grab our bags, Minho and Jhope grabbed them for us."Come on, most of everyone is at work" Minho said."Then why aren't you at work Minho" I asked as I looked at the Alpha."I have to be there in an hour" Minho said as we walked inside the house. I see Woozi and Ni-ki in the living room watching Tv. Ni-ki turned around and smiled at us."Welcome back guys, how was the sleepover" Ni-ki asked. Woozi looked over at us and gave us a small smile."It's was great, other than Mark fever and him not sharing Felix" Jimin said as he pouted.

I chuckled

"Mark was very clingy but it was fine by me. I enjoyed spending time with him. And I also learned some cool things about Jackson" I explained. Minho looked at me probably wondering what I learned about Jackson."He has three brothers. Two are older than him and the other one is just a couple years younger than him" I explained. Minho just nodded his head and took mine and Jimin bags upstairs.

Jimin flopped on the couch

I sat on the couch next to Ni-ki."Hey, where's Sunoo" I asked. Sunoo doesn't work from what I know."He started working with Jake at his modeling job. He been there for a week now and he is already on the cover" Ni-ki said as he showed me the magazine. It had Jake and Sunoo face on it."Wow, Jimin look at this" I said as I took the magazine from Ni-ki."He's knocked out" Woozi said as he played with Jimin hair. I looked over at Jimin he was really knocked out.

I chuckled

I gave the magazine back to Ni-ki and walked upstairs. I saw Vernon and Dino in their room watching their Tv. I walked in there and they immediately jumped up and hugged me."Oh we missed you so much" Dino said."I was only gone for 2 weeks and one of those week was me taking care of Mark and his fever" I said to the Omegas. They nodded and the pulled on the bed."We're watching season 3 of Chucky. Want to watch with us" they asked.

I nodded


I didn't realize I fell asleep. All I remember was the three of us watching Chucky. I checked my phone to see the time and saw it was 6:21 PM. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I yawed and slowly got up out of the bed. I left the room shutting the door. I walked downstairs still half asleep. I didn't even realize I missed a step. I felt myself falling until I felt a pair of hands on my waist. I turned around and saw Sunghoon holding on to me. He picked me up bridal style and took me tot he couch."Ten cuidado la próxima vez pequeño" Sunghoon said in Spanish. The only thing I understood was little one. Maybe because I'm still sleepy so I don't understand what he was saying at the time. Jay walked over to me and handed me some tea."Thanks" I said in a sleepy voice. He smiled and nodded. He kissed Sunghoon forehead and went back in the kitchen.

Seokjin and Jungkook came out of the kitchen and sat next to me."You look tired Lix" Jungkook said as he ruffled my hair."I'm am" I said as I lend my head on Seokjin closing my eyes. Seokjin didn't mind because he started flicking through the Tv channels. I fell back asleep for probably about an hour before Sunghoon woke me up.

"Despierta pequeña, la cena está lista" Sunghoon said in Spanish. This time I understood him."Thanks" I said. I'm very fluent in a lot of languages. Sunghoon is from South Korean but he likes to speak a lot of Spanish."Como estuvo tu sueño" Sunghoon asked."Bueno no creo que vuelva a dormir un rato"  I said as I smiled."Bien, ¿puedes ir a despertar a Vernon y Dino para cenar?" Sunghoon said as he looked at me."Vale, gracias de nuevo por despertarme Sunghoon" I said as I walked upstairs.

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