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Good Morning Everyone. I'm sorry this is short. I posted this on my way to school this morning. I'm so sore, I had a soccer game yesterday and my feet were killing me. We lost, but it was still a good game. Anyway, enjoy this chapter

Felix woke up to no one in the room with him. Chan walked in with a smile."Morning pup" Chan said as he sat on the bed."Channie, I'm sorry" Felix said. Chan looked at him with an confused look."Why your sorry baby" Chan said."Because Lix is a bad boy" Felix said."No baby, your good boy. We love you you know that right baby" Chan said as he looked into Felix eyes. Felix nodded a little."Felix I'm going to mark you okay. I know he hurt you but we want to make sure no else hurt you" Chan explained. Felix was quiet at first but he nodded his head. Chan got on top of Felix and kissed his neck. He slowly took Felix clothes off and threw them on the floor. He took his own shirt off and kissed Felix passionately and put his hand on Felix member. Felix moaned. The others walked in and locked the door."Chan don't hog him all to yourself" Jisung said as he pouted. Chan smiled and sucked on Felix neck marking him. Jisung took his shirt off and went down to Felix member. Jisung licked the tip of Felix member. He turned Felix around as Minho got on the bed with Changbin. Minho stuck on of his fingers in Felix ass."Aha" Felix moaned. Jisung stuck two of his fingers in."Mhm" Felix bit his lip. Changed took off his pants and stuck his member in Felix ass."AHHH" Felix screamed. Minho then stuck his member in and thrusted inside of Felix."K-Know Kitty that hurts AHH" Felix moaned as he stuttered. They thrusted harder as they heard moans come from Felix."Jeongin and Seungmin he's all yours" Changbin said. Jeongin and Seungmin smirked.

After that

"I-I-I-It h-hurts. M-M-My neck hurts" Felix stuttered as the doctor took the wires from the machines off of Felix."Shh it's okay. It's going hurt because we all marked you but it will be better soon" Seungmin said. Felix looked at his hands and started crying."Baby what's wrong" Chan asked looking at the Omega."I feel disgusting. I let someone else touch me" Felix said as his crying became harder. They couldn't stand to see their pup crying."Baby, baby hey listen to me" Chan said as he grabbed Felix trembling hands. Felix slapped his hands away."Don't touch me, Felix bad boy. Felix disgusting. Bad boy, disgusting, bad boy, disgusting" Felix kept repeating."Chan make him stop please" Seungmin pleaded as he started crying. Chan and Changbin grabbed Felix hands and made him look at them."Felix your a good boy and your not disgusting. Please stop staying that" Changbin said. Felix wouldn't stop crying or repeating what he was saying.

After a couple hours, Felix was asleep with puffy eyes."He broke him. We can't fix him" Seungmin said as he cuddled up next to Jisung. Chan was in the kitchen drinking coffee. Jeongin fell asleep on the couch with Changbin. Suddenly they felt a tug on their clothes. They looked and saw a sleepy Felix standing there."Can I sleep with y'all" Felix said rubbing his half sleep and awake eyes. Changbin and Jeongin nodded. Felix hopped on the couch with them and instantly fell asleep."Chan he's down here" Changbin said. Chan looked at the three on the couch. He smiled."Tell me when he wake up" Chan said as he joined Minho and Hyunjin on the other couch."He's fine, like I said we're going to rebuild him. That's a promise" Chan said as he kissed Hyunjin and Minho forehead. Hyunjin purred as Minho hissed at him."Nasty" Minho said jokingly. Chan chuckled. Their going to rebuild him. That's a promise.

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