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In this Stray Kids don't know Korean. Yes I know their Korean themselves but this is just for the story. Thank you for understanding😊

"Felix get down please. You'll hurt yourself" Chan said as he looked up on the top of the cabinet. Felix sticked his tongue out at Chan. Chan groaned. Jeongin was tired of hearing Chan repeat himself. He got up and walked into the kitchen."Felix GET THE HELL DOWN NOW" Jeongin yelled at the boy on the cabinet. Everyone looked at Jeongin and saw he wasn't in a good mood. Felix crawled down but stopped when he got on the sink."Get down" Jeongin repeated. Felix got down and went behind Chan. Jeongin calmed down and looked at the boy."Come" he said to Felix. Felix didn't move."Felix I will not ask you again. Come now" Jeongin repeated. Felix still didn't move. Jeongin saw that Felix was shaking and saw the fear in his eyes. Jeongin sighed and got on his knees."Come here sunshine" Jeongin said. His eyes was soft and calm. Felix ran over to him."I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to yell at you. I just didn't want you to hurt yourself. Forgive me" Jeongin said as he looked at Felix."Lix 'give Innie" Felix said as gave Jeongin a hug."I'm tired, I'm heading to bed" Jisung said as he rubbed his eyes. Felix ran over to Jisung and jumped on him."Lix tired" Felix said. Jisung smiled and walked upstairs."Jeongin, what has gotten into you" Seungmin said as he looked at the youngest."I'm sorry, after the incident of Felix being in the hospital I feel like if I'm not hard with him then I might lose him" Jeongin said as he scratched his neck."Aww Innie have a sweet soft spot for Felix" Hyunjin said as he smiled."Well we all do if I'm being honest" Seungmin said. Hyunjin got up and went to the kitchen and grabbed his phone off the counter."Oh shit, I missed sixteen calls from Keeho. He's going kill me" Hyunjin said as he went outside to call Keeho."He's going to die. Rest in peace Hwang Hyunjin" Chan said as him and the others started laughing .

Upstairs with Jisung and Felix

Jisung laid down with an sunshine attached to him. Jeongin is changing. Felix tried to kill himself. If we're not hard on him we might lose him. We can't lose him. We just can't. Jisung thought. Minho came into the room and looked at the two for a good minute. Jisung wasn't sleep yet but he wasn't paying attention to Minho in front of the door."Han" Minho said. Jisung looked at him."Lee Know, I thought you were downstairs" Jisung said."I was but I came up here" Minho said. Jisung nodded and looked at Felix beauty. Minho pushed Felix in the middle and laid down next to him."Go to sleep. If he wake up I'll be here" Minho said. Jisung hesitated but nodded. Jisung fell asleep in a instant. Minho went on his phone and put on a show on the Tv.

"Know Kitty" Felix said as he rubbed his eyes. Minho turned around to face the sunshine."Where's Innie" Felix asked. Minho pointed to his and Jeongin room. Minho picked Felix up and put him on the floor."I be back" Felix said tiredly. Minho knew he was coming back anyway. Felix walked into his and Jeongin room.

"Innie" Felix said. Jeongin looked at the door."Do you know how to knock" Jeongin said in a harsh tone."But this is my room too" Felix said."And, you still have to fucking knock" Jeongin said as he got up. Felix nodded and walked out.

"K-Know K-K-Kitty" Felix stuttered. Minho looked at the boy and saw he was crying."Baby what's wrong" Minho said as he walked over to Felix by the door. Jisung woke up to the sound of crying."I-I-Innie d-d-don't l-love me. H-H-He hate me" Felix stuttered as he cried into Minho chest."What the fuck Jeongin" Jisung said as he went to Felix and Jeongin room. Jeongin looked at him."I did it again didn't I" Jeongin said."I'm sorry, I can't help it. I really can't. I'm sorry. I'm really am" Jeongin said as he started crying. Jisung hugged the youngest."We're not going to lose him. I promise you" Jisung said.

"Lix, I'm sorry" Jeongin said."Innie don't love Lixie anymore" Felix said as he lifted his head from Minho chest."I do love you baby. I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you. We all don't" Jeongin said. Felix looked at the three."You won't" Felix said as he became big. He hugged the three and whispered something in their ears."I love y'all, and I always will. No matter what" Felix whispered as he drifted off to sleep. Minho picked him up and laid him on the bed."Bring Chan and Changbin up here" Minho said to Jisung and Jeongin. They nodded and went downstairs.

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