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"Hell no, not happening" Woozi said as he walked out of his Alphas room. He was dragged back in there."Come on Woozi, it's just us scenting you. What could go wrong" Wonwoo said."Y'all always scent-drunk me and I hate it" Woozi said as he pouted.

The Alphas chuckled

SCoups walked over to the Omega and smiled at him."You know, your cute when you're scent-drunk" the Alpha said."And this is why I'm saying no" Woozi said."Why don't y'all go scent Vernon or Dino" Woozi said as he started heading for the door."Woo, is something wrong" The8 asked as he looked at the Omega."No" Woozi said straight forward. Woozi walked out of the room and shut the door.

"Something wrong" Junhui said as he looked at the Head-Alpha. SCoups looked at Wonwoo."I'll ask Vernon what's wrong with him" Wonwoo said as he teleported out of the room.


"Vernon" Wonwoo called for the youngest Omega. Vernon came from the Pups room and walked in the Alpha Quarter."Yes Alpha" Vernon said as he looked at Wonwoo."What's wrong with Woo" Wonwoo asked the young Omega. Vernon looked at the ground then back at the Alpha."What did you just ask" Vernon said as he pretended to not hear.

The Alphas looked at him."Vernon, what's wrong with my Head-Omega" SCoups said as he had a deadly look in his eyes. Vernon gulped and turned his head."I can't tell y'all" Vernon said."And why the hell not" The8 said as he stood up.

Vernon didn't answer

"Last warning" SCoups said as he walked over to the Omega."I'm sorry but I can't. I promise him I wouldn't say anything. I'm sorry" Vernon said."He just don't want y'all to know" Vernon said."Why" Wonwoo asked."I can't say" Vernon said. He looked at SCoups who was in from of him. He walked closer to him and got in his ear.

'Go to the Pups room. He will only tell you because he knows your going find out anyway' Vernon whispered. He walked out of the room."I'll be back" SCoups said as he walked out and went into the Pup room.

"Woozi" SCoups said. Woozi looked at him with tears in his eyes."Baby what's wrong" SCoups said as he ran over to his Head-Omega."Alpha, I'm pregnant. I'm sorry, please don't get rid of me. I can get adoration" Woozi said.

SCoups looked at him

"An adoration, why" SCoups asked as he looked at Woozi."I don't want you to get rid of me" Woozi said. SCoups sat himself and Woozi down."Baby look at me" SCoups said as he held Woozi chin."Baby, I don't care if your pregnant. I'm happy, I'm really am. I would never want to get rid of you. And I definitely don't want you to get an adoration" SCoups said as he kissed Woozi nose.

"So I can keep the pup" Woozi asked. SCoups smiled and nodded."Come, let's tell everyone the news" SCoups said as he stood up and held a hand out for Woozi to grab.


"Omg congratulations" Felix said as he hugged Woozi. Woozi smiled."Omg, a little alien running around in this house" Yeonjun said as he hugged Woozi."Wait, are you serious or are you joking" Seungkwan said. Woozi nodded hesitantly."He only told Vernon at the time. That's why Vernon did want to say anything" SCoups said as he looked at Seungkwan."I'm happy for y'all" Namjoon said as he hugged Woozi."Thanks Joonie" Woozi said as he smiled."Wait, I'm lost" Jungkook said as he tilted his head. Woozi walked over to Jungkook and sat him on his lap."Meaning I'm pregnant with my mates pup. Meaning I have a baby growing inside of me" Woozi explained to the little pup.

Jungkook nodded

"Taehyung don't even think about it. My baby is going to stay pure and innocent until he's old enough" Woozi said as he looked at the Alpha. Taehyung pouted."Your so mean" Taehyung said as he continued to pout."Your a pervert Taehyung" Ni-ki said as he chuckled."Oh be quiet Ni-ki" Taehyung said as he continued to pout. Ni-ki and Keeho was laughing at Taehyung as he was pouting."Stop laughing at me. Alpha, their laughing at me" Taehyung said to Namjoon."Not my problem" Namjoon said as he he buried his nose in Yoongi stitches.

Yoongi looked at the Alpha."What's wrong Alpha" Yoongi whispered."Nothing, I'm just keeping you close to me until you fully heal" Namjoon whispered back. Yoongi just nodding and looked at Jungkook."What's wrong pup" Yoongi said. Jungkook looked at Namjoon then back at Yoongi. Yoongi understood exactly what Jungkook wanted."Kim, Jungkook wants to cuddle you" Yoongi said. Namjoon looked at the little Omega."Come" Namjoon said as he patted his lap. Jungkook got on Namjoon lap and wrapped his legs around Namjoon."I'm tired" Jungkook said as he looked at Yoongi and started playing with his hair."Then sleep my pup" Yoongi said as he smiled. Jungkook nodded and continued to play with Yoongi hair until he fell asleep.

"Tae" Namjoon called for the little Alpha. Taehyung looked at him."Quiet down a little, Kookie is sleeping" Namjoon said to the Alpha. Taehyung nodded and ran after DK and Jeongin. Namjoon sighed as he smiled."Troublemaker" Namjoon said. He was referring to Taehyung.

Yoongi chuckled and watched as Woozi sat next to him."Congratulations twin" Yoongi said."Thanks Suga" Woozi said. Minho walked over to them and sat down next to them."I'm going to kill them" Minho said as he looked at Woozi. Woozi and Yoongi chuckled at their youngest brother."Lee Know, you can't kill them. Your mostly younger than them. It would be impossible to kill them" Woozi said as he continued chucking.

Minho smirked

"Oh brothers, y'all don't know me that we'll do y'all" Minho said as he continued to smirk. The twins looked at him confused. Bang Chan came downstairs to help the confused twins."Even if your mates are older than him and a lot more powerful and stronger. Doesn't mean Lee Know can't kill them" Chan said as he walked over to Namjoon and took Jungkook from him."Felix want to cuddle him with Wooyoung. You'll get him back eventually" Chan said as he walked upstairs."Eventually means never" Minho said."Oh I could have figured that" Namjoon said as he lend his head on Yoongi shoulder.

Vernon and Taehyung came running towards the four on the couch."Can I have your black card Woo" Vernon asked with his hand out."Same with you Suga" Taehyung said doing the same as Vernon. Both of the twins handed the boys their cards and the two ran off."Y'all going end up broke messing with those two" Minho said."Not just them, Taehyung teaching Jungkook how to use my card. I rather spoil him than let him get what he wants" Yoongi said."Then stop letting Taehyung get your card unless he stops teaching Jungkook how to use it" Minho said as he shrugged."Hm, not a bad idea Know" Namjoon said.

Yoongi started chuckling."He's not going be happy" Yoongi said as he smiled."Who's care" Minho said as he shrugged.

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