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After their dinner, both of them went to Jeon Mansion as Lisa was tired because of her cramps.

She doesn't want to cancel the movie date but Jungkook insisted on going home. So she has to agree in the end.

When they reach the Jeon Mansion, it was past 9 pm.

There was no one in the living room when they entered the mansion.

Mother Jeon has gone home after having dinner with Mrs. Oh as Jungkook has arranged a driver for them.

Both of them had dinner, so they directly went upstairs to their room.

As they reached the first floor, Lisa shouted as she was startled when Taehyung suddenly appeared in front of them when they were in the last step of the stairs.

It was creepy when he suddenly appeared in front of them in the dark hallway.

The lights of the floor was off when he silently appeared in front of her.

When Lisa shouted, Taehyung panicked and went to cover her mouth with his hand.

But before he could touch her, Jungkook slapped his hands away.

He looked at Jungkook with his mouth open.

He can't believe that this was his brother. They're related by blood but he was being protective like he would run away with his wife.

Taehyung glared at him in disbelief.

"Brother, why did you do that?" Taehyung asked him in the hallway.

Jungkook and Lisa reached the first floor and Taehyung stood opposite of them.

Lisa blinked at Jungkook because she was not sure what are they talking about.

Jungkook ignored her curious eyes as he glared Taehyung, "Stop talking nonsense and go to sleep."

Taehyung was hurt by his brother's behavior. It was too much.

"Brother I am not going to sleep. You have to give me an explanation of your unreasonable actions. How could you do that to me?" Taehyung held Jungkook by hand to stop him from going into his room.

Lisa cannot hold her curiosity and the situation doesn't seem right.

She looked at Taehyung and asked, "What happened? What are you guys talking about? "

Taehyung looked at her and said, "Ask your husband about what he has done to me." he said in a sarcastic tone.

Lisa turned to look at Jungkook but the latter avoided her gaze.

She became suspicious when he tried to avoid her.

She left him and went to Taehyung and asked him, "You tell me, what happened? "

Jungkook was dumbfounded when Lisa left him behind and went to ask his brother.

His expressions darkened as he stared at his brother to not say a word.

But Taehyung ignored him and said, "Lisa, you know what brother did to me? In the morning he asked me to go to the company because of an emergency right?"

Lisa nodded because she remembered that.

"But when I reached the office, I got to know that there wasn't an emergency. Not only that, it was the rest day that I got after so long that my brother has ruined. "

"I had planned it all as I wanted to spend it with you and Mom. But he lied to me," he said while crying without tears.

Lisa looked at the crybaby in front of him and don't know what to do.

She has never seen a man crying, that too without tears. She just stared at him awkwardly and patted his back.

Taehyung continued, "Not only that, the script he gave me in the morning to make an audition video about it?" he asked Lisa if she remembers or not.

She thought for a minute and nodded.

When they were on the phone they talked about something audition and script. But she doesn't know the whole story.

"Brother has given me that script to make an audition video as he said that he has picked this script for me. Though it's not my field but I still did, because brother told me."

"But when I reached office today, my manager told me that there is no script like that for me. He lied to me about it," he said while shouting at Lisa.

He glared at Jungkook because he felt wronged.

'How can his brother give him the script of the movie which is already going to release the next month?

Jungkook's intentions were clear.

He wanted to keep Taehyung away from Lisa that's why he did his best to keep him busy.

Lisa was stunned to hear Taehyung's story.

'How can he do to his own brother?' she felt bad for him.

She turned to look at Jungkook who was glaring at Taehyung threateningly.

Seeing Lisa's gaze, he immediately turned his eyes from them.

She sighed seeing the childish behavior of them.

'Who can think that the most frightening CEO and the most famous artist could be such childish and crybaby.'

She looked at Taehyung and said, "Erm. I will talk to him about this matter. Don't worry." she said while trying to send him away.

Taehyung looked at her and said, "Don't talk to him. Just scold him. No, wait... Don't let him sleep with you for a month. That will be the best punishment for him." he said as he neared to her ears and spoke in a low voice.

Jungkook who came near to then to hear their conversation, his face blackened when he heard his brother's words.

'How can this guy... curse me like this?' Jungkook angrily smacked Taehyung's head.

"Ouch. Why are you hitting me?"

"Because you deserve to be hit. You go to your room. Go." he pushed him towards his room.

After sending him off, Jungkook turned to look at stiffened Lisa, who froze on the spot after hearing Taehyung's words.

It felt awkward for her to hear such words from a man. Her face reddened as she remembered his words.

Technically speaking, they are already sleeping separately. But there are few incidents when she had to sleep with Jungkook.

She realized that they had to sleep together tonight, as there is only one room and a bed. She they have no choice but to sleep together.

She still felt awkward when they talk about sleeping together.

They hadn't started sleeping together on the same bed as a married couple.

She was hesitant to go into their room.

Jungkook saw her hesitance, as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in and closed the door shut.

Taehyung who just came to give one last advice to Lisa had to witness this scene as his ears turned red.

'They are so bad. I also need a girlfriend.' seeing them burning in passion, he also felt a need for a girlfriend.

"How can she forget my advice so quickly? Traitor," he mumbled as he turned around to went into his room.

'What's the use of being so handsome when I can't even have a girlfriend?' he stomped his legs and went into his room. 

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now