235.I want to live my remaining days peacefully

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Lalisa was looking at everyone and observing their expressions.

A slight smile appeared on her face seeing their amused and satisfied expressions.

Mingyu looked at Lalisa and said, "Thank you for giving me this present. I will use it well."

Lalisa smiled at him and nodded.

Eunbi also looked at her happily and said, "Sister, thank you for this gift. I will use it well." she said with a smile on her face.

For a moment, Lalisa was surprised by Eunbi's happy behavior because it was the first time that her words seemed sincere to her.

'Does she like it that much that she actually forgot the enmity between us?'

It seems that she just found out the secret controlling Eunbi.

Lalisa did not say anything to her but just give her a smile with her lips pursed together.

She was kinda afraid of her changing behavior and attitude. She liked the old Eunbi better because at that time their relationship was clear.

They were enemies.

But with sudden friendliness and gentle attitude, Lalisa felt goosebumps seeing her bright smile.

Jeongguk didn't say anything and kept looking at the box in his hands.

He was wondering about does she always liked to do things like this? But he never saw her getting excited about dressing up or something.

However, now she was making her own unique style of cosmetics and was giving more attention to her style and clothing.

Her walking style, eating style, even sleeping style also changed. Does this because of amnesia only or something else?

Lalisa looked at him who was in his thoughts while holding the aloe vera gel box.

"Your highness, what happened to you? Don't you like my present?" she said politely.

Seeing a quiet and confused look on Jeongguk's face, Lalisa felt that he did not like her gift.

'He must have thought that it's for ladies that I gave it to him. Tsk. Can't he just smiled a little for the sake of formality?'

Jeongguk looked at her and shook his head. "It's nothing. This is very good. I will use it well." he said while raising his box and showing it to her with a slight smile on her face.

After that Mingyu went to his room which was given to him because he used to stay here whenever he comes so he already has his room here.

He wants to meet Sandara but she was not in the palace and went to meet her friend in a nearby village and will come a few days later.

Lalisa was happy that she was not in the palace and she will relax and rest for a few days without any issues.

When Lalisa and Eunbi exited the palace to go to their chambers, Eunbi asked Lalisa who was going towards her chamber, "Sister?"

Lalisa turned to her when she heard Eunbi calling her out. "What is it?"

She was confused because the way Eunbi was behaving was quite different.

Eunbi smiled at her and said, "Sister, you're not angry with me for barging into the room in the morning right? I did not do that intentionally. I really came to check on you when I get to know that you fainted last night." she said with a wronged and sorry expression.

"Mother wanted to see you and abruptly opened the door without knocking it before. I know it's our fault that we didn't take permission before entering. I am really sorry if we have upset you." she said with her head hung down.

Lalisa felt weird seeing her behaving this way.

'Do the villains in this world, change instantly?'

Lalisa forced a smile and said, "It's okay. I am not bothered by it. And it was not strange for me and highness to be together, so what's there to be embarrassed about? I know his highness should not have shouted at you and Empress Dowager but please don't take his words to heart."

"He just wanted to protect me and was worried about me. And it was indeed inappropriate for you to barge into the room like this because what if we were doing something? I mean you should not enter into anyone's room like this. It will be embarrassing for you if you had to witness something inappropriate." Lalisa said with a sly smile on her face.

"I don't have any issues with you. So don't take anything yo your heart. Relax." Lalisa patted Eunbi's hands and turned around to leave without letting her say anything.

Eunbi: " - _ - "

'This bi*ch.' Eunbi gritted her teeth in anger when she heard her words. She was directly implying that what if they were doing something? How could she speak something shameless?

Eunbi was planning to fix her impression on Lalisa because it seems that she does not believe her words like before.

In the past, Lalisa never doubted Eunbi even once because she also pities her because she was the second wife of the Emperor.

She never thought that between her and Eunbi there is personal enmity and always believed that Eunbi was a naive and innocent girl because she was very innocent and obedient in front of Lalisa.

It was Sandara who compared both of them and always favors Eunbi more. But Lalisa never thought it was Eunbi's fault in this.

However, from the last few days, Eunbi was feeling uncomfortable because Lalisa does not listen to her words anymore.

When she heard Lalisa's words just now, she felt relieved that she has no problems from her and only blames Sandara.

However, her words and actions didn't match. She said her words and then left. She didn't even wait for her to complete her words.

Though she did say that she has no problems with her but it seemed like she was showing off and provoking her.

Eunbi could not figure out what she was thinking. She gritted her teeth but didn't say anything.

Lalisa and Minnie left together to go towards the lotus pavilion. When they walked quite a distance away from Eunbi, Minnie asked, "Miss, why did you say that you have no problem with her? Did you forgive her?"

"How could you do this? She is just pretending to be nice and nothing else."

Lalisa looked at her and smirked lightly, "Minnie, do you think I am too magnanimous to forgive her? I am just not in the mood to fight with her and moreover, she didn't say anything wrong."

"She was trying to make me believe that she didn't mean to barge into the room but it was Sandara. Do you think that I am stupid enough to believe her words? She looks innocent but she definitely isn't."

"But I will not attack her unless she does something to me. I am not here to fight with anyone. I just want to live my remaining days here in peace." she said while walking and adjusting her gown.

Minnie didn't say anything and just followed. 

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now