482.You should open a restaurant

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Lisa ignored everyone's judging gaze and went to her work. Firstly she cleaned the counter where she was supposed to cook.

For her, cleanliness is very important before starting cooking.

Soon, Tzuyu got a phone call and she went somewhere for a few minutes.

After that when she came back, with 4 people by her side.

Two men and the other two were women.

Lisa stared at them in confusion, while Jaebeom went to greet them. They were the members of the cast and the cameramen and makeup artist of the movie.

The director Han has arranged for them to come for the workshop as well. They were the permanent staff of the production and was working with Mr Han for long.

If the staff get along with the actors, then it will help them to work more efficiently and in a good environment.

The other two young men and women were the other supporting cast of the movie. The girl was Jeongyeon who is playing the role of a concubine of the Emperor.

She is a playful and bright girl. She has worked in Mr. Han's other movie as supporting character before as well. He liked this girl and gave her a role in this movie.

Whereas the guy is going to play the role of Emperor's stepbrother. He has gotten along with everyone and wanted to join everyone at this workshop.

Jaebeom already know the cameraman and the makeup artist as he has met them while accompanying Mr Han for interviews.

After than Tzuyu introduced them to Lisa and Sehun.

"Lisa, Sehun, come here. Let me introduce you guys. Lisa, this is our most hardworking cameraman. And this beautiful lady is our makeup artist who will transform you guys into your character."

"They would have joined us earlier but due to some work, they came late. You should get to know each other well because they are the ones who can make you look good in front of the camera. " Tzuyu said in a low voice but enough to hear by everyone.

Everyone laughed hearing her words.

"And this is Jeongyeon, she will act along with you as the concubine of the Emperor. " Lisa greeted her with a warm. Smile.

Then she introduced Beomgyu, who will perform as Emperor's stepbrother. There were other actors as well but not everyone could join them today because they had other schedules lined up or some don't need to take this training.

This is not only just a workshop for them to get to know each other but it is also held to make them aware of the historical culture and etiquette. They will be given a class on it later.

Lisa and Sehun greeted everyone and after that Tzuyu sent them upstairs to freshen up while they busied themselves in cooking for everyone.

Sehun has successfully started the fire and glanced at Lisa proudly.

Whereas Lisa was busy in her work and has asked Mina to cut the veggies and meat for the barbecue in small pieces.

While she prepared a marinade sauce for it. Her hands worked skillfully as she seasoned the marination perfectly.

Except Sehun, everyone there was zero in cooking. They all live alone and do not have time to cook for themselves.

So they mainly lives off on the instant food. When they saw Lisa preparing the food, they were in awe.

She was preparing for a marinating sauce on one side and was working to make noodles on the other.

She was making various dishes at the same time. Even Sehun and Mina was surprised to see her working like this.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now