209.Are you dating someone?

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After getting into the elevator together, Heechul took Lisa to Seulgi's cabin directly.

When Lisa entered the public relations department with Heechul, other people were surprised to see them together.

Lisa was looking beautiful and fresh. When they saw the bright smile on Heechul's face while looking at her, they were getting suspicious of their relationship.

Heechul was handsome and a hard-working man but he knows how to mark boundaries with other people with whom he was not close.

Everyone knew that Momo likes him but he doesn't. That's why they feel awkward when everyone goes somewhere together for dinner or something.

Lisa politely greeted everyone in the office and went to Seulgi's office with Heechul.

Seulgi was on the phone when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," she said as she turned to look at the door after hanging up the phone.

She smiled when she saw Lisa coming in with Heechul.

"You're on time. Eh." Seulgi commented as she looked at her watch.

Lisa smiled softly and said, "Yes. "

"You can sit here comfortably." Seulgi gestured Lisa to sit on a sofa in the room.

She turned to look at Heechul, "Get us the contract for her to check again and sign."

Heechul nodded and went outside to bring the contract from his desk.

When Heechul left the room, Seulgi turned to Lisa and sat opposite of her.

"You read the contract, right? Do you have any requirements?"

"Yes." Lisa said casually.

Seulgi raised her brows and said, "What is it?"

Lisa looked into her eyes and said, "I won't do kissing and bed scenes for acting. So please add this one to the contract. "

When Seulgi heard Lisa's words, she raised her brows in surprise.

She had thought that it would be maybe some requirements or the dating ban but it refrained from taking projects that include kissing and bed scenes.

She was surprised because she had not expected her to say something like this.

Because Lisa was young and inexperienced and many girls like her tend to do anything to get a role in a movie.

These days there are no movies without any kissing scenes or like that. It would be hard to get roles for her to not do kissing.

Seulgi looked at her and said while picking her phone up, "But if you don't do those things then it would be very tough for you to get roles in the future."

"Because almost every movie requires kissing these days. And not everyone was ready to go with angles only. The people these days are more explicit and do it for real on the screen. " she said coolly as she domineeringly looks at her.

Lisa looked at her and said without blinking her eyes, "I don't mind getting fewer roles in the future. But I won't take any role which requires me to kiss on the screen for real. "

"How can I do something like this to a stranger even if only for the acting?"

Seulgi looked at Lisa and raised her brows when she heard her words.

"Are you dating someone? Is your boyfriend uncomfortable with you kissing a man for acting? Is that why you don't want to do this?" Seulgi said directly as she waited for Lisa's answer.

Seulgi has worked with many actresses before and she knows how their boyfriends get crazy because of their roles and acting.

Due to this, many good actresses had to let go of their careers because of their nagging.

If this was the case with Lisa then she will have to think about this.

There is an important clause in the contract that is the dating ban.

The artist was not allowed to date for 4 years after getting hired as an artist under Global World.

The ban is to keep them from the unnecessary scandals which may ruin their career which was just getting starting to soar.

But if they have someone that they like then they had to tell their managers. So that they can manage the problems that may arise in the future.

Global World's dating ban is not like the other companies which leaves their artist if they have scandals or proved dating.

The dating period is for 4 years but if that cannot be kept than the artist have to inform her or his manager first before anything else.

Global world is like a family and a guardian of their artists which support and protect their artists at every step in their career.

That's why most of the artists of the Global World were successful and does not have to face many scandals like other artists under other companies. Every new rookie yearns to enter such a company to secure their career.

Under the management of Seulgi, the PR skills of the Global World reached its zenith.

She has a unique and creative way to resolve scandals.

When Seulgi asked her a question, Lisa was baffled and a little hesitant when she heard her question.

Before she could say anything, they heard a light knock on the door.

After that Heechul entered the room with the contract in his hand.

He smiled at Lisa and turned to look at Seulgi, "Mam this is the contract that you asked for." he respectfully handed the contract to her.

Lisa didn't say anything and just sat back and saw Seulgi checking the contract.

Seulgi looked at the contract and then glanced at Lisa.

When she saw the subtle smile on her face, she raised her eyebrows at her.

She didn't say anything to her and turned to Heechul, "take this contract out and edit it. Add another clause that Ms. Lisa will not take any project which will include any kissing and bed scenes on the screen."

"Also add that the scenes can be accepted if she had to do with angles only." then she turned to look at Lisa and asked," You're fine with angel manipulation right? "

"Because we can't get you only projects which do not include such scenes. We have compromised so I think you should also compromised a bit. " she casually asked her.

Lisa faltered a bit but then nodded. It's better than real kissing.

Moreover, Seulgi has already accepted her main requirement so she also has to understand a bit.

But she was still worried about Liwei's reaction. She knows that he could get easily jealous.

She has witnessed how jealous he could get even with his brother. 

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now