246.She won't get her memories because....

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Lalisa sat on the bed and looked at the old man approaching her who has a white long beard with wrinkles covered all over his face who was wearing a white robe and a white long hat.

His whole aura was very different from the doctor which has treated her earlier. She felt her palms sweating when the doctor sat on the chair beside her bed and took her hand from her lap which has been turned into a fist.

She nervously looked at Jeongguk and he smiled at her assuringly and said, "This is Master Gong who has served as the Imperial Doctor at the time of the Old Emperor."

"After his death, he left for the mountains to meditate leaving the Palace. However, I searched for him and bring him here to treat you so that you can get better. "

"He is much more senior and experienced than our Imperial doctor and can figure out your problem in an instant. So don't be nervous and let him check your pulse," he said while nodding her head in encouragement.

He thought that she was worried about seeing the unknown man who was treating her. After all, the aura that Master Gong gives was quite burdensome and reserved.

Lalisa forced an awkward smile when she heard his words. At first, she was assuming things but there were some chances that this man might not be as good as he looks.

But Jeongguk's words confirmed that this doctor was more amazing that the imperial doctor who has announced her having amnesia before.

The last time, when the doctor has checked her condition, he was fl.u.s.tered because besides the weakness and low blood pressure he did not find any problems with her health.

He does not feel that she has something wrong with her brain. But seeing her unfamiliar behavior and not recognizing anyone brought him into a spot.

If he could not figure out the problem with Lalisa's health than shouldn't the Emperor throw him out of the palace?

Moreover, Lalisa kept insisting that she does not remember anything not even Jeongguk and nor herself.

He could not possibly say that she was pretending to lost her memories as she was still the Empress and Jeongguk would have caught and thrown him into the chamber to torture him for accusing the Empress to feign illness.

So he could only diagnose that she has amnesia due to the effects of her being woken up from the coma and stated that she will get her memories soon as it is only temporary amnesia and she needs to focus on food and take nutritious food and medicine on time.

He thought that she might get healthy with the medicine and will get her memories back. After telling his diagnosis to the Emperor, he felt that this might be the right thing to do and she must have forgotten her memories due to the shock only.

The old man took her hand in his and closed his eyes to feel her pulse. Lalisa was restless and looking at the man in nervousness that he will find that she was pretending to have amnesia.

The room was quiet and she felt that this silence was killing her and she could feel her heart beating crazily. A sweat bead rolled down from her forehead to her cheeks and making her more nervous.

After a few minutes of holding her hand and feeling her pulse, the doctor opened his eyes and released her hand and placed it back on her lap with ease.

She saw his unhurried actions and felt more nervous when she first arrived at this unfamiliar strange world.

The man opened his eyes and did not say anything and kept staring at Lalisa with his mysterious eyes.

Lalisa felt chills when he looked at her with the mysteriousness in his eyes and she saw the corners of lips curving up as if he was mocking her.

She stared at him in bewilderment seeing his strange behavior. The man whose face was covered with wrinkles and his eyes were big which was mysteriously looking at her.

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