280.She will be fine

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Hearing Lisa's words, Lia looked up at her with her eyes welled up and said, "It's not that I wanted to work for her. But I need money to pay for my tuition fee as my parents cannot support my studies financially."

"And this is the only job which can give me such a big amount of money for being her assistant. If not for this job, then I don't know what I would have done," she said with her dull expressions.

Lisa did not say anything. Mina also looked at Lia and remembered Tzuyu's words that Yeri is short-tempered and there are rumors that her assistants left work because of her rude and arrogant nature.

But now Mina understood the true reason behind their leaving. It was because of her frequent use of violence on her assistants.

She turned to look at Lisa and find her in a deep thought. She raised her brows and asked, "What happened? What are you thinking?"

Lisa looked at her but did not say anything to her. She looked at Lia and said, "Lia, do you think that bearing all this torture for the money is worth it?"

"Don't you have any self-respect?" she looked at her with her sharp eyes.

It seems like she was looking at herself in Lia when she was used to taking all the humiliation thrown at her by Sandara and Eunbi.

"Lia, you're not a small child who needs protection. You're 20 years old. You are an a.d.u.l.t and you need to make your decisions yourself."

"Let me tell you, no one can buy your self-respect for money. If you let another person trample over your self-respect just because you think that you're not good enough, then I don't think that anyone can help you."

"In this world, no one will help you. You need to help yourself and stood up for your self-respect," she said while looking at her determinedly.

Mina was also dumbfounded seeing fierce look in Lisa's eyes. She was feeling bad for Lia but Lisa's reaction was quite extreme.

Mina does not want to get involved in this mess, because if something went wrong then everyone will blame Lisa because she was a newbie and also Yeri has a foothold in the industry due to her backing.

She was feeling bad for Lia and they could help her by letting her live in their room for the night. There is no need for them to involve in this mess.

She wanted Lisa to stay away from this mess as much as she can.

Lia looked down and thought for a while. Then she looked at Lisa again and understood her meaning. She nodded and said, "I understood. Sorry for making you worry. I know what I needed to do from now on." she said while getting up from the chair.

"Don't worry. I will take care of myself and will not let anyone trample on me. I need to fight my battle myself after all." she said with a subtle smile.

Lisa looked at the pale face of Lia and smiled slightly at her.

"I am glad to hear that you have understood now. Apply this medicine before you leave." Lisa passed her the ointment to apply on her face and her hands.

After that Lia left their room to go out, Mina tried to stop her but Lisa held her back, "Don't worry. She will be fine now. You don't need to worry about her."

Mina was dumbfounded when she heard her words.

"What do you mean? If she will go there alone then that woman might hit her again. " Mina questioned her.

She was speechless when she saw Lisa walking towards the vanity table like nothing happened and pulled down the towel wrapped around her hair.

Lisa saw Mina shocked reaction from the mirror and smiled lightly, "Don't worry. She will be fine." she replied casually.

"She will not be at a loss anymore." she smiled as she took up a blower to dry her hair.

Mina stared at her in disbelief. She did not understand why Lisa was behaving different suddenly.

Lisa has seen the glint of confidence in Lia's eyes and was sure that this girl will not take injustice anymore.

Sometimes, a person needs some encouragement to see their true worth and needs to face reality.

In her past life, nobody gave her such words of encouragement and only told her to compromise with the situation and that she could not do anything in this life.

But coming into this world and receiving Jungkook's love, she realized that sometimes a few words of encouragement, can make the person face the reality and they can become strong enough to deal with the situation.

If she has helped Lia with her issue at this moment, then she will not be able to do anything herself. She would have needed someone to help her all the time in the future.

Facing the problem with head-on is a major step towards becoming an a.d.u.l.t.

If she did not stand up for herself at this time, then she will never learn to respect herself.

When both Lisa and Mina got ready, they went outside to go downstairs for the barbeque. They saw that Yeri's room was locked and no one was outside.

They could not hear any noise. It was extremely quiet.

Mina was feeling worried but Lisa told her to not worry.

When they head downstairs, they found Tzuyu in the hotel lobby. She was also going to the garden of the hotel as well.

They greeted each other. While walking together Tzuyu asked Lisa, "Do you know what happened to Lia?"

Hearing the name, Lisa raised her brows but remained calm.

But Mina was getting anxious and asked, "What happened to her? Is she fine? She is not hurt, is she?"

She was worried about that little girl and Lisa also didn't help her either. At least, they can keep her in her room for the night and then calm her down. But Lisa just let her go.

She was feeling bad for Lia because she is also an assistant and her family was not well off either in the past. So she knows how troublesome it is to gather their tuition herself.

She looked at Tzuyu in anticipation to know about Lia's condition.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now