262.Mina Myoi

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Lisa reached Global World before 11 am and went to meet Seulgi in her office. As she has arrived early, so she has some time and she needs to discuss a few things with her as well.

This time, she came in the car with a driver that Jungkook has arranged for her. It was Jungkook's personal driver but he assigned him for her because he cannot trust strangers and he has become quite protective of her since the last incident.

She asked the driver to leave but he said that he will wait across the street and will leave after she boards the bus.

Because Jungkook has strictly instructed him to make sure that she safely boards the bus and he was worried about her because the incident occurred in front of the Global World as well.

He does not want to be ignorant of her security this time.

As Lisa entered the PR department of Global World, she came across Momo whose mood expressions were sour and bitter.

She hated that Lisa got picked as the artist by Global World and not only that, she got in Director Han's movie for her debut.

Her attitude towards Lisa has become more estranged and sour.

But she didn't say anything to her and went to her seat to work.

Lisa frowned seeing her expressions but she ignored her as well. She was not here to be friends with her. She came here for work and after that, she has nothing to do with her.

Lisa went directly to Seulgi's cabin as she was waiting for her.

When Seulgi saw Lisa, she was surprised and glad as well. She was surprised that she was early and glad that she was fine and agreed to attend this workshop.

Seulgi does not want her to miss this workshop, because this workshop was very important for artists and this way she can build her connections in the industry and could learn something from others as well.

Moreover, Lisa needs to create her social circle and for that, she needs to maintain a good relationship with her staff and artists first.

This way she will learn to meet new people and make connections. In the entertainment industry, along with talent, connections are very important.

Without connections and only talent will lead you nowhere. She doesn't want her to drink with people or do something shady for that. She just wants Lisa to build her social circle based on her true and kind nature.

"You're here. Come, sit down." Seulgi asked her to sit down.

Lisa sat down without any hesitation and picked up the tea that Seulgi passed her to drink.

"How's your condition now? What does your doctor say?" Seulgi said as she looked at her from up and down.

Lisa does not have marks left on her face as she only had swelling on her forehead which has been subsided by now and the few scratches that she had, been healed because the doctor has provided her an ointment to remove those marks.

Lisa smiled lightly seeing Seulgi checking her out in concern, "I am fine. The doctor said that my injuries have been healed and my body has recuperated fast."

"He said that I will be fine going into this workshop unless I don't need to fight." she laughed lightly saying her words.

She had her check-up yesterday as she has her appointment with the doctor on Monday. The doctor was surprised to see her body recuperating well.

Because according to his diagnosis, her body needs to rest for another week as well but her condition was great and was enough to move around freely.

He has no idea how could her body can recuperate so well. Lisa's condition, a week before was very weak but he never expected that her body will get fine just after a week.

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