207.Your prince should come to pick you up

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After the breakfast, Lisa and Jungkook got off their seats to leave for the Global World, when Taehyung spoke as he followed them to the living room.

"I am also going for a meeting with my manager and the director regarding the next project and the Global World is on my way. So if you want I can drop her off. We are going to the same way anyway." he said coolly with his hands in his pockets.

He had heard Jungkook on the phone just now that he had a meeting and was postponing it just to drop her off at the Global World.

Lisa raised her brows when she heard his words, 'Wasn't he accusing me just now for betraying him? How can he drop me off with this mood?'

Jungkook turned to look at Taehyung as he contemplated his words.

Before he could say anything, Mother Jeon approached them and said to Jungkook, "Taehyung is right. You should go to the office, he will send her to the Global World."

"They are going the same way anyway. Don't think too much," she said her words as she patted Jungkook's shoulders.

This morning he has an important meeting but he decided to drop her first and then he will go to the office.

The timing clashed with his timing but he was worried to send her there alone. And now when Taehyung brings it up, he thought about it.

It's better to go with Taehyung than alone. This will also save his time and more than that, she will be safe with Taehyung.

Jungkook turned to look at Lisa and wanted to know her thoughts if she was fine with this setting or not.

Lisa looked at him and nodded and said, "It's fine. You go to the office first. He will drop me off. Don't worry." she said with a smile.

Jungkook was still worried about her. He was feeling bad that he couldn't accompany her to the work, so he turned to Taehyung.

"You better take care of her. Don't drive rash and cover your face when you drive. Otherwise, people will connect Lisa with you and I don't want that." he spoke sternly.

"Also don't talk nonsense on the way. Just drive with your mouth shut," he said with his blank expression.

When Mother Jeon saw Taehyung's foul expression when he heard his brother's words, she felt pity at him.

Jungkook is too cruel with his words when it comes to others.

Jungkook was afraid because Taehyung was a popular public figure. It's normal for him to have scandals but Lisa was going to act in a movie, and any scandal at this time would be dangerous for her.

It won't do much harm to him but as a girl, all the bash will be on Lisa and some fans become crazy over their idols.

He was worried about these scandals as well. He can't help but worry because at some time Lisa has to face something like this.

But right now, he can just help her train her mind to not mind things so that she won't be affected when something like this happens in the future.

Taehyung looked at his brother and rolled his eyes at him when he heard his words.

'Does he have to go this far? She is just going to sign the contract there but is there a need to behave overprotective like this?'

Taehyung could not tell if the man in front of him was his brother or not.

He was cold and arrogant as usual but his tone becomes gentle when he talks to Lisa.

Not only that, he worries about her too much. It was nauseating for him to see them like this.

What can happen when he just wants to drop her off?

Taehyung didn't bother to respond to his unreasonable words and just nodded at his words.

Then he turned to Lisa, "I am going to take a car. You can wait for me outside." he coolly left the mansion and went to the parking.

Jungkook also went with Taehyung as the driver comes with another car to drop Jungkook off.

Before getting in his car, Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was walking towards the parking and said, "Do remember my words. Maintain a one-meter distance while talking to her."

Taehyung: " - _-"

In the end, Jungkook went to Jeon Corporations and Taehyung dropped Lisa at Global World.

He drives the black Mercedes which was luxurious and attractive.

When he stopped in front of the Global World, he didn't stop in front of the entrance of the Global world but on the opposite side of the road.

He was a celebrity and it may cause trouble if anyone spotted them together. Also, it was not good for Lisa's reputation to get out of the expensive car when no one knows about her background.

He wanted to be cautious rather than to regret later.

When Lisa got off the car, she turned to his side and he put down the black windows for her.

Lisa looked at him and said, "Thank you for dropping me here. You should also go now." She said politely to him.

Taehyung looked at her. His expressions were still sour but he was trying not to be petty.

He casually looked at her and said, "Hm. After the interview, you can just take the taxi if I am not free. I will call you if my meeting ends quickly."

Jungkook asked him to pick her up as well, but he was not sure if he will get free by then or not.

Lisa looked at him apologetically and said,"You don't need to worry about me. I can just call for a taxi for me. You can go and attend your meeting freely."

"I can go to Jeon Mansion on my own." She said with a smile on her face.

Taehyung looked at her and nodded coolly, "Hmm. Why would you need other people to take care of you when you have your loving husband?"

"Your prince should come to pick you up." He said sarcastically.

Lisa looked at his sour face and sighed, 'this man is so childish. He loves to hold grudges for long.'

After that Taehyung drive off and she sighed when she watched the car which disappeared from her vision in an instant.

She crossed the road and entered the office when she bumped into someone and staggered in her steps.

She almost fell but a hand reached out which held her and prevented her from felling down.

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