343.If You're Not Paying Then Who?

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After some time both of them get ready wearing the clothes that the hotel staff has prepared for them.

The clothes were comfortable and perfect for the hot weather.

Lisa was wearing a floral cotton dress with a pair of sandals. With her long hair, she was giving an innocent vibes in this look.

Liwie on the other hand was wearing casual wear as well. He was wearing denim jeans paired with a cream-colored shirt. He seldom wears casual clothes and whenever he does that, Lisa feels her heart melting away.

She feels so proud that this handsome man is hers. She can hug her, kiss her while others can only look at him from afar.

Lisa looked at him and nodded in acknowledgment. He looks good in anything he wears.

Lisa, who was putting on her makeup and was looking at her from the mirror paused when he suddenly turned to look at her.

Lisa shifted her gaze away from him and focused on the liner that she was applying to her eyes.

Jungkook smiled when he caught her staring at him from the mirror. He didn't bust her bubble by exposing her that he caught her instead he walked to her and asked casually, " You're ready?"

Lisa looked at him from the mirror and hurriedly put her liner down as she was done by applying it.

" Yes. Just give me a moment."

She applied lipstick on her lips and checked herself in the mirror for the last time. magic

In her last life, she wasn't much interested in getting ready and preferred simple life, but since she came into this world she realized that there is nothing wrong with getting dressed up properly.

With Lisa's memory, she manages to look presentable otherwise it would have been hard for her to adjust to this world's fashion.

This place has so many innovative items that she had never seen in her life. They have so many makeup products which makes the process of getting ready more easier and also increased people's dependence on makeup to a certain degree.

Just as a saying goes, everything has its pros and cons. Just like this, the things which made their lives made them dependable on it as well.

When she was done, she looked at Jungkook and said, " Let's go."

Jungkook looked at her and wrapped his arm around her waist and left the room.

After getting ready, both Lisa and Jungkook left their room and boarded their car to go to the restaurant.

Jungkook has reserved a table in a restaurant for their breakfast. The restaurant is luxurious and expensive.

After breakfast, they had planned to visit the tourist place nearby. Nearby because they had to go to the mall for shopping and they can have lunch there as well since it will be lunchtime by the time they will reach there.

In the car, Lisa was admiring the surroundings while Jungkook intertwined his fingers with her tightly.

He still cannot believe that they finally reached the advanced level in their relationship.. They finally consummated their marriage.

And if Lisa decided to consummate the marriage with him, then she must have decided to be with him for her life.

Because he now knows that she isn't the kind of person to make decisions hastily. If she has spent a night with him then she has considered everything and wanted to spend her life with him.

Now he can officially tear that stupid contract that they had made after she woke up from the coma.

He could not believe that he was the same Jungkook who asked for a divorce from her. If she didn't place the condition of waiting for six months at that time then he would have committed the biggest mistake of her life.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now