273.Do I have to forget my first love?

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Sehun glanced at everyone curiously and saw Yeri who was fixing her hair and was looking at him with interest.

However, his eyes came to a halt when he spotted Lisa in the third last seat. She was sleeping with her head supported by the window.

She has no idea what was happening around her and was unaware of the situation, she was sleeping peacefully.

A smile formed on Sehun's indifferent and expressionless face. Yeri's face darkened seeing him smiling warmly at Lisa who was sleeping.

She scoffed at seeing the scene in front of her. 'This girl sure knows how to attract men's attention. These kind of women tries to look weak and innocent just to gain their attention.'

Jaebeom who was looking at Sehun who has a masculine and admiring physique and his handsome facial features. His pointed chin and long legs were completing his overall look.

However, he also noticed the warm expressions on his face when he looked at Lisa. He pursed his lips but didn't say anything.

Tzuyu was still waiting for Sehun to say something but when she looked at him again and saw that he has no intention to say anything, she sighed and tried to handle the stalemate situation.

"Sehun, you must be tired right? Let's do the introduction later after we reach, by then you can sit on your seat and take a nap. It will take another 4 hours to reach the venue seeing the heavy traffic in the area." she said while looking at her watch.

They have not crossed the city yet because they have encountered heavy traffic on their way.

They were supposed to pick Sehun on the way since he had a schedule before this, so he was directly coming from his shoot.

He was wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans with sports shoes. His casual look was making him look more attractive and handsome.

Sehun looked at Tzuyu and nodded.

"You can sit beside Li..."

Before Tzuyu could complete her words, Sehun moved forward and sat at the empty seat beside Lisa.

Tzuyu: " -_- "

Tzuyu was also surprised seeing his actions. Yeri was sitting before Lisa. He could have sat beside Yeri because she has scooted over and has emptied the seat for him.

But he passed by her and sat beside Lisa.

She didn't even tell him that his seat is beside Lisa but he accurately went to sit beside her. Though Lisa was sleeping so she couldn't introduce her to Sehun.

The situation has become awkward after he sat beside Lisa. Yeri was looking enraged while Jaebeom's expressions were not pleasant either.

However, Tzuyu noticed that the situation was not favorable so she looked at everyone and told them to rest.

After that, she went to the last seat to sit beside Mina. When she sat beside Mina, she sighed lightly, " This workshop is not going to be easy." she murmured in a low voice.

"You're right."

Tzuyu turned to look at Mina and saw her smirking lightly. After that, they both laughed.

For some reason, Tzuyu has formed a very good bond with Mina. Mina was a simple girl with a great personality.

Sehun constantly looked at the girl sleeping beside him. Her petite face which was slightly red from sleeping and her pink lips were making her look like a baby and adorable.

A smile formed on his lips seeing her like this.

But soon his expressions stiffened when he remembered how he met Liwei that day in the mall and he introduced himself as Lisa's husband.

He has met Lisa last time in the mall when she has come for shopping with Mother Jin and he was accompanying his mother.

When he met her last time, he knows that Lisa was going to act in Mr. Han's movie but he didn't tell her that he was acting in the same.

But he didn't know that Lisa was already married. However, before leaving, he got to know that she was married and that too with Jin Liwei who was a well-known figure in the business industry.

He looked at Lisa whose head was hurting, which was against the window but she wasn't waking up either.

He stretched his hands and placed her head on his shoulder carefully. He adjusted her head and she finally found a comfortable position to sleep.

He smiled and looked at her beautiful face.

He remembered when he first met her again at the Global World, she was running away from him like a scaredy-cat.

He found out that she came here for the interview as an intern. That day he went there to talk with Seulgi about his scandal with a B grade actress which was creating trouble for him.

Though it was nothing for Seulgi to handle. She has managed many situations like this.

Sehun was an artist under the Global World as well. Though his father himself runs an entertainment company however he prefers to work for another company to avoid any suspicions of preferred or special treatment.

At that time, Mr. Han has not finalized the actress for the second female lead. His role as the second lead was finalized because he does not want to be the male lead this time.

He has worked in many movies as the male lead and he could have worked as the male lead this time as well but he didn't like the role of the male lead.

The role of male lead was of the Emperor who was married and has his wife waiting at home but he fell in love with a random girl with his way back home from the war.

Though in the movie, the character of the Emperor was righteous and does not look wrong. But Sehun did not like this character as he was cheating on his wife.

His actions cannot be justified just because he was an Emperor. Sehun is very picky about his roles and that's why people like it when he does different roles and always slays them.

This time he was playing the role of Emperor's younger brother who will be the second male lead and his character is against the Empress who likes her from the start but she got married to his elder brother.

Later, he saw the doom of his love in front of his own eyes. He has to see her in pain because of his brother's unreasonable actions and his so-called love for that unknown girl.

In the movie, he didn't get the girl and even saw her getting killed by the Emperor for trying to kill the new wife of the Emperor.

The role of Empress was played by Lisa.

When Sehun saw Lisa in Seulgi's office after long, he wanted her to be the second female lead of the movie.

He wanted to find more time to spend with her so that she could fall in love with him naturally. Ay that time, he didn't know that Lisa was married.

That's why he asked Seulgi to find some suitable actress and also hinted at her to convince Lisa to act.

Seulgi was quick-witted and took his hint very soon, so she proposed Lisa to try for the auditions.

And now when she has secured the role of the second female lead, but the situation has changed.

She was married and has a husband.

She doesn't even remember him. He was like a stranger to her.

He glanced at her face with his troubled expressions. He was feeling complex as he has no idea how to deal with his complex emotions.

He loved her but now she was with someone else.

'Do I have to forget my first love?' he looked at the glowing face of Lisa which was placed on his shoulders. She was shining under the bright sunlight.

He used his hand as a cover to protect her from the sunlight as it was disturbing her sleep.

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