359.Why Is She Being So Cautious?

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In the hospital.

Lisa looked at Park Bom with her brows furrowed when she remembered who she is.

She remembered the incident where Lisa met Park Bom and Eunji and this woman insulted Lisa and her family. They targeted and made rude comments on her when she didn't even say anything to them.

Lisa frowned as she now understood why Park Bom ignored her just now when she greeted her. This memory made her expressions stiffen as she felt the pain that Lisa had felt at that time.

She has also experienced similar incidents in her past life and heard many sarcastic comments which were worse than this. No matter how much she tried to convince herself that it is nothing and their words don't affect her but it does.

She can't help feeling upset and it made her self cautious and hesitant in whatever she does.

Even if you curse a tree every day, it would die in no time no matter how much water and sunlight you give it to us. When that tree cannot handle such abuse than as a human, how can she detach herself and not feel anything?

Lisa glanced at Park Bom with and frown and understood the reason for her behavior towards her.

Lisa and her past was not simple. But she wondered why Mother Jeon behaved like she did that time. She couldn't believe that Mother Jeon didn't support her and sent her away.

She has spent so much time with Mother Jeon and felt that she is not someone who helps the wrong and judges people on their family or something.? She felt that something was amiss and there seems to be something that Lisa doesn't know.

She cannot pinpoint anything particular but she feels like there is something amiss and she doesn't know.

She was thinking about if she had forgotten something when she heard Grandpa's voice, " Lisa, come here. This is my cousin Park Bom, Jungkook's Grandma. You must have not seen her before. Right?" grandpa wanted to introduce her to Park Bom as he wasn't aware that she has met her before.

Park Bom's expressions froze when she heard Old Jeon's words. She does not want to remember that day and especially her meeting with Lisa.

' What if she tells everything to Old Jeon about what happened between us that day?' she was worried about seeing the relationship between Lisa and Jeon family. Because at this time, Old Man will believe Lisa more than her seeing the current situation.

She had thought that Jungkook and her would get a divorce soon but that didn't happen.

She was pleased when Lisa fell into a coma because she disliked her. She had thought that this time their marriage would fall but that didn't happen instead her relations with everyone got much better than before.

Lisa looked at Park Bom with a blank expression and nodded her head. She looked at Grandpa Jeon with a smile and said, " I have met her before. Nice to meet you again Grandma. Oh, will it be fine if I call you grandma?" Lisa showed a troubled expression as if she had done a mistake.

Bom's body stiffened hearing her words. She pursed her lips and nodded at Lisa in response to her greeting. She has ignored her earlier because she does not want to acknowledge her but now Old Man was watching her actions and she can't possibly ignore her now.

But Lisa's last words made her puzzled. Before she could say anything, Old man looked at Lisa and asked, " Have you met her before? When? And why are you asking such silly questions? Of course, you can call her grandma. She is Jungkook's grandma, so she is your grandma as well."

Grandpa Jeon looked at Lisa adorably as he found her silly questions cute. He started to admire her more since she woke up from the coma because she became more expressive and loving.

Lisa smiled mildly at Park Bom with her eyebrows raised and said, " I just wanted to ask because I don't want Grandma to feel repulsive just because I called her grandma. That's why I asked. And you are right grandpa, I shouldn't have asked such a silly question. She is my Grandma as well because I am 'Jungkook's Wife' and his family is mine also. Right grandma? "she looked at Park Bom provocatively.

Her words were coated with extreme sweetness and it was different from the Lisa she had seen when she met for the first time.

She hasn't seen her since that day. It's been more than a year since their encounter and she was looking the same on the outer but her words and attitude are different.

However, she could sense the sarcasm in her tone. In the room, no one else knows what happened between them and when they meet so they couldn't understand the signals that Lisa was sending her.

Mother Jeon has gone back to Jeon Mansion as Grandpa asked her to go and rest for some time. She doesn't even know about Park Bom's arrival as well.

" Haha, Lisa, it's been a long time since I have seen you. You have changed a lot. You have gotten prettier." she smiled fakely as she tried to. Hide her hatred in front of Grandpa Jeon.

She still remembers how Chaerin insulted her and Eunji because of this bitch. She didn't come to Jeon Mansion since that day because she was embarrassed and ashamed about her granddaughter.

She scolded her granddaughter but in the end, she couldn't say much because she was still her granddaughter and her blood. Moreover, she was pregnant at that time.

She decided to hide this matter and let her get married to her boyfriend as usual. She does not want something to happen because Chaerin knows about her pregnancy secret, so she urged them to go to the civil office to get their marriage certificates.

They didn't hold a wedding ceremony and just signed the paper in the civil office and received their certificate. She convinced the groom's parents saying that handling a wedding during pregnancy could be exhausting and will harm children.

Of course, they agreed because they also cared about their grandchild. But they didn't know the reality that the child they were thinking as theirs was not theirs.

After their marriage, Park Bom sent them abroad to stay and live there because she was worried that if they lived here something would happen and if her son in law found out about this dark secret, their Park family's reputation would get ruined.

Lisa's lips curled upwards in mocking seeing the hesitant behavior Park Bom. But she was confused about her behavior.

Why is she being so cautious?

Lisa thought that Grandpa Jeon is here so it must be because of that reason she is minding her attitude and was afraid that she will tell him what happened between them that's why she is being this way.


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