351.Why do you keep saying sorry to him?

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Jeongguk looked at her actions and before she could raise her dress, he held her by the waist and raised her, helping her to climb up.

Lalisa was startled when he suddenly held her like this. But she acted fast as well and sighed in relief when she finally boarded the carriage.

After that, Jeongguk also climbed up the carriage.

Lalisa stared at him when he also boarded the carriage. She wasn't expecting him to join her in the carriage.

Suddenly the carriage which was big enough for the 3 people became very small for two people only.

She thought that it will be her only or Minnie who will sit in this carriage with her and Jeongguk will come on the horse or something.

' Won't the guys normally ride the horses in the dramas? Then why is he going in this carriage rather than the horse?'

She looked at him in confusion when he sat beside her. Jeongguk who just boarded the carriage and sat beside her sensed her gaze and turned to look at her.

When he saw her looking at him in confusion, he explained, " This is a royal carriage for both of us. "

This was a royal carriage which is for him and Empress to travel comfortably. He could sense that she was confused and he could understand why.

She does not have any memories so it was normal for her to behave this way.

She stretched her body and looked out of the carriage and saw Minnie who was happily waving at her. She pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

Even if she asks Minnie to board this carriage with her she will deny it because seeing her with Jeongguk is her life's motto.

She sighed and sat on her seat. She was feeling uncomfortable being with Jeongguk alone in this small carriage.

She took a breath and waited for the carriage to move.

Jeongguk looked at her from the side as his lips curled upwards. She was looking gorgeous even in this simple gown.


Minnie was smiling like a fool and was waving her hand at the carriage happily.

" Do you want to spend your whole life like this?"

She was startled when someone blew air in her ears. In panic when she turned around her hand hit Minho's nose.

" Ah" he groaned in pain. He furrowed his brows as he was annoyed that this girl can't even control her actions.

Minnie was scared when she saw Minho glaring at her. She did not want to hurt him but in a panic, she hit him unexpectedly hard.

She pursed her lips and looked at her innocently.

" I... didn't mean to hurt you." She tried to hold his nose and rub it to soothe the pain but Minho grabbed her wrist and asked, " What are you doing?"

Minnie looked at him and didn't say anything.

Minho felt that this annoying girl who keeps smiling like a fool looked quite adorable at this moment. He turned his head away and coughed lightly.

" We need to leave. Stop wasting time and climb up the horse."

Minnie stared at him unbelievably and asked, " Climb the horse? Me? Why?" she never sat on a horse before so how can she ride it?

Minho looked at her and narrowed his eyes, " Why? Do you want me to get a carriage for you?" he sarcastically commented.

Minnie pouted and said, " But I don't know horse riding. How can I ride the horse?"

Minho looked at her and replied, " Who said that you're riding it alone? You will sit behind me and I will ride it. Now hurry up." he patted her shoulder and walked up to the horse.

Minnie was speechless.

' Ride with him? I have to sit behind him?'

Her face turned thinking that she had to sit behind him. She never has contact with any men and now she has to sit behind him.

Sitting on a horse means that she would be very close to him. This was making her stressed that she has to sit behind him.

Her face turned red thinking about that.

Minho who reached by the horse turned to look back and saw her standing at the same place.

" What are you doing? Hurry up and come. Otherwise, I will leave you behind." he shouted from there and urged her to hurry up.

Minnie woke up from her stupor from his words and hurriedly walked towards him.

Minho was standing there while waiting for Minnie to hurry up. When she reached there, he held her hand.

She hurriedly jerked his hand away and asked in alert as she looked at him suspiciously, " What are you doing?"

Minho frowned seeing her behavior and coldly replied, " I was just holding you so that you can climb up easily. But it seems like you can do it yourself, so hurry up and climb up. We can't let His highness wait for us." he chided her and urged her to climb fast.

Minnie bit her lower lip when she realized that she thought wrong of him. He was just helping her to climb the horse.

Now he didn't even look at her. She took a deep breath and tried to climb the horse. She climbed half when she lost her balance. She fell when Minho held her from behind.

Minnie was scared but when Minho held her she looked at him nervously and was glad that he saved her from falling.

Minho swallowed lightly when his face was too close to her when he helped her. He looked away and supported her to sit properly.

After that, he also climbed up and took the horse's reins in his hands. Minnie was nervously sitting behind him and was confused about where she should place her hands.

Minnie felt that they were sitting too close. Their bodies were almost sticking to each other. She tried to create a distance between them but was startled when she heard Minho's voice, " What are you doing? Don't move like this otherwise, you will fall if you keep doing this." he shouted at her when she kept moving away.

Minnie was startled and said in a low voice, " Yes."

Minho coughed lightly hearing her low voice.

' Was I too harsh?' Minho who never talked to any woman and always served Jeongguk from the start was unaware of how he should behave with women.

" Hold me tightly, otherwise you will fall badly," he asked her to hold him tightly. Minnie who was already uncomfortable behind was startled when she heard his words.

She felt embarrassed while holding onto him. Just like Minho, she was also unaware when it comes to the relationship between men and women.

It's easy to advise others but when it comes to self, she doesn't know what to do.

She held his robe lightly with both her hands. Minho didn't turn behind but could feel her hesitance.

He pursed his lips and started the horse as he lightly kicked it to start the horse, " YAK"

Minnie was frightened when the horse suddenly started and started moving. She was unprepared and almost fell off but Minho held her hands and wrapped them tightly around his waist, " DIdn't I tell you to hold me tightly otherwise you will fall down badly. Do you want the Empress to scold me that I didn't take care of her maid?" he coldly said to her.

Minnie whose ears turned red because now her face was against his back and her hands were wrapped around his waist.

" I am sorry," she mumbled in a low voice. When she heard her voice, she felt like she was some other person. She was wondering, 'What happened to you Minnie? Why are you keep saying sorry to him?'

However, she couldn't say and do what she wanted even if she wanted to do it. Her body is behaving opposite to her mind.

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