279.Do you have to continue working for Yeri?

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Lisa sat in front of the vanity table and was prepared to remove her towel when suddenly she heard noises from outside.

She and Mina looked at each other in confusion and went to look outside.

Lisa was still having a towel wrapped around her wet hair which has exposed her smooth jade white neckline.

The comfy white dress that she was wearing was of half arm sleeves and she was looking more tempting and beautiful in this loose white dress making her look youthful.

When she opened the door of her room, she found Yeri's assistant Lia outside in the corridor with her bags thrown in the hallway.

Yeri's room was on the same floor as Lisa's. Yeri's room was next to her room.

Lisa and Mina was surprised to see Lia in the hallway with her luggage thrown outside.

She was sobbing as she pitifully picked up her luggage.

Lisa and Mina hurriedly ran towards her and helped her get up.

Lisa felt bad for this little girl because she was young and very hardworking.

It was her bad luck that she encountered such a monstrous person.

Lisa helped her getting up while Mina helped her tidy up her luggage off the floor.

Lisa patted her back and tried to calm her down, "Shh. Don't cry."

But when she removed Lia's hand from her face, she found a red-colored handprint on her face.

The handprint was not light. It was clear that she has been slapped hard which caused the side of her lip bleeding.

Seeing her condition, Lisa's expression darkened.

She has experienced this kind of attitude in her last life and that made her sensitive towards these kinds of people.

Before she could say anything, Mina also noticed the handprint on her face and s e hurriedly stood up and held Lisa's hand, "Let's go to our room first."

Lisa looked at Mina with gloomy expression but in the end, she gave up in front of Mina and went to their room.

There Lisa carefully make Lia sat on the chair who was trembling slightly.

Lisa felt pity for this girl and took her hand in her hand to calm her down, "Ahh."

But she realized that her hands were sticky and were red. It seems like they have been burned.

Lisa's expression became glum as she clenched her hands tightly as she asks Lia in a stern voice, "What happened to you? Why your hands are burned and have a handprint on your face?"

"Who did this to you? Is it Yeri? Did she slapped you like this turning your face red?" Lisa looked into Lia's eyes.

This little girl reminded her of Minnie who was similarly hard-working and very adorable.

However, she has to face injustice and many times has to bear the humiliation from Eunbi and Sandara in Lalisa's place.

Not only that, even their servants also looked down at her. Minnie has to bear the humiliation because Lalisa was not powerful enough to protect her at that time.

However, she never punished herself or never shot at her. But this kind of violence was common in the palace.

However, she has never thought that people in this world, who were very concerned with laws and human rights, could show such crude behavior.

At this moment, she realized that this world is no different from her time.

There are also a few people who do not treat other people as human. They think they can win everything with money and power.

Lia didn't say anything and just keep sobbing. Mina gets a cup of water and handed her to drink it.

Lia looked at Mina thankfully and took the cup of water with her trembling hands and drank it.

Lisa felt her head hurting seeing Lia in this condition. She was feeling bad for her condition.

She was just a child yet. She was in a college and was doing work to earn her tuition but what kind of things she did to deserve such heinous behavior.

After Lia calmed down, Lisa looked at her and asked again, "Did Yeri did this to you? Did she slap you? And what about this burn mark on your hands? What exactly happened?"

Lia was surprised to see the concerned look in Lisa's eyes and felt glad.

She pursed her lips and looked at Lisa vulnerably and nodded.

"After we came to our room, Yeri realized that we were supposed to stay in the same room. She doesn't want me to stay with her and does not want to stay her money to let me stay in another room as well. She told me to sleep on the floor at night near the toilet." she started explaining what has happened to her.

"She said that I would dirty the sofa if I sleep there. I should not think that we can sleep in the same room," she said with her trembling voice as tears rolled down to her cheeks.

Lisa and Mina looked at each other seeing Lia's condition. They felt that Yeri is much more cruel than they had imagined.

"I did not say anything because I was already used to her this kind of behavior. Then she asked me to get a coffee for her and told me to make it hot as she was tired and need to refresh."

"But when she held the cup, she flipped it over me which fell onto me which burned my hands. She said that it was too hot and shouted at me for not being careful. She disregarded the fact that it fell onto my bare hands and ordered me to get another cup of coffee."

"She didn't care that if I get burned or not. She only cares about herself. Not only that, when I tried to put an ointment on my burn before getting a coffee for her, but she shouted at me for being oversensitive and that I am not doing my work properly."

"I tried to reason with her but she slapped me hard on my face saying that I was being a brat and was arguing with her. She even threw my luggage out saying that I do not deserve to stay in the same room as her. She told me to sleep outside and do not dream to come inside." after saying her words, she burst out in tears.

Lisa's heart pained hearing the difficulties that a little girl has to face. Yeri was too much.

She resisted herself to go out and slap that bi*ch on face. Mina saw the dark expressions on Lisa's face and patted her arm, "Relax. You need to think rationally. You don't need to worry about this stuff. If you did anything then you would be only bringing trouble for yourself."

"And you have not even debuted yet. You can't afford to offend her. I knew this Yeri is not a nice person, but we can't dare to offend her at this moment. " she tried to cool her down.

Mina knows that Yeri is not someone nice and it would only harm Lisa for offending her.

Lia nodded hearing Mina's words and said, "Yes. Don't worry. I am fine. It's nothing serious. I am used to all this. It just.. I was so emotional right now that I make you all worried. But I am truly fine."

"I am used to all this. Her anger will calm down by tomorrow. It's nothing."

"Stop talking nonsense. How can you be fine? Do you think I am a fool that can't see your injuries. Lia is this all necessary to bear this much pain just to earn money. Do you have to continue working for Yeri?" she asked with concern.

She could not figure out why she is working for Yeri when she has to bear such torture.

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