346.His Highness Will Get Jealous

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After the feast, Lalisa was in good spirits as she is finally going out of the palace. She happily ate her remaining desert and followed Mingyu and Eunbi out of the main palace.

Jeongguk was coming with her but he remembered something and went back to his study as he asked her to wait for her outside the palace.

Mingyu and Lalisa stood out of the palace while waiting for Jeongguk. Eunbi does not need to wait for him and Lalisa asked her that she can go and rest but Eunbi didn't listen to her words and insisted on staying there.

Lalisa shrugged her shoulders and didn't bother with her anymore.

Lalisa noticed that Jeongguk was taking time to come out, so she turned to Mingyu and said, " See you tomorrow Brother Mingyu. Although I am excited to go out tomorrow with you yet I am feeling guilty that you might not get rest because of me." she pursed her lips as she felt bad for him.

She wanted to make him leave early so that he can rest even though it won't be much.

Though it's very selfish of her and she tried to postpone this trip as well because she wanted to let him rest but he insisted on joining them. So there is no way she will reject his kind actions.

Eunbi who was standing by her side sneered inwardly. ' Hah. Feeling guilty? This bitch, I never thought that she is such a seductress and would try to seduce Master Wen as well. His highness is blind that he cannot see her scheming.'

Mingyu smiled at Lalisa and replied, " You don't need to feel guilty. I had to go there anyway to check the work progress. And I am not that tired either. I am honored that you and his highness wants to visit my shop."

" Before this brother never showed interest in my business. But because of you, he is ready to visit my shop. " he looked at Lalisa with a smile.

Lalisa felt better hearing his words. She thought at first that Mingyu would be difficult to approach because he is Sandara's nephew and would hate her like other concubines and Sandara herself.

But surprisingly he is very friendly to her and he doesn't give much attention to Eunbi. She found out that he doesn't like Eunbi either.

She felt like she had found a common ground between them. He is not as difficult as she thought he would be.

Eunbi wanted to leave as she was not interested in waiting for them and Jeongguk was taking too long to come out but when she saw Jeongguk coming from inside, her eyes shone as she spoke, " Brother Mingyu, you're very nice to Sister. You are ready to ignore your fatigue just to make her happy. I hope you don't like her, otherwise, his highness will get jealous." she chuckled lightly.

Jeongguk who was coming from inside, stopped in his tracks when he heard Eunbi's words. His face darkened as he looked at Mingyu.

Lalisa frowned when she heard Eunbi's words. She glanced at Mingyu whose expression has turned dark as well.

She pursed her lips as she turned to look at Eunbi who was laughing lightly.

" Consort Eunbi, do you know that there are some things that you shouldn't say, even as jokes?" Her voice was not soft like other times.

Her tone was stern and polite. She does not want Eunbi to take her lightly. If she keeps talking to her gently then she will keep making such remarks.

She hated it when someone talks like this about her character. Her words may sound like a joke but it was a serious allegation for her.

Even though she was in Lalisa's body but Jeongguk is Lalisa's husband, by saying such words Eunbi is making things difficult for her and Mingyu as well.

Eunbi who was laughing stopped instantly when she heard Lalisa's rigid words.

Her expressions frowned as she looked at seriously. She wanted to let Jeongguk hear his words and wanted to show him how special Mingyu was treating Lalisa.

But she didn't expect Lalisa to have this kind of reaction. She thought that she might get upset but she will not dare to say it directly because she knows that Sandara is behind her.

She didn't bother about anything and spoke strictly to her.

Mingyu was also caught off guard. He wanted to say something to Eunbi but Lalisa beat him to it.

Jeongguk didn't come closer and stood there as he heard their conversation. He was also surprised by hearing Lalisa's words.

He wanted to see how Lalisa will handle this situation.

" Sister, I was just joking. Why are you getting so serious? It's not that you and brother Mingyu are in any affair that you feel guilty, or are you?" Eunbi raised her brows as she tried to provoke Lalisa.

Mingyu felt his blood boiling when he heard Eunbi's accusing words. She was making accusing remarks instead of accepting her fault and these kinds of words can sow the seeds of misunderstanding in the minds of people who will hear their conversation.

" Consort Eunbi. Mind your words. By saying such words, what are you trying to apply?" Mingyu roared at Eunbi as he could not take her disgusting words anymore.

Eunbi pursed her lips when Mingyu yelled at her. He never shouted at her before. Even though he never talked much to her before, he never ignored her either.

But since he started getting along with Lalisa, he started ignoring her existence. Even now, he shouted at her because of Lalisa.

'Everything is happening because of Lalisa. She has become more thick-skinned since she woke up from the coma. She should have died when she fell into the pond.' she clenched her fists tightly as she looked at Lalisa with a frown.

Lalisa was also surprised to see Mingyu getting agitated this way. She pursed her lips as she felt bad because Eunbi is dragging him in their personal grudges.

She does not want his reputation to be affected because of Eunbi's dirty tricks.

She looked at Eunbi and said, " Consort Eunbi, I don't know if you're even thinking when you said such words. But let me tell you one thing clearly." she paused as she looked at her seriously.

" Don't ever speak such words about me if you don't have any evidence. Speaking without thinking does not suit the head Consort of the JI Dynasty. " she folded her hands in front of her chest as she stood straight in front of Eunbi.

" If you say such things in a joke then people will start making stories and rumors will break out. I am warning you now because you said such words in front of me, but if I get to hear such baseless rumors again in the future, I will come to you because I hear you speaking such words about me. " she looked at Eunbi intimidatingly.

Mingyu was surprised seeing such intimidating aura of Lalisa. She didn't panicked or denied Eunbi's words, but she warned her if she heard such rumors in the future, she will come to her no matter who started this.

Because she knows that only Eunbi is capable of doing such things and then put the blame on others. She wanted to warn her that even if someone else spread such rumors, she will come to her only.

So that Eunbi would control her actions and will not think about spreading rumors about her with the help of others. She wanted to let her know that she is not a pushover and would take all her dirty tricks without retorting.

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