307.Don't move

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Lisa was panicked when no one answered her question from outside and even banged the door again.

She was so scared that she tried to call Mina but found that her phone was off. It was out of battery.

She gritted her teeth on her foolishness that she did not charge the phone and picked up the flower vase from the side table.

She needs something to protect herself just in case something went wrong.

She became scared and traumatized by the last kidnapping incident. Though she knows kung-fu, however, she never faced something like that.

It's been years since she has done anything after entering into the palace. Her skills have been rusted and Lisa's body is too weak to bear Kung fu movements. She needs to make it strong with constant practicing and exercise.

She is planning to do it after her injuries heal, so that she can do physical activities like before normally.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the door with her careful steps. Her hands were sweaty due to nervousness.

Even the vase in the hand was slightly unstable.

No one was on this floor and she didn't know who was outside. She cautiously walked towards the door.

She bent down to peep outside through the peephole. But to her surprise, she didn't see anyone.

There is no one outside!

She was confused. She thought that someone played a prank on her. She felt relieved.

She thought that it must be Tzuyu and Mina making fun of her. She relieved a sigh of relief and placed the flower vase on the side table on the side.

After that, she opened the door to catch the culprit, whom she thought was Tzuyu or Mina.

Because only they knew that she was sleeping alone in the room so they came to mess with her.

When she pushed open the door, she saw no one was outside.

She chuckled because she thought that they must have run away but just as she was about to shut the door a hand caught the frame of the door making her jump in fear.

She was startled that a manly hand came out of nowhere and held the door frame.

She was so nervous that she couldn't even react in time and felt her throat was choked. She was so nervous that she even forgot to breathe.

When she turned to her side, she saw a familiar face which was staring at her in amus.e.m.e.nt with a playful smile on his face.

Lisa stared at Jungkook in disbelief. She has never expected to see him here and that too at this time.

'Wasn't he at home when they talked on the messages earlier? How come he is here now? '

She was confused and bewildered. She doesn't know how to react.

It was so crazily unexpected that she doesn't even know how to react. She just stared at him in a daze.

Jungkook looked at Lisa who was in daze seeing him. She was still holding the door frame with her one hand.

His eyes darkened seeing her appearance which was making him insane and was tempting to the point where he can't even think properly.

She was wearing a white-colored plain dress with sleeves. The dress was a little up from the knees, exposing her smooth thighs.

It wasn't much short, but her overall appearance was too enticing. Her hair was now turned into a messy bun.

She was wearing no makeup but her skin was still shining. He could see his beautiful neckline which was to drool over.

Lisa....We Switched Lives! | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now